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Everything posted by RocCityRoller

  1. How long before Target leaves Minneapolis?
  2. It's about erasing history to replace one idol with another
  3. It's real mess Buffalo Timmy It's really bad when EMS can't get through. Keep our mind open..................
  4. I discussed the fake NY COVID Death count since 25% of NY COVID Deaths are fake. 1/4 COVID NY deaths are not even tested. I also then went on to call people minor dictators, and fascists based their info. Let's say I was liquored up and ready for a fight, and Simon was having none of it and it went in the wrong location. Since then my most inflamatory posts have gone to PPP I flagged some PPP posts after my ban, for the same reasons I was banned, The admin told me, ppp is the wild west. now I post in PPP. I hope you enjoy my posts there.
  5. This is a loser mentality. We have to show how 40, 50 ,60 yrs of the same politics yield same results. The 7-10k black on black deaths per year, need to be addressed in a serious matter. You underestimate the black vote. One city with results = frame breaking change. Why not Buffalo or Rochester?
  6. I agree with you in principle. Thank you for speaking your mind, I would never take that from you, but, it is important to bring around newly red pilled people to a level of comfort. If I may speak honestly, you don't seem to appreciate how BIG this is a change for former Democrats. I don't think you appreciate the guts it takes to 'Walk Away' or be 'Brexit'. These are new found allies. Welcome them into the camp. I am only 'red pilled' in the past 5-6 yrs. Does that make me less of a conservative? Do you care to debate me on a subject? Any subject.... As conservatives I'll debate you on anything. In the last 3 months I think I am one of the the most conservative voices for new topics here. Despite being banned for 3 months. Look at my posts. We need to share our experiences with why we agree against the left and consolidate our core, then spread it out. Don't be 'that guy'
  7. It's unsettling. I was born into a 'dyed in the wool' family of Democrats. The working middle class. Honestly less than that, the working poor. I was born into a work-a-day family. My grandfather was a postal worker. He had a family of 5 kids and a wife to support on a letter carrier's salary. He did yard work for the wealthy a block or two away for extra income. A family 'protected by Democrats' in the past. Given up for middle class in 1964 and then again in 1993 by Bill Clinton. The Red pill started then. My uncles and aunts are baptists. 4 remain. 3 of 4 are now voting Republican. I took longer. Now in 2020 I will vote straight red for the first time in my life. The modern left doesn't care why they lost my family's vote. According to them, 'we are all racists' now. Whatever that means, we were all poor and worked up from it, but I guess working hard to be 'middle class means being 'racist' now to Democrats. I am now very belligerent with my responses, because a counter opinion needs to be spoken. If you do not agree with me, then that is ok vote with your conscience. I will leave it at that. Consider an alternative. I voted Jill Stein in 2016. Not once have I regretted it. Given the current left position, I will vote right on every ballot going forward.
  8. I love Thomas Sowell. Thank you I highly recommend Larry Elder as a back-up
  9. Looking at religious texts, folk stories, epic poems/stories from any civilization (Judaic/Hindu/Sumerian/Scandanavian etc), I can't find much for a source where the Devil/ Chaos God/ God of destruction (The Devil) doesn't promise whatever is wanted to a new follower, despite the outcome 'The Monkey's Paw (W.W. Jacobs)' is a great modern story, non religious example of the common theme I am espousing here, for those of you non religious types. I suggest you read it if you haven't. The Monkey's Paw used to be required reading in most school districts. The classic tale is of a poor person, or person beset by debt (protagonist) looking to have what the' better off' have. They feel they have been wronged by society and circumstance and deserve better. In an hour of need 'the poor' protagonist calls on the Devil/ or an equivalent antagonistic device to summon a demon to provide assistance. "I want what x has" is the common refrain from the protagonist. Through a pact or promise of willing / or unwilling evil precept, the poor person agrees to terms for monetary abundance and gain, no effort and no promises made. These are almost always short lived, and carry terrible consequences. See Civil Rights Act of 1964, when the real 'Big Switch' actually happened, if you believe in it at all. Something for nothing, except votes. Redistribution of wealth forced by the Federal Govt. This is when the Democrat Party first turned against the middle class in the USA. **************************************************************************************************************** I have yet, in any society, seen the Devil encourage hard work and a plan to get ahead. Could you imagine this? It would make for a ***** story. Protagonist: I want what 'x' has right now. Devil: "Well 'x' is a doctor and of three generations of doctors. To become a doctor that will take you 4-8 yrs study in medicine. After that you will have to pass an exam and finish grad school and a residency in medicine. It will take you 4-8 years of hard work to be certified. Is that what you want?" ************************************************************************************************************** 'The Devil' promises something for nothing. Does this sound familiar? Just asking. The honest person tells you the truth and espouses the power of personal liberty and decision making. Het He or she is hated. You may not like people like Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, or Candace Owens, telling you that it it will take hard work, and yes there is some racism, but t can be overcome by hard work. These people are honest. They do not promise something for nothing, but they lay out a roadmap on how to succeed as a black American. Listen to them. *************************************************************************************************************** In the old days classical liberals used to try to answer: I want what 'x' has. Can you provide an equal playing field, so that I can earn what 'X' earned through my own hard work. The argument used to be among classical liberals as to how to provide a level playing field. Modern leftists ask: I want what 'x' has, how can we institutionally take away from 'x' and give it to 'y' since everything else is racist. Yes this breeds resentment among 'x' who has worked hard for what they have, but anyone trying to keep what they have earned is now called a racist. If a politician offers you something for nothing, think twice. You pay the price in violence in your cities. Real progress requires hard work on the behalf of individuals, no matter what you are called.
