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Everything posted by Scorp83

  1. Exactly! I tried to let @Hapless Bills Fan know...he seems to be one of the mods... & what's really bs... is that they kept my title heading. Like the OP wrote it smh.
  2. It thought you notice my typo... when you said "yep, the site even went so far as to take the article down because Bills fans won't be able to read the article." I had ready in there...instead of read.
  3. It's 2018... typo. These phones are too smart for their own good
  4. THEN THEY KEPT MY TITLE HEADING?!?!? @Hapless Bills Fan what gives? You mods should have just kept the OP title...why steal mine? Then merge my OP in the middle of this thread? Keeping my title doesn't help people read that article...you guy's could have just merge his comment post with my thread... if you wanted to merge anything. As Bills fans... people deserve to read what one of our top best writers have to say. People dont sit on social media all day, some like to jump on a forum, cut on the radio... ect. You mods just robbed a few posters from that.
  5. Thanks bro! That's crazy... they merge my link with this thread... so now Bill's fans wont be able to read that article by Sal... that's just sad.
  6. This isn't a thought... it's a new article that was just posted. It's a good read... especially for the posters that don't go on Twitter or any other outlets. Sal gives a good breakdown. People interested should get a chance to read it...that's what this forum is for...
  7. First let me say... I'm still not sold, & I'm not slapping butts just yet...lol. But, from the videos, & what I've been reading from camp, Josh Allen is doing well. That's good... Sal Capaccio gives a good breakdown in case anyone wants more in depth. I will still disagree with the pick until he proves it otherwise. But so far, after 3 days... not bad...not bad at all. CAPACCIO: Allen already a factor in QB race | WGR 550 SportsRadio https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/opinion/capaccio-allen-already-factor-qb-race "Taking all of that in and looking at the big picture, it’s clear Allen is a legitimate option to become the team’s starter week one at the Baltimore Ravens. Of course there is still a long way to go and he hasn’t been perfect by any means, but to anyone watching practice, from fans in the stands to local or national media on the sidelines, there’s no doubting who the most naturally gifted QB is on the field every day. For Allen to be taking reps with the first team already is somewhat surprising given that he was exclusively with the third string offense throughout OTAs and mostly through minicamp" - Sal
  8. Bro...we can really trust McDermott...dude nearly cost us the playoffs with his boneheaded decision to bench Tyrod for Peterman. We were a fart in the wind away from nearly missing the playoffs. We just caught a few bounces...I'll gladly take the drought be over...& last year still brings me chills... but no way does Derm get full trust. He makes questionable decisions & so far his clock management is horrible. Let's not praise him just yet either.
  9. Your delusional Exactly! I've always feel like if you put in the work...you definitely are entitled to your opinion. People just want sunshine & rainbow talk when it comes to our Bills. & I'm all for that! The sooner...the better. I hope he's good...I really do. It will definitely justify the pick if he is
  10. Its expected to hear negativity on our QB position... look what's back there right now. Only time & success will shed these views
  11. I haven't really been bashing... I've been posting what the media & experts are saying about him... even though you,@Hapless Bills Fan & ect. feels like it's not credible enough. Glad you notice what I've been doing for the past months... that's great! I dont have to keep reposting...I just keep posting new stuff about him. Don't get mad at the messenger... even though I don't believe in Allen until he proves it. But that's my point...besides a handful of people...there's way more experts that feel like Allen will bust out, enough for me to spend months posting their stuff...& its NOT because he's a Bill that experts dislike him. This stuff has been said about him throughout the entire 2017 college season last year & during the predraft period. Like I've said... I just haven't drunk the koolaid because he's a Bill... Now if you want my opinion...let's switch the tune from media outlets that dislike Allen as a prospect. What made Mahomes not worthy in their eyes to move out of 11 in the 2017 Draft?? If they would have taken Mahomes or Watson... they still could have possibly drafted Edmonds... & we would of had Mahomes & Edmonds instead of Allen. This is why I said... Mahomes, Watson, Rosen & Jackson will play a huge part on McBeane future... Allen CANNOT BE ANDY DALTON, or Kirk Cousins! He has to be better to justify the pick, and I dont believe he will. I pray I'm wrong...either way...its a win...win... for me. But until then...I will continue to give this board the RED PILL... & let you all continue to read the ton of experts that will forever breakdown his game until Allen actually proves he's Great! Now that's my opinion...
  12. Great! Your part of the few people that did. If you've listened to WGR... you would of heard a TON of people that didn't...guests, Callers...heck our own beat reporters are on record saying they are not a fan of the pick but can understand why McBeane would take him prior to the draft. Chris Brown (who's probably better then everyone when it comes to the Bills), Joe. B., Sal C. These dudes all said they would rather take 3 other QB's over Allen... Now that the pick is made...all you hear them say "for them...they've better hope it was the right pick". I totally understand them...that's as far as they can go...they can't bash it like they want to...but they give enough to say... "look...I dont know what they were thinking" In the end, we will all be watching, & judging the front office on this pick. It was huge... & what's worse...Allen will have to be compared to Watson & Mahomes too...because they traded out of their pick that year to load up for Allen. Watson, Mahomes, Rosen, Jackson...better stink more then Allen...period
  13. I've said there were a handful of people that felt otherwise about Allen... but that's like 5% I've been posting threads for months on almost everyone that was on one accord about him. Mayock, Chris Simms...his pop, kiper... & maybe 2 other people that were high on Allen. That's almost it. Like...I'm not going to sit & repost everything again...just so you can deem it credible. I stand by my opinion on Josh Allen, as someone that actually watched his game not YouTube clips (not saying you didn't)...but he sucked in College. Does he have a big arm...yea...so did JP Losman, does he have a good personality? Yea... but so did Fitzpatrick. Whatever "It" is... he doesn't have it. I'm on record saying "I want to be wrong about Allen" I pray that I'm totally wrong. But I've been around this game for a long time, played it & all. Played it, coaches it & all... there's nothing that jumps out that he's going to translate well. I think he's going to make some plays...but not be consistent. Heck Tannehill has made some plays... but I feel Miami should have drafted a QB too. Just because I'm not posting the same links doesn't mean what I wrote about Allen isn't credible. & yes... ignoring the entire landscape on Allen...& only believing the good about him is "Homer Koolaid" at it's finest batch! People get upset when they hear what people say about Josh Allen... yet nobody was this tight about it during the predraft. Everyone on this board wanted NOTHING to do with this man... but yet our team took him...& it's wrong to point out that they probably made the biggest mistake since Buddy Nix taking TJ Graham over Russell Wilson. That's be delusional brah
  14. That's cause the Xboot was made for TV not games... something that people like myself actually bought that console for...games.
