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Posts posted by ProcessYaDigg

  1. 2 hours ago, MAJBobby said:


    I am not, I think we have seen better pure rushers in Dallas.  I also do not think that the Steelers have the CBs to be able to do what the Ravens did.


    I dont know but reading through this thread and the other Pittsburgh threads but I seem to be in the minority thinking we are not going to have ANY trouble in this game.

    I'm definitely with you.  I have a feeling that this game is getting overhyped and that this game will be completely one sided, in our favor.  They haven't beaten anyone impressive, accept for an inconsistent Rams team.  Sure in the beginning of the season, they kept it close with the Ravens and the Niners, but the beginning of the season is usually filled with a ton of unknowns.  Since the beginning of the season, they haven't faced a defense like ours.  I expect us to win the turnover battle in this one and we should have success with receiving short field opportunities. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Forward Progress said:


    Our covert operations department is simply not keeping up with the Patriots**.  Until we begin illegally filming opponents, interfering with our opponent's radio communications, bugging dressing rooms, searching hotel garbage bins for game plans, interchanging eligible and ineligible receivers, and deflating footballs, we aren't even trying to win the division.

    If you ain't cheating, you aren't trying

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Juice_32 said:


    I get it, but stop and think about what you're actually saying. The fact that we are sitting here talking about being the number 1 seed and it not being a joke, is pretty sweet. It wasn't that long ago we were riding a 17 year playoff drought.

    Oh believe me, i'm enjoying the ride.  Sometimes the "what ifs" get to my head because it is hard not to think about how much better this season could've been.  We shouldn't have lost to the Patriots or Browns.  We almost had the Ravens.  The Eagles game is the only one we deserved to lose.  3 out of those 4 games were all within our reach.  So it's hard not to think about what could've/should've been.  Either way, I firmly believe we're gonna make some noise in the playoffs, no matter what seed we are.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, RyanC883 said:


    I do agree with keeping Divisions, but one problem with ignoring them and going completely on records is what if one team has a garbage division that it dominates, while another division is tough and keeps beating each other.  Imagine a situation where one team in the NFC East was actually good this year (yeah, difficult to imagine, but just do it!), that team could be like 15-1.  A decent team, but not good team, would be something like 12-4.  This could potentially keep out a better Rams team in a harder division out of the Playoffs, when the Rams are the better team.  


    Overall, I like your plan more than the scrap divisions. I have no idea how to solve the issue I mentioned above, or if it would even be an issue most years.  

    I think that no matter what solution to come up with, it will all suck.  So eff it, I think I got the solution.  Every team makes the playoffs.  The 4 division winners from each conference will get the bye.  From each conference in the first round, the 5 seed plays the 16 seed, 6 plays 15, 7 plays 14, and 8 plays 13.  The next round will introduce the top 4 seeds with the 1 seed playing the lowest seed and so on for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th seed.  BOOM!  problem solved.  This also means, no more playoff droughts.  LOL

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    They have good defenses, but DVOA is bull####. 


    The patriots havent faces faces a single effective pass team that hasn’t beaten them. The Steelers are coming off a stretch where their biggest opponent was the Rams who were hot garbage. The ravens were the best of the three when you look at what offenses they’ve faced, and we hung with them. 

    BINGO!!!  Drop the mic cuz you're 100% correct on everything

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    No way. That would mean you would play each NFC opponent every 16 years. 

    I guess I'm just torn on what I want to see.  Additionally, I definitely enjoyed that we got to play during Thanksgiving this year.  If we were to switch to only playing teams within the conference, well then you can just say good bye to ever playing on Thanksgiving again cuz it won't happen.  Unless they switch the tradition a little and just have one NFC Thanksgiving game and one AFC Thanksgiving game.  I hate how there's 3 now.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Wayne Cubed said:


    Why does that matter? Why would it be horrible?


    Do the Bills have any team in the NFC that are considered rivals? No. 


    If you are saying that top 6 teams make the playoff there is no reason for divisions. What keep it so teams that are located somewhat close geographically in a division that doesn't matter if you win or not to determine if you make the playoffs? I think that would actually be worse and would only benefit teams in easy divisions or hurt teams with more competitive divisions.

    Ok.  You've changed my mind.  I just liked the idea of playing a division from the other conference each year.  But I guess it would make sense to just stick with your own conference and then one out of conference game.  In the end, this just needs to be fixed.  Years like this one, it's just an embarrassment.  No team in the NFC East deserves to make it

  8. 9 minutes ago, Captain Hindsight said:

    My friend is a Steelers fan and wants Tomlin fired. I told him hes an idiot 

    Yeah.  Just dumb.  That's almost as bad as Rivera actually getting fired.  These are two gems that you shouldn't get rid of.  They may be no Belicheck, and may have up and down seasons, but both guys are worth holding onto.

