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Everything posted by RocCityRoller

  1. Even Marcell Dareus thinks this is dangerous behavior....
  2. You: Barrier is both physical and conceptual. There should be a regulated process of admission. For example, a murderer fleeing to another country, should be returned home to face justice. Otherwise, the migration should be free. Me: Does this apply to the US - Mexico border? What if the murderer flees over the desert? How do you determine this without an inspection? How do you handle MS-13? Would a wall help? PS: I'm like Blues Clues to you against my own arguments with you, even though you went personal with me in other posts. I literally gave you the other point and you were too dim to pick up on it (defund the police thread, Jeezus I literaly Bolded Baltimore) I'll go Socratic or straw man with you until you prove worthy of further debate. You have bailed out of every other debate with me except for ad hominem attacks. Sad what is taught in Lib Arts College 'degrees' these days. One would think 100k in debt would make you stronger. Exposure to counter points would make you a stronger debater. You do have the energy, I will give you that. 1) CHAZ has barrier borders - this is a fact 2) CHAZ has armed guards - this is a fact 3) CHAZ checks for ID - this is a fact Let's go further. Will CHAZ allow a Planned Parenthood?
  3. Nothing you posted here makes any sense. So I am going Socratic with you. You are free to reply to any of the posts I have replied to you in any number of topics. You are mad at my 'straw man' arguments, but feel free to attack me with ad hominem arguments when it suits you. 1) What is an open border vs a non barrier? Please explain your definition. I see barriers to entry to CHAZ, that is not inclusive. 2) What is the difference between 'regulated arms' vs 'unfettered access'? Who decides? Just a week or so ago the left was anti-arms. Actually this has been hundreds of years long. Why does the republic feel a need to bear arms? Will a militia stop anything? Why would a citizen feel the need to bear arms? That was the left argument until this week. I find it funny that a defund the police supporter wants to see MS-13 and others out arm any semblance of police. See other post since you seem confused. If I may speak for 'the right' (and I don't) we want 'regulated access' to our borders your 'borders' are made up. 3) proof of a SSID is ID. The left feels minorities can not provide proper documentation. This has been captured on 'joke' telecasts by late night talk show hosts for years, otherwise an ID requirement would have passed long ago. I think Black America was and is insulted by this, I'll let MLK speak for himself:
  4. Spring 2012: Karen is a suburban princess and has been taught she must get a degree to 'get ahead'. Karen's parents pay for extra study for her SAT. She gets a high SAT score. Karen wants to go to the fancy liberal arts college she has been accepted to. Until now daddy has given her everything she wanted, but now her parents who saved for a SUNY school can only afford to partially pay for her college. Eric grew up in the city, in a small apartment in an old run down building. Instead of learning math or science he was told to read 'White Rage' by the local school district and to be a victim because society is racist against black men. Eric had the library to study for his SAT. Eric's SAT score was below average. Eric was accepted to a few colleges, but is bright and has a mind for science. He has a grounded single parent home who could not afford a SUNY degree. His grand dad tells him to pursue a career instead of taking on debt at college. Both graduate High School. YR1: 2013 Karen: Big graduation party, $3k earned. Karen takes on 20k in loans to attend the 'elite' NE liberal arts college she was accepted to. She takes a lot of introductory courses. No marketable skills. Mom and dad pay some of her tuition and for her spring break. Eric: Listens to his grand-dad and goes to the local IBEW Hall and signs on as an apprentice electrician making $10/hr. It will take @8000 hrs experience to become a journeyman electrician. He puts in overtime to learn everything he can and become a journeyman electrician. Much of the work is grunt work, carrying and laying cable. He makes some mistakes but that is why a Master Electrician is there to check his work. Eric learns from early errors quickly. YR2: 2014 Karen: Takes on 20k more in loans and decides to fight systemic 'patriarchy' and becomes a gender studies major, despite the fact her dad gave her everything he could. Her NE school is 90% white. She has no marketable skills. Karen is argumentative at home, but her parents still pay for her spring break. Eric: Eric is in yr 2 of an apprenticeship to learn a skill at $10/hr, despite not having a dad in the house. He wants to be a self made man. At the end of the yr he has over 5000 hrs onsite, and a small bank roll to help his mom pay the bills. He makes fewer mistakes, and is always ready to help. YR3: 2015 Karen: Takes on another 25k in loans for her gender studies degree that has an inherent bias in her degree of choice. 