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Everything posted by RocCityRoller

  1. thank you for this highlight reel. I admit I'm not sold on DK either and like Nkeal more. I have to admit I didn't watch much Iowa State but this guy is a beast. How many spectacular contested catches, beast mode on a secondary and speed can you cram in one highlight reel? Really good suggestion BillsBlue
  2. Statistically about 300 a year since WaPo kept count or less than 0.0001% of the population. 300/350,000,000 x 100 =0.000085%. 1 is too many, but the theme that the police are going around killing black America is wrong and is a lie. It's not a story because it's not a story. Even the stats by left leaning Washington Post show you this, and I say left leaning because not once in it's history has WaPo endorsed a Republican as president. I would say that leans a direction, wouldn't you? How many of those 300 are suicide by police (mental illness), how many had weapons, how many fired on the police, look it up. I gave you the source from a lefty leaning publication. The list dwindles quickly. It is a non event amplified by a media that wants us to fight among ourselves. Divide and conquer. Almost the same percent of white America is killed by police. 600/350,000,000 x 100 = 0.00017% Meanwhile the left endorses policies that kill 1500 black babies daily. 1500 DAILY. In 'liberal NY' it just became easier to kill babies. You won't argue it because there is no argument. 0.6 per day without circumstance vs 1500 a day without circumstances. Henrich Himmler would be proud of the efficiency of Planned Parenthood. Those clinics have ratios to meet killing babies and most of them are black America. But you wont ague that. You can't. Less than 1 per day given all situations vs 1500 a day given all situations is not a basis for an argument, it's common sense.
  3. You do realize that of the @1000 people killed by police annually since 2014, over 60% are white? The stats aren't kept by the feds, since it is local jurisdiction. The Washington Post, a newspaper that has not once endorsed a Republican candidate for president, reports these facts annually and keeps a database. 2017 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings-2017/ 2018 - I met my non-subscriber limit. Google search 'Washington Post Police Killings 2018' or for any year for that matter since they started to keep aggregate stats for the whole country, I think it was 2014. 2019 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/national/police-shootings-2019/?utm_term=.a7a1418e2db9 The facts don't match your feelings. I am tired of the lies. There is no widespread police hunt against 'Black America' Far more of Black America kills itself off than any police activity ever will. Where is that outcry? Far more of Black America aborts its own babies than any other race. Planned Parenthood in black communities is genocide. Panned Parenthood locations have an abortion quota to meet. Where is the outcry? Fully knowing this, Infanticide Andrew Cuomo just passed a law taking away the rights of fetuses and babies 6-9 months old that survive an abortion. Where is the outcry? How is this not genocidal racism? I am tired of the lies and B&llshit.
  4. You are correct. He is also fed by a pass first system in Pitt. When JuJu took looks away he got angry. Even with JA and the team, AB would not be a focus. Bad fit, though I respect him as an athlete. Kareem Hunt would have been much more helpful. I think McBean is still a year or two from K Hunt. Give them the time. This team is 1-2 years from amazing, let it happen. This feels like 1984-1985 all over again. let it play out
  5. So we agree on some things and differ on others. You are aok, even if we disagree, because you like 'pie' and the Bills, though pie meant other things. But hey it's a football board so have some fun. Really look at the numbers I posted previously. It is very plain this was a bad move by NY in the long run for political stature. I live in NY and this was a very bad move. That was the point.
  6. So the question is since it's cold in Canada, do you prefer big pie or small pie? my girl appreciates the fact I am a 'baker'
  7. I am a macro guy. So It tried to use the analogy of a new baker making more pies. NYC has many bakers, but it doesn't hurt to build another bakery, especially if bakers and everyone affiliated could benefit. Not to mention those that benefit from building a new bakery. We agree, there has to be more pie. Not necessarily one big pie. Many small pies help too. That may be better, but when there is a shortage of pie does it matter? This was losing a big pie, at a time New York is complaining about not having enough pie. We can look at a picnic analogy. If 200 people show up and only one baker brought 1 big pie that is a mess. It's the same as 5 people bringing small pies. Ok a few more people got pie, but many are hungry and no one is satisfied. If everyone brought pies of different sizes, I bet everyone gets pie and most would be happy, and choice would be better. We need to bring it to a base level first TYT. You are too far ahead, lets talk pie in general and having pie or not having pie.
