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Everything posted by Scorp83

  1. The bust of busts... The bringer of mis-fires The overdrafted Flats out luck of the bounce
  2. All I want to know is why in the world is Brady in this conversation?
  3. How can you say he's wrong? This isn't 2004 bud ... I sort of agree with this. He has the easiest competition then any QB, it's not like he's going against Joe Flacco or Sam Bradford... his competition is McCarron & Peterman... top 10 QB's normally start...if he isn't ready...then why draft him in the top 10?? This was a good point
  4. Far from ignorant. & I have no agenda... almost everyone that came on WGR pre draft said "your not going to like what I have to say about Josh Allen...but he's no different then EJ Manuel". It's like we draft this guy, & everyone forgets he was the #1 guy voted in the polls to not draft! Sorry I've decided to remember all the games I've watched, all the analyst that said don't draft this guy. I'm not surprised someone lost their job over the Bills boneheaded move. It was the move nobody saw coming, drafting Josh Allen was the move everyone just knew... "please Bills don't screw this up....there's 5 other really talented QB's in this draft...dont take the rawest of the bunch". & they did...smh. so Billsy... It's no different then Jeremy White saying is the Las Vegas made the playoffs he would eat a flip flop... nobody knew the Bills would want the guy that was nationally considered the worst QB out of the bunch. I'd remember I posted a link from NDT scouting...& one of the guy's said "Allen should go in the 2nd or 3rd rd, but he's not cause some team is going to fall hard for his size & arm strength. But I would take Kyle Lauletta over Allen, because Lauletta can do alot more right now then Allen"
  5. Dude... we're talking about Josh Allen... not heisman winner Lamar Jackson, not NCAA title winner DeShaun Watson, not Heisman Winner Baker Mayfield... we're talking about Josh Allen who's being compared to EJ Manuel(who had more success against better competition then Allen). It's not hard to evaluate Josh Allen & stake your job on it cause it should have been a no brainer to NOT draft this guy in the 1st. But all you need is one team to fall for the banana in the tailpipe... & of course the Bills would be that team...smh
  6. Its Josh Allen...people haven't through on the Bills shades & blindly forgotten how bad this guy was before putting on the blue & Red. I respect this notion...its better then running around here naive because he's part of the team. ??
  7. Because the other QB's are going against much stiffer competition then Allen...& he's with the 3rd string... but hey if you people want them to lie to you...then go ahead & be upset. From what I heard...Allen has been up & down according to Sal. "Up & Down" against the 3rd string...let that sink in...
  8. No... I'm a Bills fan. Been a Bills fan since 1989. I'm Philly with everything else, except football.
  9. You can only watched horrible QB play for so long... I'm sorry that's not good enough for you. But he wasn't a Bill during the college season... this is what I mean by people have to take the Bills shades off. Now that he's a Bill you expect people perspective to change...sorry bud...i don't live in La La Land ... he suck...& he wasn't getting a 7th game out of me. It doesn't change cause the Bills goofed up & drafted him
  10. No I won't give him a shot...when he proves it, he'll get his shot. & he hasn't won crap...so what are you talking about?
  11. Heck I pray your right... I would love to be wrong. For the fanbase & McBeane they better hope I'm wrong.
  12. How You figure? Your the one that will probably have to create another user account. Shouldn't you get flagged for this type of offensive gester???
  13. & I'll gladly embrace my position! I've already posted counter arguments in previous threads, I'm not going to continue to repeat myself. But, when you watch his games...regardless of run first or not. He still has to make attempts... & when you watch Allen over throw wide open WR's running down the middle of the field, & over throwing or throwing ground balls to RB's in the flats....that has nothing...& I mean nothing to do with the offensive concept! Complete the throw Allen! That's what you end up screaming when you watch his games. They can run the ball 50 times...doesnt matter...Allen still has 15-20 attempts to make... his WR's & O-line wasn't the best but when they did get open & did give him a clean pocket... (because they went up against talentless individuals)... there's no excuse. Make the throw...set your feet & don't hold the ball too long & deliver the throw. You don't see that watching YouTube highlights. I'm not a clueless poster & I'm not naive. Allen just because he's a Bill doesn't mean he's oozing in greatness. He's a project...thats the real harsh truth! We traded up for a "Cross your finger" shot in the dark QB" As smart as Beane & Derm claim they are & the understanding of the NFL Draft being a crapshoot...you should not want to leave it up for chance. You should want the best player that's available...whether you like his attitude or not. If they wanted to gamble...do it with a guy like Lamar Jackson who has the ability to be the next Vick & Steve Young combine. You don't take a chance on a guy who consistently CAN'T THROW A 5 & OUT!