  10. Not sure what you are trying to say here. Please clarify. I think the shootings of 5 people, with 3 known deaths from it is an injustice, regardless of how it happened. What do you mean by saying?: "I'm willing to bet members of the victims' families have already been protesting."
  11. Why bother? Just treat it like another black on black crime..... Democrats in power do.
  12. Right here in WNY. Rochester, NY. 5 shootings, 3 Dead yesterday. Almost all in impoverished neighborhoods. Where is the humanity, where is the outcry? Where are the protests? https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/public-safety/2020/06/19/1-dead--2-seriously-wounded-in-3-overnight-shootings-in-rochester Fully Attributed to Spectrum News in Rochester 3 Dead, 2 Injured in 5 Friday Shootings in Rochester By Spectrum News Staff Rochester PUBLISHED 7:24 AM ET Jun. 19, 2020 UPDATED 5:27 PM ET Jun. 19, 2020 Two afternoon shootings have added to an already violent day in Rochester, as three have died and two others are injured after five shootings on Friday. Police say they were called to Bernard Street around 12:15 a.m. Friday for a report of shots fired. Ricardo Stone, Jr., 23, of Rochester, was found shot, and was taken to Rochester General Hospital by a private car where he was pronounced dead a short time later. An hour or so later, officers were called to 1226 North Clinton Avenue where they found a man, identified as Willie Carter IV, 17, of Rochester, shot in a convenience store. He was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital with life-threatening injuries. He underwent emergency surgery but police say the victim has died. According to police, a third shooting took place around 2 a.m. on Violetta Street. That victim was also taken to Strong Memorial Hospital with what police say are life-threatening injuries. At around 2:00 p.m., a man, identified as Parris Washington, 31, of Rochester, was shot in the backyard at 31 Bardin Street. Washington was pronounced dead, police have confirmed. Rochester Police Captain Frank Umbrino gave no indication as to whether or not the shootings were connected. “It’s been extremely busy," said Umbrino. "I can tell you at this point that the only connection we have between the three jobs is a complete lack of moral fortitude and a disregard for human life by the individuals that have committed these crimes.” (Editorial edit- Be careful Frank, you will be called a racist). Also on Friday afternoon, Genesee section officers responded to Magnolia Street for a report of gunshots heard in the area. A 19-year-old Rochester male was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital with a least one gunshot wound to his upper torso. His condition is listed as being stable and non-life-threatening. Police are asking anyone with information on any of these shootings to call 911 or Crimestoppers at 423-9300. *************************************************************************************************************************** So where is the outrage? Where is the humanity? Just to add another layer of spice to the mix, Strong Memorial Hospital (the main hospital in Rochester) and the U of R in general (U of R is a University and Health System) is in the middle of partial furloughs. The furloughs were caused by a lack of revenue to the University and Medical Center due to Andrew Cuomo's (D) orders to restrict non COVID-19 treatment. URMC (University of Rochester Medical Center) has had to furlough or partially furlough staff not only from the college, but from the highly paid, and now underutilized medical staff. This includes neurologists/ oncologists/ nurses etc. Entire wards were empty of patients for months leading to a $100-200 million dollar shortfall leading to furloughs. Doesn't seem fair to those few left on staff to treat such injuries.
