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Everything posted by RememberTheRockpile

  1. The GM's that were around when the Wonderlic test was instituted are no longer around. Why would they bother administering it? Most likely because that is what they have always done. The study I posted found no correlation to being drafted or playing time. While there may be a GM or two that consider it, the evidence indicates as a group GM's don't consider it important.
  2. Not all of it is math and logic. Sample Test Example: 35.) A synonym of firmament is: A) Ground B) River C) Sky D) Future
  3. The Wonderlic Personnel Test doesn't appear to have any value in predicting future NFL performance. Also note that the test was apparently revised and renamed in 2007 to "containing questions more appropriate to the 21st century" according to Wikipedia.
  4. Trent Green tears ACL in preseason and is replace by backup QB Kurt Warner who goes on to win the Super Bowl in addition to being named the league and Super Bowl MVP.
  5. OTOH, the Bengals did try to keep him for an extra year. So they must have thought he was worth keeping around. In an ideal world the coaches would always know who the better player is. That of course is not the case. If it were not for Trent Green tearing his ACL Kurt Warner would have spent the 1999 season holding the clip board instead of winning the NFL and Super Bowl MVP awards.
  6. Makes sense. Where else would you go to make a deal with the devil?
  7. Why is everybody trying to tackle the guy up high?
  8. I heard he is in a high level real estate meeting trying to dump some recently acquired property on a guy named Nate.
  9. Brees is not coming to Buffalo because he doesn't want to sit on the bench behind Brady.
  10. Alternative explanation. He had no intention of reaching terms with the Skins because he saw them as not being a contender. IOW, he didn't want to be there. If so the Jets have no chance and the Vikings would look pretty good.
  11. From the Wayback machine on 1/9/2012 he had 21.5k followers. Then next date available (5/16/2013) he had 113k. On 6/5/2013 his followers went up to 124k. The last date in the archive is 11/9/2016 where the number of followers has increased slighty to 127k. The number of follower jumps by 11k in less than a month in 2013 with no significant change in the next 3 years and 5 months. Now all of sudden he goes from 127k to 169k in 1 year and 4 months. Then again some people have been known to buy their way to Twitter fame.
  12. I think I would do fairly well on the wonderlic (or would have when I was younger). I am absolutely sure I would make a lousy QB.
  13. If the Bills decide to become a girls field hockey team Im so done with this team
  14. Flat earth history lesson.
  15. Historical scoring by points/game. Maybe not very informative but was fun to do.
  16. I heard he found out about at a high level meeting beforehand and purchased the property prior to the filming.
  17. Guy has enough money. He could just go out on a boat with a decent telescope and look back at the land. There is a reason those old sailing ships had a crows nest. Even they knew the earth wasn't flat.
  18. From your link. Graduate with what degree? For Alabama it says. The 2017 roster (not including freshman which usually have not declared their major) has 24 seniors, 26 juniors, and 29 sophomores for a total of 79 players. Four majors account for roughly 70% of the players in a university that offers 72 undergraduate degree programs. One might tend to think the APR barometer in nothing more than NCAA PR.
  19. If I were him Minnesota would be a slam dunk. The Bills, Broncos, and the Cardinals are a toss up. If he is true to his word about wanting to win the Jets and Browns are non starters.
  20. That is a bit misleading (not accusing you). The points the Denver defense allowed included touchdowns on 1 punt return, 1 kick return, 2 pick 6's, and 2 fumbles. In the category of the "defense wasn't even on the field" they were tied for 1st with Indy at 6 (4 interceptions and 2 fumbles). If you subtract 7 from points allowed for each of those categories for every team they end up 19th. The Bills ended up at 21st.
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