  8. Do explain.. I don't want to reply without a full understanding of your point. Use pie if possible
  9. Sometimes I think conservatives lack in subtlety. I don't know BigMcD's political stance. Because of social media I don't know the tone of the post. Maybe he was being sarcastic, maybe he was being genuine, or at least appreciated the effort. Everything I posted was based in fact. I can list sources. I'll share an analogy a professor shared with me during an economics class while pursuing my MBA. He said: "Think of the economy is a pie. As an economist I'm not as concerned as to how the pie is split up, as much as I am concerned with how to make the pie bigger. I know more pie is better for everyone. The bigger the pie, the more people get fed, but you can't take pie from one person to feed another. The pie has to get bigger or people will go hungry." This was my nonthreatening introduction to conservative thought. Over time I realized I don't want everyone getting the same sized piece of pie. Equality of outcome is not as fair as equality of opportunity and effort. With effort comes a bigger piece of pie. I also know you don't give away pie for free to people who didn't help make the pie, especially if the pie is not getting bigger. Giving away equal slices of pie, when the pie does not grow means people go hungry. It is more of a shame for people who helped make the pie go hungry than those who don't. Once the people who helped make the pie are fed others can get a slice if any is left, but they need to learn how to bake. This is only possible over time by continuously making the pie bigger and allowing the new bakers to practice their skill. This may mean that an investment in a new bakery is needed. This may mean the pie stays the same size in the short run, or may only grow slowly at first. But once the bakery is in place more pie is being made, and then more people can be fed. You can't keep slicing the same pie into smaller and smaller pieces and expect people to be happy, or be fed. New York decided it didn't need to 'invest 3billion dollars' in deferred taxes to build a new bakery. Let's think of every dollar as a slice of pie. New York was not paying Amazon 3 billion dollars, that is 3 billion slices of pie! Amazon and New York agreed to not ask Amazon to deliver 3 billion pieces of pie up front, knowing that In the long run Amazon would deliver much more than 3 billion pieces of pie once the bakery was up and running. The pie in the Big Apple would be much bigger long term. Maybe Apple Pie? In the short term the people building the bakery, transit people delivering building materials, and those managing the construction could have had more pie. Over the next 2-5 years farmers, bakers, and managers would have been making even more pie, maybe 500 million pieces of pie maybe 1 billion pieces of pie. By the simple fact a new bakery was being built, more people were going to help make more pie and would get more pie in the long term. Over 5 years the offset would be equal. The deferment would be paid, and Amazon would be making 6-10 billion pieces of pie a year. This would feed everyone involved and then some. Once the loan on the bakery was paid, their would be pie to spare. In the long run, no bakery was made. Those that could have helped build the bakery get no pie, those that could have helped start the baker get no pie. The excess pies that could have been made won't be. Meanwhile New York State continues to make the slice of pie those making pie gets smaller. And the number of people needing pie increases.
  10. No one has tried looking at the $ opportunity lost. Let's only look at lost employee income tax and employer SUI alone, because no tax deal would include SUI (state unemployment Insurance) since it has a base floor and tax breaks (aka corporate deferments) don't apply to employees. The average pay was to be 150k. Since I have no idea of the statistical spread of salaries I'll have to go with a mean average. In New York State, the combined state income tax on 150k is 6.28% a year. It varies by claimed dependents, pretax savings (401k/ health care), tax loopholes and not taking into account lower paid employees. It also does not take into consideration the progressive tax structure in NYS paid on higher salaries. The base is $9400 per employee. 0.0628 * 25,000 employees * $150000 = 235,500,000 annually in state income tax. Let's say the avg is 9k given to salary spread, pretax investments and tax loopholes etc. At 9k a year per employee, that is still 225 million annually in NYS personal income tax. NYC also has a 3.8% city income tax, or another $5.5k average annual tax on $150000. 0.038*$150000*25,000 = $142,500,000 in annual NYC income tax. Adding this with the state taxes this is about $350-375 million in employee paid income tax alone. Given spread, individual deductions etc, the reality is $325-400 million a year annually lost in employee income taxes that loud mouth Democrat leadership chased away. Tell me again how chasing away about a third of a billion dollars in personal income taxes annually helps a state with a new 2.3 billion dollar shortfall? This back of the napkin calculation does not include employer corporate tax, state disability tax, State Unemployment Insurance, employee property taxes, sales taxes (8.875% in NYC), service surcharges, and 'sin taxes' on things like gas and soda. The NYS SUI (state unemployment insurance rate) collected from employers is 3.525%. 3.525% is the low rate, it escalates up to 8.225%. Let's go with 3.525% 0.03525*150000*25000 = $132,187,500. At a very bottom, looking at employee state income tax, employee city income tax and employer SUI that is half a billion dollars a year lost to a tone deaf and ignorant New York leadership. The Dems thumb their noses at a corporation that would have generated half a billion a year, minimum directly to NYS/NYC coffers. That is if the subsidies and deferments allowed Amazon to pay no real estate tax and no corporate tax into perpetuity. Keep in mind the half a billion annually also does not account for the employee sales taxes, property taxes, surcharges, public transit receipts or sin taxes. All told there is an easy 750 million to 1 billion total dollar annual tax opportunity loss, and AOC thinks she won because she 'saved' 3 billion in deferred tax credits that cost nothing but the opportunity cost to to the land and revenues that may be generated on that land and by another company. Infanticide Andy is blaming Trump for a 2.3 billion dollar shortfall due a a change in Federal tax policy that limits how much state tax a person can claim on federal returns. BTW The goal of the federal tax code change is to prevent states like NY and CA from taxing their middle class, entrepreneurs and high tax earners into oblivion. It also limits subsidies paid from poorer states to richer states in the form of tax deductions of the middle class and wealthy in overtaxed states. Seems fair to me. Why should a middle class person in Tennessee pay for deductions the Federal government gives to the people in high taxed states like NY? Of course Infanticide Andy doesn't like this. Mini Mussolini feels that the rest of the country should pay to help out the middle class, upper middle class and wealthy in New York because he overtaxes them. How else can he stem the flow of 1.8 million middle class, entrepreneurs and wealthy leaving the state since 2000? What about the jobs that would have been created in transportation/ hospitality/ food service and other retail that that 25000 people on a150k average would have demanded? All of that spending is again taxed as income by the employees in those jobs and the employer of those employees. We also don't factor in Labor Economics, wherein employers have to pay more or offer better benefits due to 25,000 high skilled employees being sucked into better paying jobs with Amazon, a stable employer. AOC thinks this is a win. You can't make up this level of ineptitude and stupidity.
