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Everything posted by ProcessYaDigg

  1. Do you think there's a possibility of trading Poyer before the deadline in order to receive something in return, instead of him just walking? Seeing how the Giants are basically Bills 2.0, I wouldn't be surprised if they go after him
  2. I remember this really well. i was at the game and just couldn't believe how good of an athlete TO was in person. at the end of his career, that man was open nearly every single play.
  3. Before we scored the TD in the 2nd Qtr, i removed my hat and Allen Jersey.
  4. Bills 3 Steelers 2 Bills keep not scoring on purpose just to double down that they can win close games
  5. Field conditions for Sunday. There, i fixed the title for you.
  6. I hate being in Philly!
  7. Can we change the title. My first instinct was, "oh great, what happened now"
  8. I watched the game at 1 on Sunday. It should've been a primetime game, where they excel. Last year, I wore my Andre Reed jersey during every loss during the season. Needless to say, I haven't wore it since.
  9. How do you figure? i'm going to assume that Morse, Oliver, and Poyer will be back, or at least I'm hopeful. Not sure the extent of Phillips injury, but hopefully he'll be close to returning. For those that left with heat injuries, they might be limited in practice this week, but overall, they should be fine for next week.
  10. Not to be an A-hole, but i'm gonna assume you were also drinking (not water). That puts you at a greater risk for becoming a heat casualty.
  11. I completely agree with this statement. It truly does take an unfortunate incident to happen before they'll ever entertain making changes.
  12. It should be like how we handle heat safety in the military. If temperatures reach a certain heat index, then we postpone training or exercises outdoors until optimal temperatures are met. Or typically in places where temps are 100 plus everyday, we spend a few days before training starts to climatize to the area. Heat stroke and heat injuries are no joke. They should've treated this game like a lightening delay and just waited til later in the day to play
  13. Funny you mentioned the Jets game in December. I've actually got tickets to that game and it'll be my first home game experience and my first time going to Buffalo. I'm already anxious to see how that weather will be. LOL
  14. I agree. Trade us JT immediately. The rest can stay
  15. Luckily we've got a QB who absolutely excels during primetime
  16. Crap. I watched the new Thor movie before the game and that movie did not deliver. Welp, i guess i only need to watch it 19 more times throughout the season
  17. I'd like to see Diggs Moss'ing Ramsey. Set the tone of the game that we have no fear.
  18. I remember that draft so well, and I wanted him so bad to be a Bill. However, I feel like this moment was supposed to happen. If we would've drafted him, he would've been long gone by now. It is destiny that he is supposed to be here with us right here right now.
  19. Can we stop scoring already. I wanna see Matt Araiza punt
  20. That was my thought exactly. I was so excited to see Walt and Jesse back, even though it was expected. But I was a little upset that it seemed like Jesse was way more mature during this scene. I know in reality he's older, but he's also an actor. I was waiting for him to screw something up or to just be talking and complaining non-stop, in typical Jesse fashion.
  21. i would definitely take a flyer on him coming to Buffalo to play with Stefon. I think Buffalo could tap into Trevon's full potential, rather than Dallas.
  22. Got it! Thanks. 4 tickets
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