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Kelsos cap

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Everything posted by Kelsos cap

  1. I’m sorry if I got too excited for you all, I’m sorry I do this from a phone and not a full sized keyboard and have fat fingers. I won’t apologize for loving the bills and seeking a common forum. I guess I should just enjoy it with friends and family, as I’ve done for years and leave this forum to the uninviting, uninspiring group of internet know it alls that most of you come off as. Best fan base my ass. Just as jaded an vindictive as the next.
  2. Interview with Robert Mays from the ringer, John Murphy show today. Voice grated as much as current day Vitale, but a good listen. So many pieces to put together to get it right, and so many opinions. The only one that counts is “the Magic Beanes”. So much fun this year. As a disqualifier a may have produced a run on sentence, for those who look for that. Either, best bills offseason or even nfl offseason I’ve been alive for.
  3. They are going rosen. Farm be damned. I endorse this message
  4. There will be a competition. The key is don’t latch onto false positives. Start your bridge, die on that bridge if you have to. Come out next year commanding the afc if you got it right.
  5. A dumb question. A team would never deal in these absolutes. C’mon man. The alternative is peterman , best rookie and a flier. Not happening. If they get their guy, I don’t want to see him, aside from preseason, until next year.
  6. I can imagine we will rinse and repeat. This point of view is old, dated and duly filed in statistics. Think bigger think better. We all deserve that.
  7. McCown seems like a McDermott guy. I’d sign off on it. McCown played well on a shi;;y team. We may be shi//y early. No need to rush. The beelz are going to get their comupense soon. I was lucky enough to catch their last cycle of greatness. I feel it coming again. McCown played well on a shi;;y team. We may be shi//y early. No need to rush. The beelz are going to get their comupense soon. I was lucky enough to catch their last cycle of greatness. I feel it coming again.
  8. I watched his playoff performance and thought it was good, not great. But it was a limited exposure. We’ll see if he gets Osweilered or not. I hope the bills don’t do it.
  9. In light of the Tyrod Taylor trade to Cleveland, the story goes hue Jackson and the browns botched a trade attempt for Aj Mc Aaron. To me, this says the Browns place more value on Taylor than Mc Aaron. Yet some hope the bills take a flier on Mc Aaron. On this hand we have a trail of not good enough (great guy though and loved the value we got back). On the other a very limited trail. My eggs go all in on the draft basket, I know you need a vet, but I see nothing but what we’ve seen for ever. Hopefully we draft high and continue to develop Peterman. No big or long investment in a bridge to nowhere.
  10. Because of the caveman way of your thinking. He’ll get there, and you’ll question yourself, smart guy
  11. I’ve obsevered for years, you’ve definitely cleared up that your a doushebag
  12. I like mcD. But I feel they chase rainbows without the qb I think they need a new approach. Whaley did his best to build for his era or time. But it remains the same, qb or bust.
  13. I will wait and see. You also seem like a good and rational guy. Go Bills!!! I’m 44 iwant winning and offense! Lol I’m new, I don’t know how to respond individually, and never look for altercation. But if anyone would like to educate me, I would appreciate it.
  14. For those who love the game, he presents new ways to approach what happens between and down to down. The bills could only gain by hiring a mind like this....I could be wrong, but I would line it up next to their other tries anyway. And I know it’s all about the qb. It’s time lose the run the ball” because it’s buffalo” mentality. And I love shady
  15. Thank you for your opinion. I see your point of view, I don’t disagree with it. If it’s important enough to respond, then I concur it should be important enough to research.
  16. I just want this team to understand, coach and draft like they know things will always evolve. I like this group, but McDermott scares me. And I might be wrong with him. But I see Jauron all over again if the offense doesn’t make a colossal stride.
  17. Can anyone listen or look? And then reply? I screwed up initially, but the interview is there, and makes sense. Or do we all like pulling in different directions? The interview was a breath of fresh air, I’ve watched this team fail for a long time. Sorry bud. As referenced earliest, there was some vodka invoked. Peace
  18. Your wrong. Sal was on today. On Sunday. Check it out on demand.
  19. I’m not dungkirk don or anything, but I do follow closely.
  20. I apologize, it was warren sharp. Very inciteful, and to my eyes true. Sorry my **** wasn’t together, and yes...gugny there was vodka involved.
  21. Fire away. I love this team, and have witnessed many mistakes. Failing to change with the times, or even resemble progressiveness is the biggest in my mind. What failings do chock up? Sorry I’m new to this. There was a fella, I want to say his name was Sapp. Made a lot of sense to me. I listen everyday at work because I can. First guy since the marine abandonment, the Whaley incompetence and the Rex fleecing, that I feel gets football 2018. I’m not sure the current staff gets it. Give it a listen, sal on Sunday.
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