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Everything posted by FTLBillsfan

  1. Here in Florida we don't have front plates so...... Most of the reactions have been positive. I suppose if I run in to a Dolphins fan there may be a discussion but so far I have not found one
  2. Interesting to find out that Mexican Born Daniel Suarez actually began his US Racing career in the Buffalo area and visited the Bills Facility in 2019 https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrFFPN.NKdiEVwN1rijzbkF;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF0dHJpYgRzbGsDcnVybA--/RV=2/RE=1655153918/RO=11/RU=https%3a%2f%2fbuffalonews.com%2f2019%2f07%2f17%2fnascar-daniel-suarez-watkins-glen-buffalo-bills-new-era-field-2019%2f/RK=2/RS=bXSbzkoIwAZltB6I8yiwY1QPgmQ-
  3. I have lived in the Fort Lauderdale area for 20 years now and there are plenty of Bills fans down here. 2 examples. A week ago Sunday I was at the gym. There were maybe 30-35 people there. I saw at least 5 people with Bills gear, hats t-shirts etc. There was one person with Cowboys and 1 with Dolphins. I said "Go Bills to one of the guys in a Bills shirt. Next thing I know 4 more people joined in Another instance was about a year ago. I was getting my car washed and when it was done they announced that the car with the Buffalo Bills license frame was done. Some guy in the waiting room in a Dolphins had yelled Boooo Bills suck. Next thing I hear is a few guys in the back of the room singing the shout song. The Fins fan stood there shocked and said "There are more Bills fans here than Dolphins fans. Of course me being the wise ass that I am could not help replying " Just like at the stadium!" He went and sat in the corner. I had to go get my car so I don't know what happened after that.
  4. Don't forget the "Expenses are additional" disclaimers they have
  5. Maybe he thought he could work on his tan
  6. This whole season was weird. How many times did one of the best teams in the league go up against one of the worst teams only to lose the game.
  7. One of the things I remember was back then my family had seasons tickets and we used to park / tailgate in the parking lot of a carpet store within walking distance of the stadium. On that day we were cooking steaks on the grill and would have to keep puting them back on the grill to keep them warm. I also remember making a big batch of chili to share with our fellow tailgaters. Needless to say that was a very popular option for that day. One of the things I remember was back then my family had seasons tickets and we used to park / tailgate in the parking lot of a carpet store within walking distance of the stadium. On that day we were cooking steaks on the grill and would have to keep puting them back on the grill to keep them warm. I also remember making a big batch of chili to share with our fellow tailgaters. Needless to say that was a very popular option for that day.
  8. I remember in the early 1990's being at a Bills - Jets game where the wind chill was -30 the actual temp was around zero. I know I certainly could not do that again. What was amazing is in the packed stadium it did not seem that cold, and no, I don't drink so it could not have been alcohol keeping me warm. Everytime there was a good play everyone was jumping and cheering, probably to keep warm.
  9. I believe the local affiliates can request a change. Looks like the Fresno area change happened Friday. I am sure they figured that being Josh Allen's hometown area this game would generate more viewers than the others.
  10. Word around here is that Greer is on the hot seat. Many of his recent draft pics have not performed to the level that would be expected of them. The Greer / Flores situation reminds me of the Whaley / Ryan era we went through. As a previous poster pointed out, thank God we have a coach and GM on the same page
  11. I remember a time a couple years ago when the Bills were on the other end of a huge point spread. It was when visiting the Vikings. We all, and the Vikings fans know what happened then. Big point spreads like this can be scary.
  12. https://www.stjude.org/donate/legacy.html?frequency_selected=2&legacypid=200226881&memoryFirstName=Ruth&memoryLastName=KIRSTEN. RIP Ruth Kirsten It is time for Bills Mafia to do what it does best and show our love and respect for Brian Daboll and his family
  13. I am going to enjoy this win, especially when I go to work tomorrow here in South Florida. My co workers had it all figured out that the bills would wilt in the heat and humidity, the fins would be 2-0, 2 games up on the Bills and in sole possession of first place in the AFCE. All I am going to say is "For your scenario to have worked wouldn't the Dolphins have to score some points. Actually the Bills looked better conditioned than the Fins
  14. These times where the Buffalo Bills are a team that players actually want to play for vs the team being the minor league for the rest of the NFL is sure a departure from the past. And a damn nice one. Been a long time coming
  15. It is no secret that the Allen's are a very close knit family and are very proud of Josh Hope for a speedy recovery so he can watch his son get Superbowl MVP.
  16. Being in Fort Lauderdale and driving with my Bills license plate frame, Bills flags in the window, Bills face mask hanging from the mirror and wearing the "Might Be Chilly t-shirt the past few weeks I have received nothing but positive comments, waves (all fingers up!) and thumbs up gestures. Last night as I was leaving the local Publix supermarket a guy in a Dolphins shirt motioned me to lower my window. He said "Good luck" I said this was a long time coming and he agreed and said good luck again ans something like go all the way.. I have not had even one negative comment or gesture the past 2 weeks. Lot of Bills Luv down here
  17. Pepsico makes a lot of sense. They have been big on their slogan "Made for football...watching lately. What better place to watch football than Buffalo?
  18. It will probably be the standard Sunday Night Football crew Tirico doing the pre game and halftime shows, but most likely from Buffalo instead of the studio and Michaels doing the play by play with Collingsworth. If it turns out to be Tirico doing the play by play I am fine with that. I have been a fan of his play calling since he started calling Syracuse University games on the radio
  19. Love it! I have to work until 4PM Saturday. Would have been real pissed if it was a 1PM game
  20. Let's hope we can add " The Bills have never won a Superbowl"
  21. Pre Jets cheap shot- Yes post Jets cheap shot - No He was never the same after that. Now we are Kickin Bass
  22. Hypothetically, if everything fell the bills way and KC loses and the Bills keep winning so the AFC Championship game was played in Buffalo. Imagine the bills with a good lead and the new name announced on the scoreboards at the 2 minute warning. Would have to be done with the cooperation of the TV network so it is on live TV. Perhaps the Sponsors would have to buy 30 sec of commercial time. Think that would make an immediate impact?
  23. True. But if I remember correctly the New Era deal would have carried over to a new stadium
  24. Better yet Big And Dynamic Allen Superstar Stadium. BADASS for short The people that buy naming rights have their own jets
  25. In the interview he said he was going to make the Bills look like the smartest people out there Mission accomplished!
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