  14. Without a doubt! Drafting Allen is so Billsy Because the Allen pick was HORRIBLE & WILL CONTINUE TO BE HORRIBLE UNTIL OTHERWISE NOTED ?? Sad...just sad. Where you get that info? From my understanding he's throwing dumb offs... & practicing with the 3rd string. His competition is just like his collegiate career....below average. Rosen is going against Sam Bradford in one of the most complicated offenses in the league & he knows 50% of the playbook already. So how is Allen completing passes to Ray Ray McCloud on the 3rd string offense is considered doing good??? ???
  15. Nobody...but man what a tough start for his career. You just can't put too much faith in him right now... he's almost "just a guy" until anything else
  16. How am I'm clueless for actually watching his games. Then I didn't say I watched them on youtube...you know direct tv has a service that allows you to watch college games right? Then Jeremy White had an entire QB text club...where he sent you the game dates & times. So how is that being clueless & watching YouTube? Man...total ignorance on your part from that post
  17. People dislike Tyrod... I beg you to watch Josh Allen games in full! Like I've said, I got through 6 games before telling Jeremy from WGR to stop texting me Josh Allen games! They were horrible... 140 yards here, 202 yards there... bad mechanics, over throwing the RB in the flats, missing wide open WR's down field.... nobody wants to talk about that. People just want to believe pie in the sky because he's a Bill. News flash... it's almost possible we got it wrong. Everything our new front office has done isn't the greatest of moves. They've made some good moves & they've made some really questionable moves.
  18. I've actually watched his games... as I've stated plenty of times on this board. But I won't fault you for not knowing that, I'll just keep repeating it. The jury is still out with Beane... only time will tell if he knows what he's doing. I've been around this game longer then Beane. Just because I've chose to not make a career as a talent evaluator doesn't mean I'm clueless & don't know my bum from my elbow. If Beane is right...great! I'm probably the one guy that would be excited to be wrong! But, I don't think this front office knows entirely what they're doing...yet Some....not all....some of their moves screams they hate talented players...which really Bothers me. Incognito, Sammy, Dareus, Darby, Glenn heck even Rosen... they all have issues with them being cocky, having swagger, or some unfortunate injury that lingers. McDermott besides his mentor...has some of the worse game management skills I've seen since Andy Reid. I'm scared to be in a big game with this guy & he runs the clock out cause he forgets to use his timeouts. & he also have knee jerk reactions... like benching Tyrod in a winnable game against the Chargers. So sorry if I'm not jumping on board with them planning then drafting Josh Allen over a slew of more creditable QB's like Deshaun Watson, Patrick Mahomes, Josh Rosen, & Lamar Jackson.
  19. Cocaine is a powerful drug sir.... please get some help. We won't judge you after this post. ... Funny you say this... Apparently Josh Rosen is lighting it up at camp... they said he already knows half the playbook ...its only MAY! Then he's taking command of the huddle. He's also going against Sam Bradford...DJ & Brooks both said they would not be surprise if he's rookie of the year... This was reported on Move The Sticks Podcast ... Bills made a big mistake passing on Rosen...for Allen You people need to take off your Bill shades for a min... leave the matrix, & stopping being naive, selling yourself on this guy. At least see what he does before thinking he's somewhat good...because EVERY stat & Game you watch of his, shows he's not going to make it. Man wake up people
  20. Drafting Josh Allen....JP 2.0 Oh & taking Spiller when you had Lynch & Jackson on the roster. Yea BeastMode was a knucklehead... but what great NFL player doesn't have problems in their personal life? Ray Lewis, TO, Chad Johnson, Dez, Brady, Farve, Big Ben, Antonio Brown, KeyShawn Johnson, Randy Moss... i can go on & on...the bad boys are what make the league great & entertaining. Can't when chips with goodie good guy's. You have to have some kind of controversy. Yea sometimes you'll get a Robert Woods & a Fred Jackson, Chris Carter... but you have to surround them with Superstars like Randy Moss to go another level... & they come with huge egos... My point is... you need a guy that demand the ball, race a car... cheat the rules, goes to court... the biggest fail the Bills have made is not "wanting" those type of players or even committing to them. I knew they wouldn't want Rosen....he scares them. & it's a shame. Cause everything points to him possibly being really good...you can't say the same for Allen
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