9 of 10 of her professors is hard left in ideology. Group think starts to set in with Karen. Karen is now rude to her dad, and argumentative with her mom for 'being so soft' and 'not a real feminist'. No Spring Break now for Karen. Karen's younger brother also wants to go to college in a year, but the family can't afford to help pay for two kids to go to private college. Eric: Eric puts in more overtime to help reach the 8000 hr threshold, and studies for his journeyman test. His white foreman helps him, because of Eric’s work ethic. Eric shares his extra income with his family. They move to the suburbs where his younger sister can get a better education. He takes a small vacation to the Caribbean with his buddies paid for in cash. YR 4: 2016 Karen: Another 30k in debt, since the family has to help pay for two degrees and tuition has gone up. She is studying gender wage discrepancies for her dissertation. Karen has done well and is told she is an elite scholar. Karen must help women and minorities 'fight the system'. She graduates Magna ***** Laude with a BA in Gender Studies from a fancy NE college. Eric: Exceeds the 8000 hr threshold as an apprentice, and passes his journeyman electrician test. He is on job sites with white, black and latino workers daily. Together they help build a new mid-rise tower in their city. Eric now makes $30/hr as a journeyman electrician. He needs 4000 more hours, or two years to become a master electrician. End of YR4: 2017 Karen: 95k in debt. Her monthly loan payments are @$800 a month. She has troubles getting work with a BA in Gender Studies. Obviously the patriarchy is at its worst keeping her down because she is a woman. She can only find work in a call center for $12 an hour. Mom and Dad are stressed out figuring out how to send their son to college and help Karen. Karen moves back home to repay her loans, but buys what she feels she is entitled to, racking up 10k in credit card debt. Eric: Has no debt and a $35k bank roll. He has a job paying $35/hr. He lived at home, but payed half the bills to assist his mom. He has work buddies of all colors and backgrounds. His sister is also into a friend, but she is thriving in her new environment. Her new friends are teaching her how to code websites. He moves into a mid level apartment of his own at $1200 a month. YR5: 2017 Karen is in debt and stressed out living at home. She decides to date online. She sees Eric's profile and they meet for a date. Eric, flush with cash, takes Karen on a great date to the best restaurant in the city. During dinner Karen can not stop talking about systemic racism and sexism. She goads Eric to tell her of the systemic racism he has seen at work. He tells her of his poor education due to the city school district. He wished they focused more on STEM courses and life skills, instead of nonsense like 'White Rage'. He can not agree with her take on racism since his actual work environment is very diverse. When Karen finds out what Eric makes she goes on an embarrassing public rant about sexism and the patriarchy. How does a Magna Sum Laude woman from a top notch NE college only make $12 and hour, while an 'uneducated man' makes $35 an hour? This is obviously a sexist outrage! Eric takes her home, but will not date her again. Karen: Bought a SUV she can not afford, and resents her dad now who puts his son’s education above her SUV. She was Magna ***** Laude in Gender Studies from a fancy college. Eric: Leases a fancy car and turns in the keys and gets a new one when it gets old. His BMW is a symbol of pride he can afford, but he won't be stuck with a money pit. He also has no debt. Eric does not want a ‘car payment’ in the traditional sense, he wants to always have a new car and can afford it. YR6: 2018 Karen: takes 40k in loans to go back to college to get her Masters degree in Gender Studies, where at worst she can teach local college courses on the obvious gender inequality she has seen 'dating men like Eric.' She begins to date Joe, a guy affiliated with a group called ANTIFA. ANTIFA hates 'the current system' since it is inherently racist and sexist. They attend many virulent rallies in the name of women and minorities. Her colleges support this behavior. Eric: Finishes his 4000 hours as a journeyman, and becomes a master electrician in only two years. He now makes $50 an hour minimum. 100k is now an easy reach if he wants it. His sister has become a strong coder too. She helps Eric create a small business web site. YR7: 2019 Karen takes on another 40k in loans and finishes her gender studies Masters Degree. She is more radicalized than ever and believes women will never 'get a fair chance'. She attends any rally over any 'outrage'. Even with a MA in Gender Studies, she can only get a call center job paying $12/hr. Joe has the same type of job, but likes craft beer and his beard. Eric: Works with some business partners he worked with in the past and proves himself to be a very good project manager. Soon construction companies are asking if Eric will strike out on his own. He buys a small house in the suburbs and finds out he has good neighbors who help each other out. His neighbor only charges him 50% of rate to fix his plumbing. He fixes a neighbor's electrical wiring for 50% of cost. He has been accepted 'in the circle.' His website is gaining traction due to the efforts of his work and his sister. YR8: 2020 