  13. Is that a wall defining a border? I am outraged by this injustice! /s
  14. Exactly the point. I have to stop here or I will get super heated and start saying things that could be taken out of context. Racial and socio-economic division is what the left thrives on. It propagates it, it systemically teaches and preaches it. I feel bad for a 'voting block' as the Democrats call them, who continuously support the same party and 'leaders' who propagate victimhood, racism and offer pie in the sky promises without any actual solutions or action. Democrats/ and now pure lefties continue to be voted in, and then you see the inevitable news clips from the hood where people can't understand why nothing changes. Make your elected officials and school boards accountable. Vote them out and put a scare into the party that has overseen this mess, and have had a power monopoly for decades in most cities
  15. Hard to get into a good 'higher education' field when your primary and high school education consists of an indocrination of victimhood, 'homogeneous teachers who look like you' and identity politics race baiting required texts like 'White Rage' If you are in Penfield you know darned well all of this is being done in the Rochester City School District. Maybe if the RCSD focused on teaching about an imperfect society that allows opportunities, doesn't preach 'inherent racism' and focused on STEM the students from city schools would be better equipped in a globally competitive world? RCSD is a complete failure from top to bottom. Conservatives keep trying to offer solutions like vouchers to better neighboring schools, charter schools and military academies. But the left just keeps preaching racism and unfair disadvantages. Bring some solutions to the table. Don't forget Larry Elder and an emerging Candace Owens. All say what needs to be said to get things done and make real change
  16. Exactly the points I keep driving home. Black lives matter when @200 are killed a year by white police Do Black lives matter when black on black violence kills 7k to 10k a year in cities run by Democrats for decades, but do nothing about it? Do Black lives matter when there is a heart beat and Planned Parenthood stops it and kills another black baby? Almost 300k black babies are killed every year at abortion clinics. Did you, my lefty pro-choice, pro planned parenthood opponent, know that abortion is the leading cause of death among the black population every year? Weird since Democrats and lefties keep funding Planned Parenthood and set them up in black communities. It's almost like genocide by 'pro-choice'. Why does the outrage happen in an issue that kills hundreds, when other issues are killing 10s to100s of thousands? Do you think I am making this up, listen to the researched perspective from a black Congressman from Arizona. How lopsided is abortion and it's effects on the black community? https://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2020/02/25/abortion-the-overlooked-tragedy-for-black-americans/ During February, which is Black History Month, it is a good time to look upon the triumphs and tragedies in African American history. Movies like Harriet tell of heroes of the Underground Railroad and the struggle against slavery. It is good to honor those stories. There is, however, one tragedy of the African American community that is often overlooked: the tragedy of legalized abortion. Abortion impacts African Americans at a higher rate than any other population group. In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an Abortion Surveillance Report. According to that report, black women make up 14 percent of the childbearing population. Yet, 36 percent of all abortions were obtained by black women. At a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country. Walt Blackman When you use those percentages, it indicates that of the over 44 million abortions since the 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court ruling, 19 million black babies were aborted. African Americans are just under 13 percent of United States population. White women are five times less likely to have an abortion than black women. Perhaps it is a matter of availability. A study by Protecting Black Lives, in 2012, found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority communities. In the past, we criticized the tobacco industry for targeting young people with their advertising. Recently, the nicotine vape industry has been criticized for similar practices. The prevalence of abortion providers in African American and Hispanic neighborhoods indicates the abortion industry is targeting too. It smacks of the eugenics-linked past of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and her views of contraception and abortion as ways of diminishing the black population. The impacts on our black communities are hard to fathom. According to the Guttmacher Institute, which generally supports abortion, in 2011 360,000 black babies were aborted. CDC statistics for 2011 show that 287,072 black deaths occurred from all other causes excluding abortion. By these numbers, abortion is the leading cause of death among blacks. That same year, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist in the Philadelphia area, was arrested. His arrest followed a raid on his clinic by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Agents were acting on suspicion that he had been over prescribing oxycodone, but once inside the clinic, they were shocked to find female patients writhing on tables, in a facility that was littered in feces from a flea-ridden cat that could roam free inside the premises. Dr. Gosnell was eventually charged with murder of a woman that had died from a botched abortion, and for several “live birth” abortions where he had killed babies born-alive. It is outrageous that it took a drug raid to finally bring the authorities to look at this house of horrors. You would think such a horrific occurrence would be a big news story. When he went to trial, the press gallery was empty. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion mill was in a black community. The news media did not care. A movie was released about the Gosnell trial in 2018. Despite being produced by known Hollywood actor Dean Cain (Clark Kent/Superman in the show Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman), the Gosnell trial movie had a hard time finding theatres to show it. It is undeniably good that we convey the positive stories of our community to our fellow countrymen. It is important that we pass on stories that empower us. However, it is harmful to all black Americans if we continue to let society look the other way when it comes to the devastation that political policies like abortion wreak on the black community. Republican Walt Blackman is a member of the Arizona House of Representative representing Legislative District 6. So there you have it lefties. Go on and tell me how 'Black Lives Matter' to you, and how you are allies with the back community.