  15. I disagree...nothing has change when people talked about Josh Allen.
  16. So true! It's crazy! Its like the fanbase COMPLETELY forgot he was the one voted in the poll on WGR & on Twitter as THE QB BUFFALO DOES NOT WANT! Yet people want to be delusional like it was never the case. The reports about Josh Allen not being good or not becoming a great QB is coming from everyone under the sun, except probably 5 people in the professional media. I get it... we haven't have a QB here in decades! It's hard to hear the Bill's might have got it wrong! I still say...I was tired of getting the text messages to watch Josh Allen games from WGR. It was horrendous! The tape doesn't lie people. It's not crap... it's the same stuff that was said about him for the past YEAR! Nothing has change...except the Bill's homer koolaid. Again... nothing has change about the perception of Josh Allen. The fanbase can't be mad when you hear this...its been said all year long about Allen. He was considered The worst QB prospect out of the top 6 (Mayfield, Rosen, Darnold, Jackson, Allen & Rudolph) Sorry...I've decided to not be delusional & forget this stuff! Nothing has change
  17. Yes I do! They line him up at WR ...quite sure they have some plays installed where he's playing decoy. If people paid attention, you'll know Lamar Jackson can't catch. But, people dont pay attention...which means teams are going to probably fall for the Jackson Wideout decoy play about 5 times this year. He's a QB...& all reports out of Baltimore is he has a great chance to win the job. Huh....yea...smh ... It's my topic to begin with...?
  18. Lamar Jackson has the most potential pal... dont be that much of a Allen trooper to ignore how great Lamar Jackson is. Plus, he might beat out Flacco... it's not like he's going up against Nathan Peterson or AJ McCarron for the starting job. That fact that both Rosen & Jackson might win their starting jobs are telling how good they were coming out. Those 2 are going against legitimate competition... I can't say the same for our guy. I was concerned about Allen coming, I didn't sleep for 48hrs after we drafted him cause it was just a bad pick, I'm still concerned about him now entering camp. People were afraid of Wilson being great after we took TJ Graham over him... this is probably much worse. Every metric, every statistic says... Allen could bust out. I'm of course hoping for the best... if he's Stafford... I will GLADLY accept my wrongness & eat cooked spinach! (I hate cooked spinach...I love it raw more). But my energy for Allen is not through the roof. If anything, I'm looking at QB next year cause I feel like we possibly could bottom out, especially if we lose Shady. Allen will have to be DeSean Watson good... to ignite this fanbase.
  19. Hour 1 from Howard & Jeremy this morning on the Football Outsiders write up...(which I've posted the link below). https://app.radio.com/s2OuDBPrGO Man... this guy scares me. This write up.... wow. From the Write Up: "A parody of an NFL quarterback prospect, Allen was abysmal in 2017 en route to not even making an all-Mountain West team. We don't want to say there's absolutely no chance he'll ever be good – he's got a deep ball, he's got some ability to make plays on the run and under pressure – but there is zero empirical evidence to support him becoming a reasonable NFL starting quarterback. And if you thought the excuses for his supporting cast were bad in Wyoming, wait till you see this Bills offense. ... Allen is the battleground that old scouts are going to die on, whether they're right about it or, as all evidence suggests, wrong about it." [BN] Blitz newsletter: Get your popcorn ready for this Josh Allen take – The Buffalo News https://buffalonews.com/2018/07/24/josh-allen-take-football-outsiders-bills-almanac-scouts/
  20. When you draft the guy everyone pegged as the bust (which I hope is wrong)... this is you get. Tyrod regardless how people felt about him... made us respectable
  21. I sort of disagree with this. I've always felt Tyrod had more ceiling left to reach. I feel like the front office was more done with him then he ceiling was... Rex & Whaley just seemed to be on 2 different pages... after his 1st season where was the weapons that can really help him? He lost Woods & Hogan, no replacement, he kept losing Sammy & the front office had no answers for injuries...no backup plan...nothing. Its was like, "Tyrod your top 3 WR's are toast...but we got you Deonte Thompson & Holmes...throw it to them. Oh & Nick O'Leary cause we don't know what to do when Clay goes down..."
  22. Screw chancellor... why did the mods lock that "Why everyone hate Josh Allen" Thread/Poll??? That was probably the best thread we had on here for weeks!!! Man unlock it... time has passed... let's get a pulse of where the fanbase is at after training camp!!! There should be a thread "Do you still hate Josh Allen" made about 6 more times this year! After OTA's (which the OP did...now it's locked smh great move smh), at the start of training camp, after the 3rd Preseason game, After training Camp, after his 1st start, Bye week, And of the Season, & during Draft season 2019.
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