Karen: Is living with ANTIFA Joe in a small apartment in Eric's old building. She has her MA in Gender Studies, and Joe has a MA in Anthropology. They are locally sourced vegans and host parties of like minded broke radicals from other colleges. Karen owes $1k a month in student loans, as does Joe. They barely scrape together the rent. They support Bernie Sanders in the 2020 campaign because he will magically wave away their student loans at tax payer expense. Eric: Decides to open a small business in the old neighborhood he grew up in, and speaks to the high school he attended about his path. He hires his sister as a % of his business. He downplays radical politics and racism. He supports the virtue of STEM education. Eric brings on 2 new apprentices from his former high school at $12 an hour and teaches them the virtues of hard work. March 2020 - COVID: Karen and Joe: As basic call center workers, Karen and Joe get to collect unemployment from NYS and the Federal benefit of $600 a month. Eric: Since Eric is a small business, he has to shut down and can not collect any benefits at all according to New York and Andrew Cuomo. His 2 employees are left in limbo. May 2020 - Greg Floyd Murder: Karen and Joe: They have been waiting for this moment. Rallies have occurred due to the racist murder of Greg Floyd by Officer Chauvin all over the country. Most have been peaceful. But the Karen's and Joe's of the city dress up in their ANTIFA 'riot gear' and head out to the peaceful protests to stir up trouble. Rioting occurs and local businesses in the neighborhood are not spared. They fire bomb every business they can in the neighborhood. No one knows why other than anarchy. The bank on the corner gets fire bombed first. The Autozone is next. Eric and his apprentices speed toward their business. They park haphazardly and rush out of the car. Eric rounds the corner. It is already too late for his neighbor. The riot has smashed and looted the Korean grocery store next to Eric's business. It gets set to flame after being pillaged. That was a first generation American family, what did they do to deserve this? A woman in a baliklava lights a molotov cocktail. Eric yells to her to stop! He sees her and recognizes Karen even in her riot gear. She sees him, and delights in what will happen next. The guy next to her smashes in the window to Eric's business, and she throws in the lit Molotv Cocktail. The building standing since 1845 becomes ablaze. Eric rushes into the blaze trying to rescue the people living in the apartments upstairs. Karen and Joe yell ‘Black Lives Matter’ and run like cockroaches. Eric never came out again. He was consumed in the flames trying to rescue the family above his business. No one survived. Karen, Joe and other members of ANTIFA continued to rage destruction on the neighborhood in the name of ‘Black Lives Matter’, and were never held accountable for their actions. JG “I hear a lot of talk these days about our direct action program alienating former friends. I would rather feel that they are bringing to the surface many latent prejudices which were always there.” MLK
  5. Not sure how this supports or denounces what I said. Seems like BLM and CHAZ not 100% in alignment. Either way not really the point. Borders, armed guards and ID required is the point, by people who said this was backwards, wrong and 'racist' just a few months ago. I support these measures 100%, for a legally recognized state. When I want them I am labelled a racist, backwards, deplorable. When the left does it, it's common sense. Double standard.
  6. IMO the left suffers from 'group think'. Group think is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs. This causes the group to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation. (think like I do, speak like I do) Schools and colleges are filled 85-90% with lefties. Students are not even exposed to classical liberal thought or any system of ideas counter to the modern left post-modernism and statism they are drilled with. Adam Smith - not taught John Locke and the Tabula Rasa (originally Aristotle) - definitely not taught Anything Classical Liberal and advocating the power and rights of the individual - not taught The problem with group think is extremism. Group think is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility. Unchecked it leads to extremes in thought. When a group of people all think the same thing, a dynamic occurs that creates extremist thought. People in the group want to be most in line with the group dynamic, and edge toward the fringe of the original agreement. It is not enough to be 'x', they need to be the best 'x'. This is happening in schools and colleges across the country. Many young adults are programmed to believe that going to college is the only way ahead. Once in college, no matter the degree, they are taught that they are elite, above reproach and filled with the post modernist and statist ideas espoused by their loser professors. Once in the real world a person with 100k in debt, a worthless degree and a 4-8 yr indoctrination of elitism finds themself not worth so much in the job market. 'How can this be?' 'I am educated, I am elite.' 'If society doesn't need my 3.0 in a gender studies/ anthropology etc degree the system must be broken.'