  17. Ruffled my feathers for certain, but show me any facts contrary to what I said. That felt good to get out. Had a big old drink and smoke after typing it.
  18. I know and grew up with an Eric. I am proud of him. I am happy to report he is doing better than me. I went to school with a lot of Karens owing 50-100k in student debt with bull#### BS (or as you prefer BA) degrees What race am I GregParsons? Where did I grow up? What was my environment? What is my education level? Since it seems to be a point of pride to you. I'm so happy you are 'fighting for me'. Must be easy for you to figure out since I disagree with you on almost everything. If I am 'one of those' will you call me a coconut, or maybe an Oreo, maybe an Uncle Tom?
  19. I must have misinterpreted this I discounted the homogeneity and top-down belief
  20. You seem, once again, to miss the point Violence is bad. The most violence in the USA is in Democrat controlled inner cities, where the majority population is black. The majority of violence is black on black, occurring in cities controlled by Democrat legislators. I know you are too edgy or radical to consider yourself a Democrat, but they publicly have fun espousing your beliefs for votes at election time. Man up and vote independent. At least Jimmy Dore has the balls to speak out. Thousands of black men, women and children are killed every year by black on black crime. It may be what 10k a year? (Edit - the number is 7-10k) Using typical lefty media rhetoric: GregPersons supports 7-10k annual black on black murders. (edited for numbers correction above) Meanwhile about 250-300 black people are killed by police each year. Even the completely biased Washington Post acknowledges this. Were all the cops white? Nope on average 65-75% were, the rest are by black or other minority officers. So taking that into consideration about 180-250 black folks are killed by white officers a year. I guess the media discounts the rest as minority on minority crime? Kind of like the other 10k black murders a year noted above? Why is that discounted GregPersons? Don't Black Lives Matter? Or do some black lives matter more than others? Using typical lefty media rhetoric: GregPersons supports 70-100 minority police killings a year. The Washington post also acknowledges that 500-600 white people are killed by police each year in the USA. The numbers show that twice as many white folks are murdered by the police than black folks. That is a pure number. Let's say 600 white guys are killed by the police, versus 300 black guys. 100 latinos/ asians etc make up the rest. Where is it ok for 1000 people to be killed by the police each year, despite their race? Are you ok with police violence against white people? How about Latinos or Asians? Using typical lefty media rhetoric: GregPersons Supports 600-700 white killings by police each year This is why people claim 'All Lives Matter' GregPersons. 1k killed a year in the USA by the police is absurd. The floating average is 950-1100. Of that count maybe, maybe 180-250 are white on black. It is a minority statistic. Of the terrible 1k killed a year by US Police, only 15-20% of all police murders (yes I said murders) are white police on black incidents Since the USA is 13-14% black the % of deaths by white cops at 15-20% is within the expected ratio. Guess you didn't look at it that way. I discounted the minority police killings of black people, much like Democrats and SJWs discount black on black crime. Using typical lefty media rhetoric: GregPersons wants police to kill more white, hispanic, and asian people to balance out the numbers If you wanted to protest that 1000 citizens killed by the police each year is too much, I would join you, many people would. But a lefty can't but help but bring in racial divide and identity politics into every discussion. Every Single One. This is your weakness. A lot of people, white and black, think the local police may be getting too gun happy/physically tough. But instead of finding a unifying front you have to look for divisions. For you, it has to be about race, and you cancel out statistics that don't align with you, and with that people who would agree with you. Another lefty mistake. Eventually you discount the majority. See 2016. Let me give you a big old clue to red pill thinking, once again. First of all, if Black Lives Mattered as much as the lip service being given, then why are 7-10k black on black deaths excused each year? Don't walk away from it, own it. 7-10k black lives were taken on average every year from 2000-2020. Over 20 years that is almost a quarter million black people killed. But I am the 'racist' for bringing this up? The worst locations have been Dem/left held governed areas for years, even decades. Is it possible the policies of the left don't work in helping elevate the black population? I ask because contrary to your name calling, I don't want 10k black people killed a year in my country, by anyone. If you truly believed 'Black Lives Mattered' you would not turn your head and ignore the slaughter that occurs every year in Democrat/Left controlled cities. The left likes chaos, and uses it to support their vote. Using typical lefty media rhetoric: GregPersons Says 40, 50, 