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Posts posted by RocCityRoller

  1. 15 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

    Good post, devoid of the usual Kool Aid stained viewpoint.


    For now I have us in that 4-6 window as well. 




    Fading Pain, we disagree on almost everything.


    While this team is flawed, I know they will win 5-6 games on Defense alone.

    I would bet $1000 (USA currency) that the Bills win 5 games

  2. I'm thankful for the Ryans for ushering in the McBeane era.


    I think Gym Shorts is a great DC. But we have seen plenty of coordinators (OC and DC) that excel in that role but not HC. (Norv Turner, Wade Phillips, Gregg Williams etc)


    McDermott has the temperment, mentality and brains to be a very good HC. He did not lose the team after the horrible 2-3 game stretch last year. Guys stayed motivated, didn't pipe out on social media and the team circled the wagons. Good signs from a rookie HC keeping control and focus on the team.


    Not sure Jim S could have done that.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. honestly, I see a 5-7 win team. A lot of unknowns including the QB position, OL and WRs. RBs are not spring chickens and we are counting on Star L and Murphy to show up and play well, Edmunds and Phillips to excel as a rookies and Lawson to be healthy and play well for the D to improve. Not to mention Nickel CB.


    I don't think it is doom and gloom, some guys will excel and some will crap out.


    I think the 6.5 Vegas line and the 4-6 win total for non Bills fans to be fairly accurate. The 2-14 prediction is ridiculous though.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Enemarty said:

    Bingo.  He's right, we're awful in the fantasy department, other than perhaps the team defense stat.  Which is why his rant is so off the mark.  He ignores the likely strength of the team, as it doesn't fit his fantasy perspective.  I also agree with others that our O-line may not have taken as much of a hit as portrayed.  I don't see playoffs this year, more like the 6-8 win range.  But it will be fun to watch the team grow. 


    You nailed how I feel about this team 100%, including the O-line

  5. 1 hour ago, HappyDays said:


    Sure but the NFL has a contract with their players which forbids collusion to deny employment. If you support the NFL's right to set and maintain their own anthem policy, surely you support Kaepernick's right to file suit when they breach their contract. Unless there's something else you're angry about?


    You are making an assumption of guilt that there is collusion.


    It's quite possible teams looked at the contract cost, analysis of return on investment and PR and decided independently that CK was not worth it.

    That is not collusion or illegal. Unless you want to live in an autocratic planned economy, you can't force companies to hire people.


    CK would have been smarter, not opting out, and had SF let him go then build a case.


    But he didn't, he quit after going 1-10 in his last 11 starts and misread the market.

    Wasn't expected to be in high demand when he walked.


  6. 37 minutes ago, ColoradoBills said:


    This makes more sense, I can't see Edelman giving up a million dollars for that reason.  He is 32 and signed through next year.

    Edelman will not be getting a big contract at 34 when he is a FA with the Pats* or anyone else.


    With Amendola gone and Edelman sitting the first 4 games, Tommy boy has lost his "security blankets".  I hope that forces him

    to stand behind that weaken offensive line longer!


    Is it just me or does it seem that ever since the Malcolm Butler Super Bowl loss thing it's been one thing after another with the Pats*.

    Here's hoping for a 9-7 NE season!


    He still has Gronk, White, Hogan

    Plenty of targets to send to capable receivers

  7. What I like is that the Bills FO swung for the fences on not one but both 1st round picks.


    Allen and Edmunds have the ability and traits to both be elite, but had lower perceived floors than safer picks.

    The Bills did not play it safe or let that talent go by. They went up and grabbed both, without mortgaging the future.


    If they can hit on one or both of these guys then we have the potential to have elite 'QBs' of the offense and defense.


    It's very early, but there is a glimmer there.

  8. On 5/30/2018 at 8:47 AM, machine gun kelly said:

    I think we should talk to the Jets about Bridgewater as I don’t buy that Peterman will work out and he would be an upgrade for depth, but I seriously doubt the Jets would shop him to a division rival.


    He could if they did go for it would be an upgrade and compete with McCarren for the starting role.  If he gets hurt again we can always move Peterman back up from the practice squad.  He still new enough would qualify for the practice squad.


    lets face it Allen needs to sit for a year.


    While agree with you, not rushing Allen into the starting role is probably wise, why would you want to go sign a poor man's Tyrod Taylor?

  9. 21 minutes ago, ALF said:

    Side note 


    “They’re great. They’re two great dudes,” said McCarron. “Nate is a walking angel, and he’s one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. Josh has been awesome to work with, and I’ve been trying to help him in every way I can. But we have a really good room. It’s a fun thing to be a part of.”




    I like this, seems like three guys competing for the role, but willing to help each other. Maybe there is a silver lining in not having an entrenched starter. A QB room with a known competition for the starting position, but egos left at the door. That kind of cooperation and leadership should help set a tone for the team and seems to fit McDermott's vision.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 8 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Gotta love her, "I'm not crying or anything, but, cry cry cry..." Blah blah. We have citizens being detained by Sherif Arpio for being Hispanic American citizens and then pardoned by the President, black people being shot for being black, women having their P****** being grabbed by a future president so she does not deserve a shower but whatever. I hope she is ok


    When do the actions of one person permit violent actions to a different person?


    Oh yeah, you don't see people as individuals. Lefties see blocks of people, and marginalize their value and complexities as individuals.

    Race baiting and identify politics don't work so well when the complexities of individuals are permitted.

  11. On 5/1/2018 at 3:28 PM, Gugny said:

    But if I'm an electric/hybrid car owner, I'm not down with big brother monitoring my mileage or taxing me based upon said mileage.  People buying those cars are already spending more money than similar model gasoline-powered vehicles; and they're helping the environment.


    Common misconception here regarding electric cars. 64% of the electricity used to power those cars in the USA is generated by fossil fuels (natural gas 32% and coal 30%).




    A lot of people buying and flouting their use of electric cars get to virtue signal their commitment to environmentalism while ironically supporting fracking and coal mining.


    The pollution is simply moved upstream in the supply chain.


    Ironically the same people using such electric vehicles will often be among the first to condemn burning fossil fuels, fracking and the newer deregulation on coal mining, all the while increasing demand for those very things.

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