  7. So 'Lefty' Anarchists have secured a multi block Autonomous Zone in Seattle called CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone) A few observations. Other than Karen, could the founders have found a more 'white' name than CHAZ? Solid way to honor Black Lives Matter. 1) The first thing CHAZ did was set up a barricade around its perimeter. It's almost like the founders of CHAZ want to define its borders and place physical barriers to entry by 'undesirables'. I thought borders, walls and barriers to entry were a bad thing. According to lefties a few months ago physical barriers to state perimeters were dumb and forbidden. 2) CHAZ has guards armed with AR-15s. Is the left pro 2nd amendment now? I thought semi-automtic and automatic weapons were the provision of weirdos and 'racists' on the right. I thought armed border guards were a no-no according to the left. I thought armed police were a no-no. 3) CHAZ does identification checks at their 'border'. I thought requiring IDs was 'racist'. Don't I recall the left fighting against needing ID to vote/ enter the country/ applying for benefits? The thought among the left was that minorities are disadvantaged to voting due to ID requirements. They would know since Democrats installed Jim Crow laws in the South to prevent minorities from voting from @1865 to @1950 So the lefty anarchists have set up an autonomous zone with a defined border marked by barricade, patrolled by armed guards with semi-automatic weapns, policed by armed guards with semi-automatic weapons, and requiring a valid ID to enter. Once again without double standards the left would have none.
  8. Dear OP It is clear you are a wannabe anarchist, post-modernist Marxist. I myself laugh at people calling modern leftists 'liberals' since it is clearly apparent the modern far left has abandoned any basis of classical liberalism (primacy of the individual) and has fully embraced post modern precepts. As energetic, brave and 'smart' as you want to try to appear you have the energy of a radical, but lack the substance of understanding the very basis of your own Marxist argument. You can not be both Marxist and Anarchist in the same breath. That is silly. A fair and equitable society redistributing wealth can not occur in anarchy. The wealthy will always find a safe harbor to move its money during a period of anarchy. At best you will penalize the middle class ('junkers' and 'kulaks' of the past) of a society. Eventually you will run out of 'wealthy' to tax and redistribute wealth from and become stagnant. See Cuba, USSR or NY State and blame the weather like idiot Cuomo. I am a self reformed Marxist, educated with multiple Lib Arts degrees, and realized I was by my own behaviors a Libertarian, and have accepted my position as such. This pisses off both my dyed in the wool Democrat and Republican friends. I spent a decade mad at everyone but myself. I then learned how to 'play the game'. An unwillingness to argue points and counterpoints (Thesis and Antithesis) in an argument is philosophical weakness. In your case it probably derives from the group think you experience in college. When I noted an unwillingness to change dynamics in either city I presented (Minneapolis and I gave you a freebie in Baltimore) you were unwilling or unable to argue any point. You suck at dialectics and debate. This is a symptom of radicalized group think, where basis platforms of theory are not challenged or debated. You could have argued: For abolition of the police unions to hold individuals accountable (my argument btw, and a truly radical argument to separate yourself from the typical Democrats) Pointed to the experiments in Camden or Baltimore (I even bolded the font for you in Baltimore, duh) In order to make you a little smarter I'll give you this primer on Hegelian Dialectics: Hegel's Dialectics: “Dialectics” is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory process between opposing sides. In what is perhaps the most classic version of “dialectics”, the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato presented his philosophical argument as a back-and-forth dialogue or debate, generally between the character of Socrates, on one side, and some person or group of people to whom Socrates was talking (his interlocutors), on the other. In the course of the dialogues, Socrates’ interlocutors propose definitions of philosophical concepts or express views that Socrates challenges or opposes. The back-and-forth debate between opposing sides produces a kind of linear progression or evolution in philosophical views or positions: as the dialogues go along, Socrates’ interlocutors change or refine their views in response to Socrates’ challenges and come to adopt more sophisticated views. The back-and-forth dialectic between Socrates and his interlocutors thus becomes Plato’s way of arguing against the earlier, less sophisticated views or positions and for the more sophisticated ones later. “Hegel’s dialectics” refers to the particular dialectical method of argument employed by the 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel which, like other “dialectical” methods, relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides. Whereas Plato’s “opposing sides” were people, Hegel’s work depends on the subject matter he discusses. In his work on logic, for instance, the “opposing sides” are different definitions of logical concepts that are opposed to one another. In the Phenomenology of Spirit, which presents Hegel’s epistemology or philosophy of knowledge, the “opposing sides” are different definitions of consciousness and of the object that consciousness is aware of or claims to know. As in Plato’s dialogues, a contradictory process between “opposing sides” in Hegel’s dialectics leads to a linear evolution or development from less sophisticated definitions or views to more sophisticated ones later. The dialectical process thus constitutes Hegel’s method for arguing against the earlier, less sophisticated definitions or views and for the more sophisticated ones later. Hegel regarded this dialectical method or “speculative mode of cognition” as the hallmark of his philosophy, and used the same method in the Phenomenology of Spirit as well as in all of the mature works he published later.
