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Everything posted by Scorp83

  1. She's not that bad looking... it's a challenge but I think I can cheer her up after a few drinks.
  2. Russ doesn't bother me... he doesn't do anything football related for the Bills. All he does is sale "Hope" every year. I would keep him too...he does that well. The stadium is packed every Sunday
  3. This past year for Foles was like that miracle year he had with Chip Kelly... so we can expect Foles to come back down to earth now that he surprised the league again. Teams will be ready for him. I'm so glad the Bills are not taking the bait on this guy. It's the offense... he made throws, but they were designed throws. It was more the offense then Foles
  4. Foles stinks bro... I hear you. But you take him out of that high power Pederson offense & he's back to being Nick Foles. I think he's just making a case to try & start over Wentz....which is not happening. If the Eagles do that...then trade for Wentz & let them keep Foles...& play around with that issue.
  5. He's Nick Foles... I remember how bad he was after his hot start... he had plenty of chances to be good. Don't mistake a smart coach with a good offense, for a good QB. Dude is average at best No thanks
  6. ??? We'll see pal... I'll definitely will give you your respect if this is true
  7. Hey... I'm optimistic too on that post ? Understood. See I was a little more optimistic about this season. Now with all these holes... we minds well draft a QB, take the step back & fill our holes next year
  8. KHAN!! Another former BB Msg board member right here! ?
  9. YES! That's another thing I meant to mention! Great point! & that's my point. It's crazy to put alot of stock in the draft to have a better season then last. Again, we would have to hit on every pick...which is unlikely given the uncertainty of the draft
  10. I wasn't saying signing McCarron was a bad move but in no way does his contract shows savviness. It says...he's just a guy. Potential starter...is a reach. Wasn't saying this either, I was stating the point that the Jets could have a stud QB along with us. You can't be too closed minded... the Jets could hit on a QB just as much as the Bills. Milano & Humber... please. Your reaching & we're still in the off-season... which was my point too... right now, those 2 are not legit answers. Milano did play well but not to justify getting better. As of now, we have no legit starting LB's... Alexander is running from father time too. To put so much stock in the draft, with this many holes is concerning to me. Yes, I believe in drafting more then signing Free Agents... what I don't believe in is trading away talent without a plan & that's what we've done. You don't quit your job until you have another one lined up. I get your optimism... I love that! But we would have to almost hit on every pick to probably be better then last year
  11. I ask this cause I want to get a sense on where the fanbase is at right now? Has the plan change for you??? ("Staying competitive while building for the future") It seems like every move McBeane tries to make, we end up going in reverse. They trade Darby & Sammy... both Gaines & Matthews gets hurt, they trade Dareus & then trade for Benjamin, KB gets hurts & the run game suffers, Tyrod has a bad game, gets bench & Peterman comes in, throws 5 picks. We make the playoffs by the skin of our teeth after that decision, all seems forgiven & McDermott knee jerk reaction to Tyrod's bad game doesn't come back to haunt him...Cool Fast forward to the off-season, we trade Tyrod without a sure fire plan, & we're stuck with McCarron on a minimum deal, not even legit backup money. We sign Star L...& Kyle comes back...cool! Wood retires, Then we don't bring Preston back (maybe cause of scheme fit). We trade Cordy to the Bengals & move up to 12...Great! Then the Jets move up to 3, & put a stink our strategic gameplan to trade up & draft a top QB...because regardless of what the Bills do...the Jets will have a guy at QB also for possibly the next 10-15 yrs Ughhh. We sign Russell Bodine to patch up the lost of Wood...we figure Bodine should do well lining up next to Richie...who now retires along with Wood. As of right now we have No QB, No LB's, outside of KB no legit WR's, No O-line, & we need CB, TE & RB depth. Last year's team finish better then expected, & it felt like we were only a QB & WR away from improving. I guess MY feeling is, it's hard to remain confident in 2018, with NO QB, our division all wanting a QB, & our roster not looking no where close to last year's...with Free Agency pretty much over with, & only the draft to improve this team. How do we maintain McDermott & Beane plan of "Staying competitive while building for the future"???
