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Posts posted by Scorp83

  1. 13 minutes ago, QBorBust2018 said:

    Everything Beane has done is meaningless until he engineers a move into the top 5



    lets wait and see... 


    he could still fail, and the bills end up with the bust Lamar Jackson at 12 

    What makes you think Jackson's a bust? Him, Mayfield & Rosen are literally the best of the bunch. You don't improve on every QB aspect in your final year & still become a heisman finalists, after winning the award the year prior...if your a bust! People thought DeShaun Watson was a bust... now it's crickets when you speak his name! Lamar Jackson is a WAY better prospect then Deshaun Watson, Wentz, Goff, Winston, Mariota, & Russell Wilson coming out college. He's the one prospect who's a throw first QB... that happens to be deadly if he decides to take off & run. 


    Don't be surprise if that's who Beane want! This guy was the front man to scouting Cam... & Lamar Jackson has better arm talent then Cam. You never know the 12th pick might be what they want to draft Jackson. Maybe that's why McCarron is on a 2 year deal... that's enough time for Jackson to develop. 


    Don't judge a book by its cover...you sound crazy saying "Out right" Jackson is a bust 

  2. 19 minutes ago, astb41 said:

    I've never rooted so hard for someone to succeed.  But the playoff game sealed it for me.

    I agree. I was rooting for Taylor to succeed but it's was evident he just wasn't going to take the step we needed him to make. At times he'd look the part. But then he'll fall back in his normal 175 yards 1 or 2 TD's mode... which is "Ok" but isn't enough

  3. 14 minutes ago, dlonce said:

    I’m sorry everyone. I must reply.


    I pointed out skin color because it’s been mentioned on this board numerous times in rebuttals that skin color is a reason to compare. I wanted to qualify my statement otherwise.


    you then chastise me about this and point out that all people are of color. This is true,but,you have no idea who you speaking to.

    i am a man who was raised in the 60s, where we were referred to as “colored” and “people of color.”

    Then you chastise another poster incorrectly using the words “race card.”


    Get off your politically correct high horse. You have no idea what I’ve been through in my life with regards to race.

    You have no business harassing me about this topic at all.


    Here are the facts.

    Tyrod is mostly a one read QB who runs when his receiver isn’t open

    Jackson is a one read QB who runs when his receiver isn’t open, PERIOD,Got it?


    A person compares both and they are a racist,a person qualifies their comparison to state race isn’t an issue and your a racist.


    Are you a millennial?

    I'm with you on everything else. Except for Jackson being a one read QB... I think he's more then that. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    I really dont want to pull the race card out on this


    I am going to say it is because of style of play and the stereotype that comes with that.


    Statistics have already been presented that Lamar Jackson (and in less years) blows away TT in TD passes (which is one of the few QB stats I actually care about


    but for those that do love passing yards...he blows him away there too


    He is a extremely productive college player with all the NFL tools who has gotten better every year


    Am I SUPPOSED to hate him because he is a threat to run?   To people understand that this forces defenses to play him differently....that they will formulate their defense to "make him a quarterback" and the kid actually can throw from the pocket?


    No...im not going to downgrade him because he does something extremely well besides pass the ball......as long as he can turn his game and make the throws when defenses try to corral him in.





    Totally agree! Well said sir... well said!


    "Am I SUPPOSED to hate him because he is a threat to run?   To people understand that this forces defenses to play him differently....that they will formulate their defense to "make him a quarterback" and the kid actually can throw from the pocket?"


    Excellent post! 

  5. 26 minutes ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    AGAIN! why bring race into the conversation? I told the last idiot that brought up race.. most good human beings don't give a crap if your black white yellow pick blue purple.. STOP BRINGING RACE INTO THE CONVERSATION! It doesn't belong in these forums. No one here gives a chit about race. get over yourself/it.


    this is your 11th post? disgraceful!

    We are here to judge our opinion and talk about talent.. NOT TALK ABOUT RACE...


    another idiotic post goes down in the books.