  9. So I missed most of this fun the past few days due to work.The last I checked, I was being called dumb by a moron OP. I had noted that local police departments are under the rule of the local Mayor and City Council. I also pointed out that Minneapolis City Hall had been under the rule of Democrats for over 45 years, and Baltimore City Hall for more than 50 years. How does a 'racist regime' occur under such circumstances I asked? I then got called dumb again; great dialectic. Does the OP understand that Marx was a student of Hegel? Modern lefties do not seem to understand the dialectics of Phenomenology (Thesis and Antithesis to provide a more robust synthesis). Still no answer to the original question, but I guess arriving to synthesis would require an exposure to and understanding of counter view points.... I was trying to aid my idiot opponent by even highlighting and bolding my Baltimore example, where Baltimore 'defunded their police dept' in the past. The OP was too stupid to pick up on the bolded hint to provide a solid example where a PD was 'defunded' in BALTIMORE. <= (Hint # 2 dumb ass) I lived in Philadelphia across the river from Camden from 2000-2010. I still have good friends in the NJ suburbs around Philadelphia. Both Camden, NJ and Baltimore, MD have 'defunded their police departments' in the last 10-15 yrs. Camden, NJ was bankrupt. They simply dissolved the Camden PD to escape police union contracts they could not afford. The Camden County Sheriffs office now is responsible for policing the city of Camden, NJ. About 70% of the Camden City PD were re-hired as Camden County Sheriffs. Basically the city of Camden said 'we can not oversee or afford a police dept, so we will pass the buck onto the adults governing the surrounding county.' Now the townships of Cherry Hill, Gloucester, Winslow, Pennsauken, Voorhees, Lindenwold etc pay to police Camden. It is still a hell-hole. In Baltimore regulation changes took place and funding was reduced after the Freddie Grey incident in 2015. Now the Baltimore PD has gone from 'Active PD' to 'Passive PD'. The Baltimore PD will respond to 911 calls ASAP. But they refuse to actively police drug markets, prostitution rings and other street crime. As is expected reported 'street crime' is down (police not reporting street crimes) but the murder rate has shot up two fold..... no kidding. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/07/12/baltimore-police-not-noticing-crime-after-freddie-gray-wave-killings-followed/744741002/ https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/13/us/after-freddie-gray-death-west-baltimores-police-presence-drops-and-murders-soar.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/violent-crime-rate-spikes-baltimore-freddie-gray-death-police-custody-2015/ At best we here in the Buffalo and Rochester suburbs can expect for a call to dissolve the BPD and RPD and expand the Erie County Sheriffs Office/ Monroe County Sheriffs Office since only the 'conservative/ Republican/ racist' areas seem to know how to police itself. It is an increased tax on suburban property owners, and more of the same. 40+ yrs of monopoly politics in the city = screw the suburbs and leave it up to the adults
  10. Or Larry Elder Or Thomas Sowell Or Candace Owens Or Officer Tatum etc etc. Then again the left has all sorts of peachy names for those people. Thankfully none of them are derogatory or racist in nature /s
  11. Oh Greg. I'm sorry I haven't read your manifesto and memorized it yet. I will do so before it becomes required reading by the party. You do have a habit of calling people who disagree with you 'racist/ NAZI'. Just look in this thread. It would seem that a person who can only think in terms of 'agrees with me' or is a 'Racist/NAZI' is the one stuck in the trap of Binary thinking. That is how you come across GregPersons. I did make a point of calling out Chauvin as a bad cop. Why didn't any of the Democrat Mayors, or Democrat City Council demand his resignation after the 5th incident, or the 10th incident, or maybe the 12th? You see GregPersons, that would require responsibility, something the left talks about but lacks. If a local municipality is responsible for the training, oversight and accountability of its police force and the municipalities that have been presented in the posts above have been held by Democrat super-majorities for 40-50 years then why didn't Baltimore or Minneapolis lead the way decades ago? Lastly, deflecting from an argument where the facts presented don't support your stance, and issuing a veiled ad hominem attack versus your debater is so 2000's. I expected better from you.
