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Posts posted by ProcessYaDigg

  1. 22 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    I think Wentz is a tad overrated. I disagree on Foles though. I think he is overrated too. People forget he started the first couple of games last season and was awful. Foles is going to fall hard in Jax. 

    i agree that Foles is slightly overrated.  His play in Jax will be far different then his play in Philly.  There was a different type of energy that he brought in Philly that will not transfer in Jax.  In Philly, he really didn't have anything to lose since he wasn't the number 1 guy. 

  2. 9 hours ago, GunnerBill said:

    Some of us did say at the time Carson's rookie year was way overrated. He was very good for 4 games and then pretty much sucked from there. After week 4 Wentz was:


    Played: 12

    Total TDs: 11

    Total Turnovers: 16

    1.9% TD % (Pass)

    Completion %: 61%

    9.6 yards per completion

    5.8 yards per attempt


    Wentz rookie year was a classic case of narrative. He came out hot, played 4 good games and the narrative became "Wentz is fantastic" despite the fact that after that hot start he really struggled.

    Wentz is overrated.  Philly made a mistake letting Foles go.  Wentz is like an amazing one night stand that you thought was gonna be perfect.  Then you wake up the next morning scratching your crotch.  Tannehill/Romo 2.0

  3. #BillsMafia runs way deeper than I ever expected.  The one great thing about being stationed overseas, is that some organizations are able to put together some pretty amazing meet and greets for us.  Just recently, Steven Jackson and Donnie Edwards made a visit.  Naturally, I don't care who it is, i'm gonna show up supporting my Bills attire.  When they showed up, Steven Jackson walked right up to me and yelled "Hey, Bills Mafia," he introduced himself and we just started chatting.  He was telling me that Bills fans have probably the greatest fan base ever and he loved how deep our fan base runs.  I just really appreciated how much admiration he has for our fan base, especially coming from a non-Bill as well as coming from someone who's never stepped foot inside the Bills organization for the true experience. 


    Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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  4. I'm gonna be optimistic about this and say that we may have had a better chance.  I think those days when Reich had to come in are almost similar to Nick Foles.  Watching Philly this season, they were garbage all around when Wentz was in, but when Foles was in, they were a different team, offensively and defensively.  The energy of one side of the ball usually energizes the other side, therefore, I think we could've had a better shot at winning that game.

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  5. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/miami-dolphins-reportedly-planning-to-tank-next-season/ar-BBSVCkq?ocid=ientp


    As much as I hate this source, I find it to be hilarious that this is already being talked about.  Seems like they're finally ready to move on from Tannehill, which should've been done a long time ago.  If this is truly their plan, I don't mind 2 easy wins next season.  I will enjoy seeing our team on the upswing while the other division foes try to catch up.  #GOBILLS!!!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Augie said:

    “Welcome to Wisconsin” was not something I expected to hear so often when I wore my Bills gear around town last year. I think in Philly or Oakland they might be more likely to lure you into a dark alley. 

    man, don't tell me that.  I'm about to move to Philly

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I agree that he’s the heir apparent.  But he did interview for the Packers job, he just didn’t get it. And he was reportedly interested in the Browns job, but they didn’t reach out to him. 

    he probably would've turned those down too.  I honestly think he's just selling himself short during that interview and throwing smoke in what he's interested in.  He's definitely their heir apparent. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, WhoTom said:

    For most skeptics, a Lombardi or two might do the trick.


    I guess I wouldn't say I'm skeptical about Josh. He looked pretty sharp for a rookie, he seems to have a good attitude, and he's coachable. That makes me optimistic. But I've been burned before, so I'm cautiously optimistic.


    I disagree.  it doesn't take a SB victory for skeptics to believe a QB is a franchise guy.  it takes consistency and/or improvement each year.  I think for most skeptics, it takes being in the running for MVP or even just being the guy who can keep your team competitive every year.  There are plenty of QBs that skeptics are bought into that haven't won or even been to a SB.  Luck, Stafford, Alex Smith, Dalton, and Rivers to name a few.

  9. if I were to pick a team, it has to be the Chiefs.  outside of the division, we play them almost every year.  And each year we play them, on paper, it looks like we should always lose to them because they've been a better team.  But, somehow, it winds up being one of our best games each season we play them. 

  10. Are you kidding me.  Sorry, but this "wild card" missed FG is not a bigger miss than the potential Super Bowl game winning FG. Additionally, Parker's "miss" was considered blocked.  Just the slightest touch on the ball can completely change the trajectory of it, in which we all were witness to.   Your logic must be from a millennial's perspective.  You must be young.  Someone, please shut down this ridiculous post.

  11. 18 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    How you figure that?  Foles has a SB ring and an NFC Championship.  I don’t think Romo ever made it to the Championship game.

    Also, Wentz is the one with the cracked-up back

    Damn, I completely mentioned the wrong QB.  I meant to say Wentz = Romo.  i'll edit my post.

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