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Everything posted by Scorp83

  1. Darnold & Allen are the biggest reaches in this draft. One cant throw a 5 & out, the other is a turnover machine. Jackson with the right coaching staff, can be better then Watson... Mayfield & Rosen are just studs. NDT is a great reliable source. They got this one right NDT is a creditable scouting source. Most GM's in the league use them for more information to add to they're own scouts. I've posted a few threads with interviews from some of those guy's. Plus, the best thing about them, they're not baited by the front offices of the teams. Like Kiper, these GM's knows if they want to get something out, tell Kiper, Mort... ect. If you want to hear real information, it's group's like NDT that gives you a great breakdown, without all the fluff.
  2. Trust me bro... I'm just as baffled as you are... apparently on this forum, there seems to be a nice Josh Allen Crowd... why? I don't know... I haven't talk this much about a big arm kid, that's completely inaccurate, & can't throw to the flats IN PRACTICE at the Senior Bowl, with NO DEFENDERS rushing him... since JP Losman
  3. I've seen him play, alot... give me a time to go to...so I can actually see what it is, your trying to say
  4. Yea...so what's your point? He's a way better talent then Taylor. He scans the field like a QB, & can make every throw, & would of been over a 60% completion percentage if his WR's actually didn't drop the ball every game. Baker Mayfield is shorter then Taylor & he's a better talent. I'm sorry but I'm not understanding that logic
  5. Thanks for this! If this is what the OP is getting at... then he must be the biggest Allen supporter. Allen going to any team other then the Bills will already be a great night! The Broncos might not spend high for a QB, plus they want to address other needs... I think we'll be fine... & if not Lamar Jackson is a great option at 12. I'm not going to repeat myself, but I'm very well documented on this forum on the improvement of Jackson & how he has more growth to go
  6. So....im confuse... How is Allen going 1st overall effecting the Bills??? Please help me understand this logic before I vote Wow... it's good to WANT things
  7. I think you are off your rocker to feel like that. There's no such thing as "Overpay for a QB" It's the most important position on the field
  8. Great! I hope they do... anyone but the Bills. It's time to win...
  9. I agree with the bottom portion of your post. But that top part... man... smh. Just because your not working for an NFL team & getting paid 7 figures doesn't mean you don't know what your talking about. Some GM's & scouts don't know what they're doing. I'm quite sure if you were our GM in 2010, you wouldn't have drafted Spiller with Fred & Lynch on the roster. Point is, when your right, your right! I've been right on NFL drafts more then Mel Kiper! Just because I choose to donate my time for fun, & I'm not getting 7 figures, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. Now, I've been wrong... but I've been more right then wrong ?
  10. Yea I hear ya... Allen shouldn't be drafted over Darnold, Rosen, Mayfield, Jackson, & Rudolph. He's the 6th or 7th best QB in this draft... & because NFL front offices like to feed big media outlets crappy information to bait other teams (If you've clicked on my link, I provided in my thread on Mayfield) into drafting the crappiest guy...Allen might go 1st overall...smh. It's called "Good PR"... Jackson who doesn't have a agent, is losing the PR touch... which maybe his plan... Jackson may want to go to a better team...not these teams that finish bottom 5. Allen just shouldn't be mention as a top 5 pick at all. But like the Bills... everyone has used Allen like a cheap $5 ... you know. He's the bait, every NFL team is using. I believe our guy is Mayfield... I want Rosen...but Its good to WANT things... if we can't move up to get Mayfield, we'll stay put & Jackson... who isn't a bad backup plan... & is probably #2 on Beane board. People gushed over Watson last year...well, Jackson is a better prospect. Better size, better arm talent, showed better improvement to scan the field, & he had to work with less, then what Watson had. Jackson WR's couldn't catch the ball... Smh, Jackson is going to be a steal
  11. Ok...why not? Wawa is the #1 convince store on the east coast. What's wrong with wawa?
  12. From everything I've read & listen to from Bills beat reporters... I believe the Bills will stay at 12, unless their guy.... Baker Mayfield is still on the board at 4. (Hopefully the Jets draft Josh Allen... that would be great another bust QB going to the Jets ?) If Mayfield is still on the board at 4, we will attempt to trade up... if no one is willing to trade or Mayfield is off the board. The Backup plan is Lamar Jackson... we will stay at 12, Draft Jackson or Roquan Smith (If they feel they can get Jackson at 22). It's a more scenarios base answer when it comes to this question Could be... but the Giants aren't trading they seem to wanna keep their 2nd overall pick. The Bills have just as much of a shot to move up to 4 then anyone against us. Man....this is history in the making. I'm agreeing with Bangarang... after years of battling this guy on the BB Msg board... I'm actually agreeing with him...lol Hell probably froze over ? I'm in a good mood... where's The Slammer? For ol'times sake
  13. Actually... it's started with the 76ers... everyone after them stole it
  14. Depends if he can do what Tyrod did... if he can just manage the game...& the defense is good...yea we're a playoffs team
  15. When I showed up... is besides the point. You know what I'm talking about. Just don't knock anyone posting interviews to help inform the fanbase.
  16. See I have to call you out on this 26Corner When I was posting these interviews links, you got upset & told me people already heard it... then when i rebuttal back & told you "everyone doesnt get a chance to hear WGR"... you come back & start posting interviews you tried to blast me about?!?! That's a little hypocritical... Then you went on my other threads & tried to discredit the interviewer of my post, that comes from the same place... ??? What's your deal? So it's wrong for someone else to provide insightful information except for you right?
  17. Far from a snowflake... & I back my opinions up with facts! The facts of the matter is Allen will be a 1st rd pick...i never denied that. But whoever takes him will most likely lose there job. & if this fanbase wants the Bills to succeed... you & everyone else better pray... Beane doesn't select Allen.
  18. Scorp is back fellow fans... Another Great interview if you haven't caught it yet! Kyle Crabbs knows his stuff... he's not going to feed you lucky charm fluff you'll get from Kiper & company. He's breaking down how the Bills might have shown their hand a little too early, our huge interest in Mayfield (Who I've been saying all along is their guy...? lol), the way the NFL works with guys like Kiper to leak stuff they want to get out to the public... & how teams come to him to get some of his research on prospects! Give a listen... it's a good 11mins... but it's insightful! 3-30 Kyle Crabbs, NDTScouting, talks NFL Draft on Schopp and the Bulldog - http://www.wgr550.com/media/podcast/schopp-and-bulldog Go Bills! ?
  19. My opinions is not that of someone else's, there mine. The links I provided are proof that it's not just me saying these things about Allen. I've been banging the table & repeating myself in threads for weeks... now I've found more people... creditable people, people that most of us listen too, to support what I've been saying all along. There's need for me to further breakdown Allen's game, when there's a TON of information out there to support it. To deny it... & say: "What would be really great is if someone that claims that Allen is dead money did their own breakdown instead of merely repeating what someone else says about the kid" Is pointless for anyone to do. Because basically everyone is saying the same thing. My video breakdown will look & say almost the exact same thing about Josh Allen. What else to do want a breakdown of??? everyone that really follows the NFL knows most of the experts are a Joke! It's the beat writers that doesn't get paid by the league to leak information. I have a new link coming up soon... great interview with Kyle Crabbs... who breakdown what you just said. Plus everyone knows... Chris Brown knows his stuff! He doesn't give you fluff... like most experts... that's probably because he's an insider beat reporter...
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