  12. While GregParsons is crafting his reply, I thought I would look at another city that had a public outcry and protests sparked due to Police Department activities: Baltimore Since only conservatives can be racist in his world view, then only they would condone such behaviors and not reform the police or hold them accountable. We must see a lot of those 'racist, NAZI, conservatives' (his words) in charge of Baltimore. Nope 53 years of uninterrupted Democrat control and oversight. How does this keep happening Greg? 43 Thomas D'Alesandro III 1967 1971 1 Democratic Did not run for reelection. 44 William D. Schaefer 1971 1987 4 Democratic Baltimore's longest-serving mayor. Resigned following his election as governor. 45 Clarence H. Burns 1987 1987 Partial Democratic City Council President. First African-American mayor of Baltimore. Succeeded to the mayoralty following Schaefer's resignation. Lost reelection to a full term. 46 Kurt Schmoke 1987 1999 3 Democratic First African-American elected Mayor of Baltimore. Did not run for reelection in 1999. 47 Martin O'Malley 1999 2007 2 Democratic Resigned following his election as governor. 48 Sheila Dixon 2007 2010 Partial Democratic City Council President. First female Mayor of Baltimore and first female elected Mayor of Baltimore. Succeeded to the mayoralty following O'Malley's resignation. Elected to a full term in 2007. Resigned from office in January 2010. 49 Stephanie Rawlings-Blake 2010 2016 1 1⁄2 Democratic City Council President. Succeeded to the mayoralty following Dixon's resignation. Elected to a full term in 2011. Did not run for reelection in 2016. 50 Catherine Pugh 2016 2019 Partial Democratic Resigned from office May 2, 2019. [1] 51 Jack Young 2019 Incumbent Partial Democratic
  13. You do realize that local police forces are designed and overseen by local communities? The Federal Government and even the State have very little oversight on requirements/ training/ budget of police departments. The very reason for local authorities to be in charge of the police force is to have local people responsible and accountable for the results. The goal is community policing. There are more than 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies in the United States, ranging in size from one officer to more than 30,000. Many of these are municipal police departments operated by local governments. Local Police includes municipal, county, tribal, and regional police that derive authority from the local governing body that created it. There is no federal standard requirement to be a municipal police officer. Each municipality is responsible for setting those standards for its own police force.The primary purpose is to uphold the laws of the jurisdiction, provide patrol, and investigate local crimes. This would mean that the mayors of Minneapolis and it's City Council are responsible for the actions and outcomes of it's police force. If the Minneapolis Police force has a tainted record, and 'bad cops' are allowed to continue being employed, then it is on the Mayor and City Council. Chauvin had 15-17 prior complaints (varies by outlet). Obviously he was a problem and a 'bad cop'. Let's look at all the 'racist, NAZI, Conservative' mayors (to use your terms) who have been in charge of Minneapolis who have allowed the Minneapolis PD to become corrupt and abuse its power: 41 Albert Hofstede January 1, 1974 December 31, 1975 Democratic Farmer Labor 42 Charles Stenvig January 1, 1976 December 31, 1977 Independent 43 Albert Hofstede January 1, 1978 December 31, 1979 Democratic Farmer Labor 44 Donald M. Fraser January 1, 1980 December 31, 1993 Democratic Farmer Labor 45 Sharon Sayles Belton January 1, 1994 December 31, 2001 Democratic Farmer Labor 46 R. T. Rybak January 1, 2002 December 31, 2013 Democratic Farmer Labor 47 Betsy Hodges January 1, 2014 January 2, 2018 Democratic Farmer Labor 48 Jacob Frey January 2, 2018 Democratic Farmer Labor Hmmm 46 strait years without a 'racist, NAZI' in the bunch. What a conundrum.... Obviously the City Council must be dictating how the mayor handles this situation, it must be full of racist, NAZI conservatives, right? Ward Name Neighborhoods Party 1 Kevin Reich Audubon Park, Columbia Park, Como, Holland, Logan Park, Marshall Terrace, Northeast Park, Waite Park, Windom Park. DFL 2 Cam Gordon Cedar-Riverside, Como, Cooper, Longfellow, Prospect Park, Seward, University Green 3 Steve Fletcher Beltrami, Bottineau, Downtown East, Downtown West, Marcy Holmes, Nicollet Island/East Bank, North Loop, St. Anthony East, St. Anthony West, Sheridan DFL 4 Phillipe Cunningham Cleveland, Folwell, Jordan, Lind-Bohanon, Shingle Creek, Victory, Webber-Camden DFL 5 Jeremiah Ellison Harrison, Hawthorne, Jordan, Near North, North Loop, Sumner-Glenwood, Willard-Hay DFL 6 Abdi Warsame Cedar-Riverside, Elliot Park, Phillips West, Seward, Stevens Square, Ventura Village DFL 7 Lisa Goodman Bryn Mawr, Cedar-Isles-Dean, Downtown West, East Isles, Elliot Park, Kenwood, Loring Park, Lowry Hill, Stevens Square DFL 8 Andrea Jenkins Bancroft, Bryant, Central, Field, King Field, Lyndale, Northrop, Regina DFL 9 Alondra Cano Central, Corcoran, East Phillips, Longfellow, Midtown Phillips, Powderhorn Park DFL 10 Lisa Bender Carag, East Calhoun, East Harriet, Lowry Hill East, Whittier DFL 11 Jeremy Schroeder Diamond Lake, Hale, Keewaydin, Northrop, Page, Tangletown, Wenonah, Windom DFL 12 Andrew Johnson Ericsson, Hiawatha, Howe, Keewaydin, Minnehaha, Morris Park, Standish DFL 13 Linea Palmisano Armatage, East Harriet, Fulton, Kenny, Linden Hills, Lynnhurst, West Calhoun DFL Well I am confused. Not a Republican among them. How then did the Minneapolis PD become so bad under the 'benevolent watch' of the Democrat Party for 46 years?
