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Everything posted by Kelly101

  1. No mo murica amirite
  2. Can we cut the crap and trade all our qbs to cleveland and get back tt for gods sake, please lets stop kitty footing around here sheesh smh
  3. 13-3 and in the superbowl again.
  4. SHHH...Don't tell tibs about this Russian connection, i can see him taking another dump post no one wants to read.
  5. If he declassified the documents the screamers would scream and flap their arms in unison "HES A TRAITOR, ONLY A TRAITOR GIVES UP TOP SECRET SCRETS"
  6. He's a whining baby, mj was way better back when basketball was good, basketball sucks now. I can't change the channel faster any time lebron the racist comes on the tube.
  7. didnt see the game, his stat line didn't look good, how did he look ?
  8. You can if you promise to go to youtube and watch all of Tommy Sotomayor's videos...
  9. I wish they would just cut the crap and get tt back and offer him a lifetime contract. This is such bs. Im so triggered about this hold out.
  10. Dinesh D'souza claims it was in the 30s, "the new deal" was the largest spike in black democratic voters. Getting in bed with the enemy, in favor of getting free stuff. I urge anyone on the fence about politics to watch this guy, he is a fact guy and quite interesting.
  11. Here's why: An illegal alien smuggled a woman’s daughter into the U.S. and sexually abused her after promising her mother a job, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials said Tuesday. Ramon Pedro arrived at a land border crossing at the Ysleta Port of Entry in Texas with his alleged daughter in April when U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials took him and his daughter into custody. Both were released under the condition that they would show up for their immigration court hearings. Pedro and his alleged daughter were admitted to Fresno Community Regional Hospital in Fresno, California, on July 26 to undergo screening for Tuberculosis when doctors determined the girl had been raped. Once hospital staff notified the police, they determined that Pedro was not related to the girl, according to a DHS official. The DHS official said the victim had been told by her mother “to accompany Pedro to the United States” so he could find the mother a job.
  12. taking care of it now for you because i know ignoring is hard for haters.
  13. She may be a angry twisted feminazi getting paid to spew nonsense non stop with multiple accounts liking her own posts to give us the impression there's a bunch of em. soro bucks, better than shrute bucks actually it just occurred to me it could also be a russian desperate to sow discontent. I know a lot of liberals and dems of all shades, he/she/it hates america by far more than any one of them... by alot
  14. leftist dbags would be literally screaming at the top of their lungs, eyes bulging out of their sockets flapping their idiotic arms around. .. indignant cnn wouldn't stop whining about this for months, literally, if a white male spewed this crap replacing the word white with black. mental gymnastics, give me a break. btw irl girls like alpha males better.
  15. if they were being bullied it might be funny tho right
  16. what are they going to do throw milk bags at the guy, or send one of their terrorish friends down here.. er wait they call them mentally disabled up there, that's right.
  17. OMG....now its SERIOUS trouble, the worse kind mad props to the ebonics use ! ...and who watches basketball anymore? It has sucked royally since MJ, hands down the greatest player of all time, left the game. lebron who? is he an activist of some sort for the democratic party, hasn't carried any teams to any finals victories lately that's for sure.
  18. benghazi. not a patriot. She laughed hysterically at that hearing, was all a big joke to her. She and all her socialist nazi cohorts hate america, and so do you. tee hee
  19. You'll have to excuse that guy, hes a racist and thinks brown people shouldn't be arrested and if they are its definitely got to be a racist thing. It's a current liberal attack point, like immigrants illegally entering the country should be given a bag of goodies and a thumbs up. hillary clinton gets a free pass and a big thumbs up for her illegal email server, but hey lets impeach and imprison trump right this minute in the middle of an endless investigation where no charges have yet been filed and zero proof of any wrong doing has been shown. Makes sense amirite.
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