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Everything posted by Scorp83

  1. I totally agree ... what I've notice on this board is that you have to be part of the league for anyone to believe in you. I have creditable knowledge of this game, I've been apart of this game for almost 30 years & I'm not talking watching it with a beer in my hand. But what most people don't know, is if McBeane is wrong...they will become a poster just like everyone else. Unless they get back into coaching again on someone staff. These dudes are not right...just because they have this position doesn't mean they know what their doing. Especially McDermott...the jury is still out on him & his time management decisions
  2. Yea...they way it looks, as if it was Allen all along. & that's the previous poster point...if they loved Allen, then why pass on Mahomes? He was pretty much the same player coming out with a better resumé. I just hope im wrong....cause if Allen is who everyone think he is... this front office is honey bun done
  3. By you starting your post off with this...totally destroyed your point. If you don't understand that they passed on Watson & Mahomes for Allen...then you've been asleep at the wheel for the past year buddy
  4. There's no way most of the fanbase didn't want this guy before the draft...now that we have him...people want to ignore everything & talk themselves into him being good?? If you don't find nothing wrong with that... then yea...its being naive
  5. No...im angry with the front office too. But your too much in your feelings if you want Jay Cutler... look the Josh Allen Pick was bad! But I'd rather see what McCarron has to offer...then Peterman...heck bring Fitzpatrick back...Allen was just a waste of pick
  6. Smh sad... this coaching staff love special teams & fullbacks... Why not sign an extra punter & kicker for depth
  7. I have no choice but to get behind McCarron being a capable starter... the front office drafted Josh Allen to be our QB. McCarron is our only hope. Sad situation but it's realistic... we need McCarron to be good this year
  8. It's the truth... I'm not talking myself into Allen... if he proves me wrong I will believe.... but I've been around this game for a long time. I just don't see it...im not going to go against my better judgment & talk myself into something I know in my heart is just wrong. If I'm wrong...i will proudly own it! But the chances of me being wrong is lesser then Allen becoming a franchise QB for our team.
  9. Man...this is how crazy people tries to justify not being crazy. If it looks like a rat & smells like a rat...then it's a rat. This type if naive thinking is believing that your being rained on....even tho the liquid is yellow & has a smell.
  10. Yea because he's a QB... just because he has a 3rd rd grade in him doesn't mean a team can't overdraft him in the 1st rd. That's what all the experts were projecting... that a team will take him in the 1st. But that doesn't mean him going in the 1st rd is justifiable
  11. Why because they are not praising our top 10 pick??? Your being bias...
  12. Well I've watched 6 games of Allen... & I literally text Jeremy & told him to stop sending me game times & the channel of Josh Allen... those games were wasting my life!
  13. I totally disagree...only because he's made a statement that most of us know. It's not blowing smoke... besides Kiper, Mayock, Chris Simms, & DJ... everyone said this dude is a project, but given the position he's going in the top 10. Bucky Brooks, Charles Davis, Heck Sal, Jeremy White, Nate Geary, & Donald Jones from WGR said numerous occasions have either stated or had guests on the air saying Don't Draft this guy with a 1st rd pick.
  14. Your asking a poster to literally dig up this information... that's crazy. Shoot your better off clicking on my profile, I've started threads all throughout this draft process, with links on a ton of WGR interviews with guy's that had Allen projected as a 3rd rd pick. Like your crazy thread says(that you locked & won't allow anyone to comment on)... "use the search engine" I'm quite sure you'll find what your looking for sir
  15. This is my whole entire stance with Allen, I pray to God that I'm wrong. I would love to be wrong... for the Bills front office, pray that I'm wrong on Allen
  16. This dude John is a beast! Even my boy Sal tried to set him up with some good questions & Mr. Ledyard had answer after answer... on the state of the Bills Check it out... 05-11 Jon Ledyard on Schopp and the Bulldog - http://www.wgr550.com/media/podcast/schopp-and-bulldog
  17. A hobby sir... a hobby Neither.... & it's a big difference between having Allen in the top 10 & if he should be in the top 10. Most analysts have said "I think Allen will go in the top 10 but he really shouldn't" Heck I had Allen going in the top 10 in my mock & I felt he shouldn't be there but I knew a team would talk themselves into that idea of him
  18. I can get behind this post... you have to earn respect... people act like Josh Allen (considered by almost every analyst to be the worst QB in this class, let alone not a top 10 pick) is suppose to just walk into this league & be respected with his shaky track record against mediocre competition??? You've gotta be kidding me
  19. Roy Halladay threw 94mph... won 2 Cy Young awards Cole Hamels won a world series his fastball is a 95mph ... what's your point again?
  20. I can't be too offended... we deserve it. Man... this is why I chose to not sale myself on this Allen just yet. Dude holds the ball too long, I'm quite sure he's gonna throw alot of picks this year....cause in the NFL...you need more then arm strength to make it...just ask JP & EJ...
  21. This shouldn't be merge. Merging threads is so caddy... I'm beyond words. The threads on page 3 & beyond served their purpose...nobody is looking for them. Let the past stay in the past. I'm so glad he didn't #HateTheMerge Moderator comment: if you have comments/suggestions about how the site is run, please post them in Customer Service. You can also message a site admin directly though don't expect a unique and personal response. I suggest using more persuasive arguments than "it's caddy" and "I hate" Otherwise, you're complaining about disruption of discussion by um, disrupting discussion
  22. I'll add his sail passes, ground balls to the Allen folder
  23. I pray that I'm completely wrong about Josh Allen... please let me be wrong!
  24. Right! This offense will struggle to find points... we've had great defenses... Schwartz had a top 3 Def... meant nothing cause Orton sucked donkey doodles. Means nothing to hold teams to 10 pts, if we can't score 13.
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