  14. Not sure the 3rd wave feminists will be happy with this. I'm a middle aged guy with a beard and no strong religious convictions, I would be aok.
  15. It's even a level beyond this. The government players that dictated a shutdown for COVID, don't care that the protestors don't care. If the numbers are to be believed then the elderly and minorities are more prone to catching COVID. If COVID is the big existential threat these government officials made it out to be then we have quite a conundrum. Go ahead and allow and even praise rallies/riots of 1000,10,000 and even 100k (see Philly) where the majority of protestors are minorities which puts all of the protestors at greater risk of catching COVID. Or admit COVID was never the existential threat it was made out to be, and now the cat is out of the bag that an economy was ruined for 'no reason' and continued shut downs are illegitimate. It could be the lefty 'allies of minorities' really don't care if the protestors do catch COVID, and spread it further to propagate another round of government mandated quarantines. But that would be conspiracy level stuff right? That would be like purposely putting COVID+ patients in locked down communities with the elderly who are at most risk, and we know that wouldn't happen.
  16. Like this? I wonder who Chris Palmer called to protect his gated community? Hey if it weren't for double standards, lefties would have none. PS that burning building was affordable housing, what a social justice warrior. Too bad his Starbucks was vandalized.
  17. Monroe Ave and Howell St Rochester, NY
  18. My point is if the Democrats in power are the social justice loving individuals they virtue signal to be, why would a Democrat super-majority still have him on the force in the first place?
  19. So let me get this right. Russia can hack an entire election of 350,000,000 individual people, but some force or forces can't afford to send a few bus loads of people to the 100 largest cities to incite already agitated mass gatherings to violence?
  20. Chauvin belongs in jail for murder, manslaughter at the least. The other three officers who were complicit also deserve negligent manslaughter convictions. The initial protests were necessary for forcing the DA to arrest Chauvin and charge him. That is Democracy in action, and is right. IMO the biggest issue in the USA revolving around the police is the inability or silence of good police officers to call out bad police behavior. This will only happen when the climate and mechanisms around a local government changes. The last I checked the Mayor of a city and the City Council are responsible for the oversight of its Police Department. It is said that 'insanity Is doing the same thing over and over again' and expecting different results. Minneapolis has a history of poor behavior by it's police department. It's nothing new. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/us/minneapolis-police.html Every time something bad happens there are rallies, vigils and calls for change, but at election time those in charge are not held accountable. I decided to look up a list of the Mayors of Minneapolis. I see a trend. 41 Albert Hofstede January 1, 1974 December 31, 1975 Democratic Farmer Labor 42 Charles Stenvig January 1, 1976 December 31, 1977 Independent 43 Albert Hofstede January 1, 1978 December 31, 1979 Democratic Farmer Labor 44 Donald M. Fraser January 1, 1980 December 31, 1993 Democratic Farmer Labor 45 Sharon Sayles Belton January 1, 1994 December 31, 2001 Democratic Farmer Labor 46 R. T. Rybak January 1, 2002 December 31, 2013 Democratic Farmer Labor 47 Betsy Hodges January 1, 2014 January 2, 2018 Democratic Farmer Labor 48 Jacob Frey January 2, 2018 Democratic Farmer Labor The City Council elected November 7, 2017, and assumed office on January 2, 2018, is composed of: Ward Name Neighborhoods Party 1 Kevin Reich Audubon Park, Columbia Park, Como, Holland, Logan Park, Marshall Terrace, Northeast Park, Waite Park, Windom Park. DFL 2 Cam Gordon Cedar-Riverside, Como, Cooper, Longfellow, Prospect Park, Seward, University Green 3 Steve Fletcher Beltrami, Bottineau, Downtown East, Downtown West, Marcy Holmes, Nicollet Island/East Bank, North Loop, St. Anthony East, St. Anthony West, Sheridan DFL 4 Phillipe Cunningham Cleveland, Folwell, Jordan, Lind-Bohanon, Shingle Creek, Victory, Webber-Camden