    1. Because people are worried about another Run first QB that we don't want.

    2. Because he is very raw talent.

    3. Just because Tyrod was 6th round pick... means NOTHING. its about what you do on the field.

    3. you have no clue how he will produce in the NFL just like any other GI Joe here..  We are going with gut feelings and we have our right to it..


    Knock it off with the race card..

    Those 4 points are not valid... fine let's take the race out of it... Going off his collegiate experience, he's probably the best prospect in the draft... his skill set says he will do great in the NFL. I knew for a fact that DeShaun Watson was going to do great... our GM didn't think so...so he traded out of the pick...& I'm just a normal guy working a regular job. Did i get lucky? NO ... i knew Wentz was going to be good... before the message board got shutdown... I was on there banging the table for Wentz... but everyone was high on Rex & Tyrod. 


    Jackson is a great prospect, he's better then Watson...& People tried to compare him to Taylor...WHY?!?!  It's hard to not bring race in it because Watson & Jackson are clearly not Taylor... & proved in college that their not Taylor. The same 4 points you used... can be said about the other 5 top QB's... but yet you still get people in the Bills community that calls him "Tyrod Jackson" ???


    It's getting old... they both different... & Jackson is a legit weapon... who's way ahead of alot of rookies... is he right for the Bills? IMO No... we can't wait on him to fully develop. I'd rather have Rosen... but wouldn't be mad if we drafted Jackson.


    Oh & just because I'm new on the board doesn't mean I'm clueless to this. I was on the Bills Message board since 2004! I'm not some young guy that woke up & decided to get on here.... I'm a vet & been a Bills fan for over 33yrs! So just because you see that someone is new...dont assume they're clueless

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. If people can't see the difference in Taylor & Jackson then their blinded by race. Just because he's black & can scramble doesn't mean they're the same player. 


    For starters...in his 2nd year Tyrod threw 2...count them....2 TD's...

    Jackson won the heisman! Let that sink in...


    Taylor went in the 6th rd, Jackson is projected Top 25...


    They are on 2 different playing fields... it's like me saying...dont draft Rosen because he's Trent Edwards 2.0 ??



  7. 4 minutes ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    Oh your welcome, I think this Has come up quite often. Leadership part I agree. Lamar is a great leader in the huddle and as far as possible pocket passer? I think that if you are picking him up in draft hoping for that then your being risky. To be honest with you I like him to but damn. I am not going to be happy till he throws in the NFL lol..

    Yep totally agree and this is why I put Vic on my post cause he throws just like him. And yes. he was a good COLLEGE player in one of the worst divisions. On that note I do like him but not in first round.

    Every QB out of the NFL that is drafted early has same confidence.. Confidence means nothing if you cant put up the numbers. I think he is a risk.

    TY TY TY. Totally agree but he wont get it lol..

    I think your one of the few that feel this. He has an arm with accuracy issues. He played in a weaker conference. But I love your confidence and thanks for replying.

    Right but he was in a different conference. you guys got to remember this.

    He isn't Tyrod Taylor... he's better then Taylor. He doubles Tyrod in every aspect of his game. You know who doesn't have confidence? Tyrod! Everything about Jackson is better then Tyrod. 

  8. 12 hours ago, PIZ said:

    It's the combine... I knew Allen would have the best combine...the guy threw from his knees... & tried to show off a little until Rosen threw his deep ball too. 


    Newflash: all the combine does is validate what you see on tape. Rosen, Jackson, & Mayfield did that. Allen showed he can throw when nobody is in his face.

  9. 4 hours ago, NewDayBills said:

    And then we have Lamar Jackson over Mason Rudolph, I mean are we serious? Jackson throwing for 4,000 yards is just as likely as Ivanka Trump giving me a BJ.

    I disagree! Jackson has a way higher ceiling then Rudolph. Almost everyone says his floor is higher then everyone in the draft, it's just he's not ready to start right away...him & Darnold. I love Rosen & Mayfield, but with the right team Jackson is better then both of them. He's better the Watson... & Mayfield & Rosen probably won't reach that ceiling. Rosen is more Matt Ryan/Stafford & Mayfield is Wilson. Watson was a top 5 QB & he's not even fully developed...scary.... & Jackson is better then him! ? Rudolph is Cousins at best 

    1 hour ago, 1billsfan said:


    Not just better than Rudolph. The more I watch all of these QBs, the more I think Jackson will be the best of the bunch.