60yrs of Democrat rule plays no role in Black community being stagnant vs other minorities 200-300 vs 10k seems a bit out of whack to me, but I guess a 50x multiplier can be dealt with 'later' in your utopia. Lefty leadership (white and minority) has been so successful in the 40-50 yr reigns of terror they have held over most cities. I also notice that cop vs black man narratives aren't usually against county sheriffs, or state troopers. It is usually the city police departments. If city PD are killing people then the question should be asked, who controls city Police Departments? Say it with me GregPersons, who controls a city PD? Come on GregPersons, I know you can say it. The local mayors and city councils do. Almost every major city in the USA has been left/Democrat controlled for 30, 40, 50 years. If the left/Democrats cared for black folks as much as they claim during a news cycle or during election time, or when one of the few white on black cop crimes happen, then why would they continually oversee such levels of black on black crime? Where is the outrage when a black/latino/Asian cop kills a black man? Where is the outrage when a black person kills another black person? Don't Black Lives Matter GregPersons? At worst this would lead one to believe that even minority mayors and council people don't care about black deaths, or are at best not capable of dealing with the situation. People living in the neighborhood year after year cry out against violence. 'We must change' they say. Yet at election time it is a vote for more of the same. Using typical lefty media rhetoric: GregPersons Says Black Democratically officials not capable of fixing things, will require overthrow of government. If a politician or party do not fear being voted out of office, no change will occur. Why would it? I say all of these things because Black Lives do Matter, but All lives Matter. 'Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity' - loosely attributed to Einstein. He in your world was obviously racist.
  21. The one thing that struck me is how wrong most of us in the West are to India in general. We think all Indians speak English, not correct at all. Maybe 20-25%, max. 15-20 languages are spoken in India. I can't recall how many times our professor had to meet with 2-3 people for directions, just to get a translator from driver to professor to local. English is spoken in large cities, among professionals and government officials. Step away from that and it is conversational 'sell you something' at best. We think they are all Hindu. I can't begin to count how many religions there were. Simply not being monotheistic does not mean 'one other religion' How Federal/Confederated India is. The states and provinces are very very loosely tied together. It is US Federalism with actual state's rights. (think period between Revolution and Civil War) This is good and bad to getting things done. That racism exists in India among Indians. Between the remnants of the caste system and the North South Divide there is a whole extra layer of one-uppmanship in India. That racism exists outside of the USA, was an eye opener. The North has a history of intermixing with multiple conquerors like the Persians, Mongols (Moghuls) and even the British. It creates a different skin tone, language preference, religious preferences and dissimilar history. It adds up to a fascinating reflecting point on the USA. India is not homogenous at all. Whoever said that earlier in this thread is ignorant. India has its strengths and weaknesses. Every country I have been to does. I think a lot of American folks throwing garbage on the USA should try to travel some and see the world. They may discover that we as people all share the same foibles, and that as imperfect as it is, the USA is pretty great.
  22. It's funny how you continue to gloss over over 4,300 preventable deaths in one state, attributable to a terrible decision to put COVID+ patients in ill equipped Senior centers. Do you think these senior centers are hospitals? How is it humane to put the patient in a place with no equipment to help them, or the seniors locked into the center with them? Yes locked in, no one allowed in (unless you have COVID apparently, or allowed out). My mom is in one of those centers. Mini Mussolini knowingly sent the sick to a closed environment where society's most defenseless people live. People isolated from all of their friends and family, none of us could get any info on our loved ones. 4300 senior citizens in NY died a preventable, lonely death because of a political decision. Then you have the nerve to point to other people and question their compassion? Check yourself, you sound like a fool.
  23. Hey Magox, Are you Indian, or have Indian relatives, or just have been to India? I got to spend a decent amount of time in India and found it fascinating. PM anytime
  24. I see CHAZ was too in line with what I said. Now it's CHOP, a little French Revolution tip of the hat. I'm sure Robespierre would agree. I like CHAD, not unlike the wreck of the country it will become synonymous with. It could stand for Capitol Hill Anarchist Disaster. or maybe CHOAD would be more fitting.
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