DFL 5 Jeremiah Ellison Harrison, Hawthorne, Jordan, Near North, North Loop, Sumner-Glenwood, Willard-Hay DFL 6 Abdi Warsame Cedar-Riverside, Elliot Park, Phillips West, Seward, Stevens Square, Ventura Village DFL 7 Lisa Goodman Bryn Mawr, Cedar-Isles-Dean, Downtown West, East Isles, Elliot Park, Kenwood, Loring Park, Lowry Hill, Stevens Square DFL 8 Andrea Jenkins Bancroft, Bryant, Central, Field, King Field, Lyndale, Northrop, Regina DFL 9 Alondra Cano Central, Corcoran, East Phillips, Longfellow, Midtown Phillips, Powderhorn Park DFL 10 Lisa Bender Carag, East Calhoun, East Harriet, Lowry Hill East, Whittier DFL 11 Jeremy Schroeder Diamond Lake, Hale, Keewaydin, Northrop, Page, Tangletown, Wenonah, Windom DFL 12 Andrew Johnson Ericsson, Hiawatha, Howe, Keewaydin, Minnehaha, Morris Park, Standish DFL 13 Linea Palmisano Armatage, East Harriet, Fulton, Kenny, Linden Hills, Lynnhurst, West Calhoun DFL If anyone can point to a Republican majority in Minneapolis any time in the last 40 years let me know. 40 years of Democrat rule, now all of a sudden Minneapolis is a Federal issue? Maybe, just maybe, the good people of Minneapolis may want to vote for real change in their government to impose a change on how the Minneapolis Police conduct their business. Government officials will have 0 chance of changing anything in the local government culture if they do not fear being elected out of office, or their party losing power. IMO George Floyd's death, and the repeated injustices perpetrated by the Minneapolis Police force is the result of a super-majority not fearing repercussions for action, or in this case gross inaction. Until there is a change in the voting booth, I fear there will be more George Floyds, and more misplaced anger. This is a nationwide phenomena. Policy starts at the local level. If you don't like it, you must vote against it. A super-majority will never change its ways until it fears losing power.
  21. It is an assumption, yes, since this is a WNY based board. I needed to hear that the virus was really taking people beyond the stats, to make the actions worth while. If anyone has lost loved ones, I am sorry. I do mean that. But this still feels like an overreach to me. I've lost healthy young friends in the past for less isolation and financial loss than what is happening now to people It is important to bring that up. Why was there nothing like this coverage during Swine Flu of 2009 that killed 20k Americans?
  22. There have only been 53 deaths to the virus in Erie County. You knew 2 of them personally, and a hospitalization? Those odds are extraordinary.
  23. This was all Coronavirus confirmed?
  24. The jack boots come out strongly, heaven forbid we discuss things freely on TBD 'off the wall' like adults. Moved to PPP, thanks mods, I erred in thinking we could speak freely. Enjoy this beautiful nasty gram from a cute little fascist: "The politically loaded type of post you recently placed on TBD is neither welcome nor allowed. If you wish to engender that kind of conversation you are free to do so in the PPP section of the forums. It has NO place anywhere else on this website. People come here to talk some football and take a few moments to get away from the pressures of real life. They do not come here to read political screeds or to be called fascists, stooges, Nazis or any of the other terms of endearment you chose to bestow on the members of this community. Politics are off-limits outside of PPP with zero tolerance for repeat offenders. If you find those terms oppressive or unsatisfying there are many places on the internet you can go for that sort of interaction; this is not one of them. I respectfully request that in the future you keep anything even remotely related to politics strictly limited to the PPP forum." jawohl mein kommandant - understood I asked some simple questions. The questions are neither Democrat or Republican, they are based on the tenants of classical liberalism and free will. Little dictatorial comments are welcomed all over 'off the wall' if they follow the party line. Still no answers, but a lot of real damage being done. Still no rebuttal of facts. Have fun being a petty dictator on a message board while real lives are being ruined. All in the name of the cause right?
  25. How about 'Howdy Buckaroos'?
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