    He does have NFL passing skills, he's extremely elusive, huge play making ability, very likable guy, he will have a ton of support, the Bills have staff from Carolina so they will know what to do with him to have him succeed.


    I think that draft season becomes like an echo chamber where everyone wants things to stay as they were, QBs should stay in the boxes/labels that they were deemed to always be as a QB. I heard some media guys saying that Jackson looked sketchy as a passer in the passing drills. I didn't see that. Yes there were a few misfires, but he showed me that he can make effortless NFL throws. Dude has an arm, and he's not afraid to use it as seen in college.


    There's something about each guy at the top of the QB rankings that just doesn't feel right. To me, Jackson just looks like he's going to be a star and everybody is missing it just like they did with Watson.


    This ☝️?

    1 hour ago, Teddy KGB said:




    2018  “Let’s be offended by everything” 


    Grab a tissue, I’m sorry he runs and throws bombs like Vick. 


    Read this Simool 






    Then hold this 





  10. 1 minute ago, NewDayBills said:

    I think black QBs are held to lower standards. You have guys like Kirk Cousins throw 4,000 yards back to back to back and he is only a top 12-15 QB. Cam Newton throws for 4,000 once in 7 years and he is hailed as an 'elite' franchise QB. 

    Cause Cam adds is different dimension to his game. Which makes Cam a superstar, Cousins can be avg at times. Cam worst game will probably be 1 passing TD & 1 rushing TD. 

  11. 2 hours ago, NewDayBills said:

    Which I don't understand, Cam only threw for 4k+ one time in his entire career. His career passing % is 58.5%. Is Cam Newton the standard for passing?

    Part of that is the questionable offensive direction in Carolina. I don't think it's Cam. Most of these coaches are boneheads :flirt:

  12. 58 minutes ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    That's what I am wondering.

    I agree its a crap shoot. What would be your "spot"

    You mean like taking advantage of Tyrods running abilities? how that working out?

    Tyrod came out a bit more accurate yes.


    I can show you a few Tyrod whipped down field also. watch both.


    But what none of your comments & the other posters YouTube clips doesn't show you is his leadership skills, & his ability to get better from 2nd to 3rd year. Something Tyrod failed to do. Jackson is growing & he got better as a thrower... & is still getting better. 


    I wanted DeShaun Watson for this exact reason... cause he was still growing. Taylor isn't growing, he has no more growth available. He is who he is now... Jackson isn't. Plus he can run our offense!


     Lamar Jackson steals show at NFL Combine, meets with Buffalo Bills | NewYorkUpstate.com


    ""When asked which teams he met with, the Buffalo Bills were the first team he mentioned. Jackson ran the Erhardt-Perkins offense at Louisville. That happens to be the same offense Bills offensive coordinator Brian Daboll is scholed in. Jackson is more than confident he can command that offense in the NFL, too."


    Nuff said...

  13. 1 hour ago, FeelingOnYouboty said:

    Jackson actually throws people open and takes chances unlike TT and unlike Vick he’s more than comfortable sitting in the pocket than bailing.


    I’d be really happy if we drafted him. Special talent and he’s a special kid too.

    FeelingOnYouboty! My man... ?


    I agree, I also feel like he's more committed to the game then Mike Vick. 

    1 hour ago, NewDayBills said:

    If we did draft Jackson, I'd want to take advantage of him as a runner, I think it'd be a mistake not to. Run option, spread offense and of course sprinkles of a pro style offense. I do think he'll be way better than Taylor, but I don't think he'll ever be a 4,000 yard passer, he may get you 4,000 yards rushing/passing combined, maybe he could grow as a passer as time goes on, but forcing him to be a pocket QB early in his career is a really bad idea.

    "People said the same thing about Cam..." you know who said ☝️?this comment?


    Brandon Beane...on WGR Thurs morning.

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