  9. 5 minutes ago, BigPappy said:

    It will be tough to make that stadium look like a Bills home game. Steeler Nation are just as die hard of fans and Buffalo Bills fans and usually fill their stadium pretty well. It will definitely be a tough game no matter who is in that stands though. Tomlin may just be up for coach of the year considering what he has been able to do with his team with all their injuries....three different QB's, one of which is a third stringer. 

    Yeah, you can't discredit Tomlin at all for what his team has been through this year.  After getting blown out that first week, I thought their season was over before it started.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    bring it up to 7 teams and only the 1 seed gets the bye week.  3 games first weekend each side so you have an extra game to watch the first weekend. solved

    You know, that could work.  It's usually one team that gets screwed over, so why not bring them in and give only one team a bye. 


    4 minutes ago, NC Book said:

    2 divisions per conference would work the best imo. 

    So, I'm assuming that 7 games would be played within the division, how would you do the other 9 games?  Alternate each year with playing all 8 teams from another division (including the opposite conference) and then one extra game from another division?

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, MDH said:


    Get rid of divisions and you could also make it so teams have almost identical schedules. My preference would be play every team in your conference once plus one out of conference game against the team that finished in the same place in the other conference the previous year.

    We'll never get away from division format.  With this logic, you would be playing the same 15 teams every year and then potentially never playing a team from the other conference or you would rotate a team to play from the other conference every year.  Thus playing the same team from the other conference every 16 years.  This would just be horrible.  I think they should just keep the same format/rotation, however, simply the 6 best teams from each conference gets into the playoffs.  You can earn brownie point for being the best in your division, but you shouldn't be allowed to participate in the playoffs if 6 other teams has a better record.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, BuffaloBillies said:

    One fairly small change that might appease some would be to keep the division format, but then seed playoff teams by record.

    So Dallas (or Philly) would still get in, but would be the 6th seed (and no home game) vs being the 4 seed.

    Even with this, a better team in the conference will still be watching instead of playing.  If they keep the division format, they should definitely seed based on record.

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  13. 7 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    As far as the blocked punt, it was shown that was a coverage tendency in a previous game.  So the Pats could have legit seen it on film

    But I'm glad McDermott chased those guys off, and I hope there's a plan in place to watch for the need to do likewise.


    I keep thinking about how before the Superbowl, the Eagles players said there were certain plays they only walked through in their hotel meeting room, they would not even take the chance of practicing them during their practice time on the field.  And they won.  I think that's what it takes.

    Unfortunately, that probably is what it takes.  At the same time, it's difficult to execute a play the way you view it without actually practicing it.  It takes a ton of trust among teammates to do their part correctly.

  14. 12 minutes ago, dneveu said:

    H2H tie over Titans - so if they were to both finish 9-7 and houston wins that division it would be ours - assuming indy/oak/cle all drop a game.


    Exorcise that demon.

    I mean, it would be fitting that we go there and win where our drought started.  Titans look hot right now, but we've pretty much owned Tannehill since he's been in the league.

  15. 1 hour ago, machine gun kelly said:

    We’re not going 0-3.  Billieve guys.  We gave the Ravens, all they could handle from our defense, and the next three opponents, do not have the talent the Ravens have on defense.  We’re going 2-1, or 3-0.  The only way we win the division as was talking to Papa on NFLR which as much as Weiss drives me crazy at times, are both in our corner is to win throughout, and the Pats have to lose to us and either Miami or Cincy.  Highly unlikely so we’ll probably face the Texans or Titans in the wildcard.  I’m confident we have a very good chance, and neither is like a Pittsburgh, KC, or Green Bay fan base, so I fully expect 20,000 Bills fans there and they get to get out of the cold.  I unfortunately can’t make it this year as I was in Jax two years ago, and we can create some noise in those stadiums.


    After the wildcard, all bets are off and we’ll see.  At the end of the day an 11-5 or 12-4 record and a playoff win is a great move forward.  I just heard the proposed salary cap increase and would mean about $100 mil in cap space.  More than enough to extend, Dawson, Spain, Milano, White, and Lawson and cut Murphy.  We can continue to draft well, and probably pick up one marquee free agent and still be ok.



    I'm getting PTSD just thinking about the last time we played the Titans in Nashville during the playoffs

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  16. 13 minutes ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    We still have a 57% chance to make it if we lose out and finish 9-7.

    I still don't like being that close to 50%.  Obviously that means that we'll need help from other teams.  I wanna make it this year without having to rely on other team's failures.

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