Rapp - 778 snaps, targeted 32 times good for 22 rec and 343 yards and 3td's, 2 int, 2.4% missed tackle rate
Bishop - 358 snaps, targeted targeted 25 times good for 18 rec and 232 yards and 2 td's, 0 int, 11.1 % missed tackle rate
The biggest question is who is on Kelce? Do you go Bernard?
Biggest concern is Bishop/Hamlin getting beat deep, combined with using LB to cover Kelce, while also stopping the KC dumpoff to the RB. That will be KC game plan - Kelce over the middle, Worthy going deep varied with quick screens, and the RB safety valves. Bills need a plan for it all.
I have really wanted Kincaid to be good. But for me, it felt like more of a hope than many who have guaranteed his greatness. I got slammed pretty bad when questioning anything about him. I still see an undersized TE that is really more like a big WR. Problem is I don't see him physically dominating DB's, outrunning LB's, or any of the mismatch stuff expected. There glimpses here and there, but honestly I see random TE's on other teams that appear way more talented. I really hope something clicks at some point with him. But it could be he is just an average TE.