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Everything posted by Kelly101

  1. Lol he's your guy now. Hillary would have sold out the US much quicker tho.
  2. lefties should be thrilled now ! its a win ! Take a look at the pay raises congress gave themselves in this spending bill... Our fearless leaders are playing us all like harps, none of of these politicians give a rats *** about any of us, dem or repubs... all they want is mo money mo money mo money, that, and the unchecked flow of cheap labor and votes. Good job !
  3. you had to dig for that one, 1940?
  4. i thought he looked decent but the play where he got injured was probably the dumbest thing ive ever seen a qb do.
  5. Now that the left got this omnibus bill passed the trump russia thing will go away quietly. hopefully the 2020 gop candidate doesn't turn out to be a fraud too. Trump is done, going down as the softest president ever, punked by the likes of schumer and pelosi.
  6. Watch now after trump has been exposed for what i suspected he was all along, an undercover liberal, after agreeing to the swamp-omnibus, all the name calling and family attacks mainstream media will start fawning over trump now. r.i.p america.
  7. I'm interested in pie.
  8. Might have been had they been able to actually put up more than 3 in the playoffs, worst playoff game ever?
  9. bills will end up with leftovers at qb. Might as well start with the peterman vs mccarron arguments. That should keep fans bickering for at least 2 seasons until next regime steps in. omg....this also means non stop should have kept tt posts everyday NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  10. Wouldn't this technically, by crime statistic be other blacks? Just asking.
  11. lol...trump likes women...oh noes....
  12. I just dont understand why everyone doesnt want a pure passing qb... its a passing league now...rb's are practically an after thought now, and it seems any rb succeeds with a solid passing game... Just not going to beat Philadelphia or NE with a run first game hoping the defense carries you.
  13. How can he be considered Legitimate? Bills were 31st ranked in passing, cant be all on everything else.
  14. They are picking a qb...eli is done. They would be nuts doing anything else. Smokescreen.
  15. tt rode on the coat tails of mccoy and an opportunistic defense this season. with josh mcown at qb the bills probably would have beat the jags. time to move on.
  16. Typical, fake news Real news....
  17. Dont really need quotes for these folks....
  18. yes please then post videos for me to watch
  19. O wow B-man we are on the same wavelength, I just suddenly struck me we needed to honorably mention creepy unca' joe and his dirty mitts as well.... Wheres Chris Hanson when you need him?
  20. As much as I want a qb, it's hopeless. gettleman is going to want everything and then some. Pro sports is starting to burn me up...the concept that the giants who have had a super bowl winning franchise qb for 15 years, have one freaking bad year, and are in the position to walk into another potential franchise qb or stick up the bills for this draft and the next one really infuriates me.
  21. To me, Pelosi's incoherent slurring and stuttering is the worst the left has to offer. Maxine is plain out and out racist. Just about everything Hillary says is hilarious. Lots of entertainment.
  22. Why is there no outcry over inner city shootings in places like baltimore and chicago I wonder...I have a pretty good guess....
  23. Tiberius probably started this troll thread with another acct so he could troll anyone who responded
  24. LOL at bloggers...Sal on WGR stated he suggested this on social media a few days back, then this flunkie reported it coming from his "sources".... THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THE MEDIA REPORTS THE NEWS!!!!!
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