  12. For me it's the total opposite... I favor Beane over McDermott... this guy was trying to keep us from making the playoffs last year.
  13. This could Easily be our 12th pick. You have to have backup plan if everything fails... if we can't move up for Baker, then we probably take Quan at 12... use 22 & our extra 2nd to trade up for Jackson...maybe
  14. "QBASE Says Josh Allen is going to suck" You don't say... As a Bills fan.... why do you want to go through that?!?! C'mon brah... let's not get a headache if we don't have to. We have a shot to draft a really good QB, let's not waste it on a headache. We've had one for 18 years! And their GM will be fired in 2 years
  15. That's not what I meant... I was pretty much saying. He should go in the 2nd or 3rd rd. I know that's not happening... it's just crazy that he's being considered a 1st Rd pick. I wouldn't take him at all... not even in the 3rd, but again the risk is much better in that rd...whereas the 1st, is extremely risky...
  16. That's the main knock on Allen... the fact he is considered a 1st Rd pick... top 5 at that... with all the questions. Wentz was from a small school but he check the boxes of everything your looking for in a franchise QB. Wentz didn't have all the questions & concerns that follow Allen. Yet, you have some that want to ignore these risks... & still bet on him correcting alot of his issues. You do that in the 2nd or 3rd rd, not the 1st. ???? Right!
  17. No... I'm very inviting to the conversation. I do think Rosen is the best of the bunch. But Darnold has some talent too... we differ on where but I think Rosen is light years ahead of Allen more then Darnold
  18. I have to ask, why do you think otherwise? To have Jackson ahead of those 4 (you forgot to put Allen in here...he's at 125!) Shows a little truth behind their scouting. Look, all these guy's could flame out, & we can't lose focus on what a prospect coming into the league is. When it comes to production, Jackson is light years ahead of those 4, he has everything those 4 don't have. Numbers, consistency, talent, & he doesn't turn the ball over. Plus, he's still growing, he still haven't reach his ceiling yet... & the way the NFL is adapting the college spread... he'll probably reach his Ceiling in 2 years with the right staff & system. He's easily the 3rd or 4th best QB in a good QB class. What is it you don't like about him?? He's 6'3 212lbs... & will be 225 by the time he gets in his mid 20's, he can read defenses & react to they're mistakes. When it comes to a rookie QB prospect, he checks all the boxes.
  19. I can get behind this... we differ in Darnold tho. Look, I like Darnold just because I have him 4th just means I'm a little concerned about his turnovers. If he can clean that up, he'll be a phenomenal QB. Definitely agree with your assessment on Mayfield & Jackson. Those 2 are special talents.
  20. The Bills...all day. But I've always had a sweet spot for the Eagles. Only because it's the home team...everything else is Philly. 6ers, Phillies, Flyers...lol. the Bills have always & will always be my team. I haven't jumped ship...not once! Some people left they're teams when the Birds won the SB... not me. I'm a man of integrity
  21. No problem... 03-26 John Murphy Show HR 2 - Chris Brown destroys Allen https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/wgr550.hosted.cx/hosting/media/wgr550/1642018/122301576.mp3
  22. Exactly! I've been saying this for weeks. It's the same theme with Allen... I posted a link with Chris Brown...now say what you will, but when you go back & watch the Senior bowl... Chris Brown was spot on with his assessment of Allen. Yet, Mayock (who I really respect) is out here banging the table for Allen. I think he took the check to hype him up this year. Just like Kiper did with Blaine Gabbert in 2011. When everyone knew, Cam was the better prospect. I also have Jackson as the 3rd best QB in this class. Rosen, Mayfield, & Jackson. Your just spot on bro! Totally agree!
  23. That tells you how bad Kiper, Mayock, Has it wrong. But they're giving you what they league wants out there. Cause people believe what they want to believe. If you literally watch Allen... you know this kid is a huge risk! The eyeball test doesn't lie unless you don't know what your looking at. (Not you in particular... just saying for anyone that hasn't watched him play)
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