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Everything posted by Kelly101

  1. ...or the large amounts of dnc poll fixing or vast numbers of illegal voters.
  2. Same. I was neutral on the draft, but became a huge fan of JA seeing all the drooling haters.
  3. Honestly i am rooting for JA to tear it up, just to see the anti JA haters get triggered. I will remind all the wgr bads about their baby tantrums for days over the JA hate. I swore off wgr for good after the draft and their whining.
  4. It sounds like many more here are praying for him to fail, so they can be right. meh typical of today's culture.
  5. Seriously I'm getting more and more convinced that poster is either a really crazed white female liberal or a bot. The tone of its posts makes me think he/she/it doesn't even live in the US. Why would anyone want to live in such a scary country. Meanwhile, millions are desperately trying to sneak in despite the left yanking out their hair screaming how horrible and raysis it is here. If it is a real person in the US, it should be more focused on getting the hell outta dodge while it can before the white russian raysis boogey man gets it.
  6. I'm kinda partial to crazy eyes
  7. That will go over as well as the tax on businesses out west to clean up the human feces.
  8. Maxine's here. pootin hacked north korea
  9. Racists n Russians. Deflection. Far and away china is what should be keeping Americans awake at night.
  10. Also on the hacking business, its highly highly suspicious that with all the tools that are available to mask your identity, and masking your identity to a hacker is priority #1, 2, 3....and yet the trail of neon red bread cumbs lead right to the door of the russian hackers? cmon man.
  11. I think they are going to get trump outta there ...the only thing that I consider a win in all this...is that the stinky hag will never be president.
  12. How many foreign elections has our government interfered with ? Maybe all of them?
  13. I'm now completely skeptical of anything the government says, right on the fence to not believing anything those people say. that peter strozk guy to me sums up everything wrong with the government. 12 mystery man russian indictment right on the eve of helinski? I will almost guarentee herr muellers investigation will go purposely thru mid terms, not looking for anything, just deep state doing everything and anything to get rid of their enemy, and usher the socialist regime in. just my opinion, but to me there's the 'bad' look for the US.
  14. So youre saying what trump said wanst worse than 9/11? WAAAAAAAAAAA
  15. dont think russians are stupid enough to fall for phishing scams. Just my opinion.
  16. Because. trump should have gone out there calling names, screaming for violence, ya know, go all out libtard on putin. lol. Oh yeah almost forgot, the last guy went out there bending the knee to everyone... they media suckled his **** for it.
  17. There's always a maxine waters bitter beer face pootin peachin 45 on every social media site, isn't there.
  18. Now i know what happened got this email from some guy who said he was from the clinton campaign and he personally heard about me thinking of voting trump, he want ed to give me 10000 zimbabwe dollars to vote for trump, all i needed to do to get the check was forward some gift cards equaling 2500 shrute bucks and giving him my email login so i did he seemed like such a nice man and was very understanding of me.
  19. Its ok ! her employer in this case is the responsible party, and the nra. dims can now start new legislature regarding employers being too mean. also trump is knee deep in this, too. somehow.
  20. 3rd choice, dims adore him, and adore stealing peoples info, run him for president. He wins, the caravan of 1500 dim voters making their way thru mexico into the US pushes the election over the edge.
  21. Obama did whatever he wanted and they drooled over him... He ate a cheeseburger with good ol joe and the media lovingly spoke about it for a week. Trump likes women, they want to impeach him.
  22. "Catch and Release", lol Where congress is spending other peoples money keeps getting better and better. That's what they are calling illegal immigration now I guess "goin' fishing"...
  23. White people got 500 million dollars ... planned parenthood, wink wink.
  24. I've never felt so ashamed to be American as I am today. There's no where better for me to go immigrate from here. The rest of the world hates us, our crooked government despises us with a passion. Talk about hopeless.
  25. Personally i think the gop party is done, i see the dems taking the whole show, pelosi and schumer at the, front sneering at us all. Most of the gop are liberals hiding out anyways.
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