  11. I don't think the Bills WR are that bad. Z Jones and R. Foster can both go 750/ 5 TD this year. Add in D Thompson and D Williams (CFL) in a full off season, and see what happens. Don't reach on a WR (Metcalf comes to mind) Go inside out. Trade down. Draft DF7 and Oline. Get young legs at RB late. Take the best blocking TE in the 5th or so. 1-2 new Oline (FA and draft), great blocking TE, give JA time and send 3WR and a RB into flight. Let JA find who is open and throw to him, if no on is open run. Improve the DF7 and allow opportunity for this terrific DB group (White, Hyde, Poyer, Wallace) to make plays. With the cap money extend Poyer and Hyde now. Help them make plays to give JA a chance on short fields. The Bills are so close. Inside out. OL and DEF7 this draft. Its a crazy good draft for DEF7, get one.
  12. I may be among the first to say it, and I am now, mark it and use it against me in the future. I don't think the WRs are a problem. I am a build inside to outside guy on both lines. The Bills lines sucked last year, on offense and defense. I don't think the Bills are too far off at WR. Z Jones developed as a #2. R Foster became a real threat in real games. The bills brought back D Thompson who had a few big time games with the Bills, and the Bills brought in CFL standout D Williams. I want a full offseason with JA at QB and this WR mix. The Bills have two legitimate 750 yards/ 5 TD guys in Jones and Foster. D Thompson and D Williams add to the mix. This offense needs to get a RB moving, and we have Shady. Take OL early and a productive RB in round 5-6. Draft 1 WR or a stud at TE and Allen will have options. The Defensive front 7 was terrible at producing pressure.The O-line sucked. When a RB of Shady McCoy's calibre has issues then the O-line sucks. Draft O-line and Front 7 help. It is a deep front 7 DEF draft, get one, it helps. Trade back. Then go O-line and Def front 7 again. The WR on this team are aok with only one addition. JA needs time to find them, and that is OL. He also needs more short field situations, that is Defense. Balance JA with a run game The Bills front 7 needs help to create scenarios. I want OL and DEF front 7 all day unless a WR falls, and a fresh legs at RB which can be found late.
  13. Big Mike Williams. He was supposed to be a stud on OL. The Bills passed on SU stand outs OT Bryant McKinnie and DE Dwight Freeney. This is why I want players with a bit of 'nasty' to this day.
  14. a guy with a range from round 1-5 is tough to call. This isn't Aaron Rogers or Thurman Thomas
  15. that would qualify as a sleeper then!
  16. I'd take any of the above comparisons, figure out how to use him
  17. I don't like Metcalf at all. But I like N'Keal Harry and Harmon so thumbs up.
  18. I'm all for a trade down and draft @15 and pick up a 2nd or two late firsts with the Raiders Kyle William was 'high motor' I want a turbo charged guy had a high motor but no transmission This defense is not 'elite' despite TBD. The D was what 29th or 30th in sacks? Better pass rush gives the very good secondary more chances to make turnovers and put JA in better position to score.
  19. After Josh Allen Jachai Polite is nasty... will be there at 9. Opposite Hughes? turn the volume down.... downright offensive 'music'
  20. Dear Westside Madness, I am a Nigerian Prince looking to transfer my family wealth of over 4 billion dollars made in oil out to the Unites States or England. I am seeking an agent in either of those countries to help me transfer my funds and avoid costly taxes and penalties......
  21. By the title I thought Michael Moore held up a Little Caesars
  22. To be fair Anthony Lynn wasn't 'all that' in press conferences and the Chargers looked pretty good this year. I'm also probably a bit biased right now because the SB advertisement with Anthony Lynn thanking his first responders was pretty great.
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