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Everything posted by FrankoElTanko

  1. Where is that die hard AL homer in here that thought he was low risk...
  2. Nuts from a guy with one season and NO INT... He could be a stud but talking all that **** could see him end up like Whitner and have like 2 INT over his first like 5 seasons lol
  3. Did our future RT just come at a discount?
  4. I am not necessarily a Jarvis Landry kind of guy so there is that... but if they were to sign Dez, who is going to throw the ball 40+ times a game to get them targets?
  5. Not that you can predict injury but assuming there may have been something lingering beforehand, I am glad that we did not get out in front of this.
  6. Agree(ish)... 1 and 2 will weight heavily on the final number guaranteed (we are just now beginning to see this crazy amount of guaranteed money however, it has not been given to positions or players with suspension(s) yet so that will affect his final number) however, he is hands down the best RB in the NFL (the way he is used at least) whenever he is on the field.
  7. I love the hypocrisy of the last line... This is the Hall of Fame, where you are enshrined (INDIVIDUALLY) for your (INDIVIDUAL) efforts. Although you have the (INDIVIDUAL) choice to choose which team represents you, the honor is of individual recognition... Not one of these guys played for the Canton Gold Jackets...
  8. I was pretty new to Twitter and he lost me when he posted a heartfelt tweet about not posting stories on the draft picks until after they were picked (as to not ruin a potential kid's life).... Within hours he was first on his opinion of the JA Tweets... Im not saying anything about his content but to literally contradict yourself and do exactly what you insinuated made you morally better than other journalists... Yea man, he can EAD
  9. Can someone please copy/paste the Albright news. I refuse to pay for that choade (but I still really want to know, lol). Gracias in advance
  10. ^ Thanks for the update. Where are you finding info?
  11. I was there and that was the worst... Corey Graham to seal it... with like 2 something minutes left and EJ STILL found a way to lose... salt to the open would was that was just about the apex of the Sammy injury controversy and I remember him throwing a fit about not playing (due to injury) and spending the entire game (and after) with a black hoodie tied over his face. That whole game was painful EVERY time we touched the ball and it was not a defensive player... I did get the chance to speak with Graham afterward and I am nearly sure he is one of if not my all-time favorite Bill. I have never seen another athlete so proud to play for his hometown than him. He truly loved being a Bill and I love that he got a ring last year.
  12. This cycle of ignoring whatever was originally said and then criticizing the responses (or lack there of) to his own question(s) are are what perpetuate him... It's like he (trys to) roast you for saying anything other than what he does regardless of the extent. My ORIGINAL thought was about him being risky, etc. and now to validate his point, this dude is bringing up how "everyone" roasted him for resigning Marcel when he was against it? And how because he was right about that then he will be right about the RECIPROCAL situation? Are we in the Twilight Zone? What is he talking about? Nobody ever brought that up but him and if someone hurt him about it, he is bitter and should move on (the Bills clearly did...)
  13. I just really like Bradham and had seen he was a PFF top 3 coverage LB two years in a row and needed a spot filler, lol That would have been a better one, good catch, I spaced Big Pat (somehow)
  14. Your'e hurting my brain with your homerism, we need a barf emoji
  15. What about Peters... UDFA and easy first ballot (whether most agree or not)?
  16. Opinion post: Please let me know if there is someone I missed... I have been visiting the Belvedere bottle this evening and am trying to span six (6) decades, forgive me... Please vote/comment on who you think the best Bill that never was (careerist Bill) but made it for their career!? I’m curious to see what people think. Who was remembered for not being a Bill or retired and could not be defined as a Bill ( a la 1 day contract or Buffalove (Stevie J)) but in reality was drafted/developed in B-lo?
  17. I’m out man, it’s friday and you are out of your mind. Long term damage regarding the effects of decision making, etc and marijuana is done during the developmental stage(s) like adolescence not as an adult... also to have that, it requires a constant (very high) amount/tolerance... So, are you saying that Reuben foster at his age has long term decision making and judgement skills damage because of smoking weed? If so that’s another reason why I wouldn’t want him... although i do not believe it to be true at all... Also, regarding PED, can you read? I never said either was good for the sport... at any level, I said it’s going to happen so as a fan don’t get caught and miss games... in fact I stated I would rather have neither... You are right, if Edelman tests positive it’s 10 games... IF Foster gets another criminal charge it’s indefinite... so there’s that... finally, if you would rather a player miss 2/18 (.11) games due to suspension over 4/98 (.04) be my guest... I can get a calculator to figure the percentages but you could just do it yourself. Nm I did it for you... Foster will be suspended for twice as much as Edelman with 1/8 time in league by week 4 next year... im going to have a beer you should have a lithium... happy Friday
  18. Do you ignore the rest of EVERY post? and you are absolutely the crazy if you think Reuben Foster is walking around high 24/7 because he is "mentally impaired" from smoking weed that is somehow being stored in his pro-athlete (not at all, high-fat percentage) body... Slowly released over time, you have no idea. Yes it stays in your system longer if you have high body fat, smoke more, etc. but THC does not slowly release (and make you high later) and cause you to CONTINUALLY make poor choices, get a life. You're right about PED being the "worse" drug (in terms of health), I guess. However, I never once attempted to give my moral opinion on the egregiousness of PED use v. Marijuana... but that AGAIN was not the issue. PED are going to happen in the NFL so as a fan I would prefer if they take precautions to do so safely as well as to not jeopardize missing games from using them, just like weed. It is a calculated risk the players take (trust me many do) that is a risk on them, just like smoking weed... I am not here to judge either because there are so many offenders. However, case in point; I honestly would prefer if players from teams I watch play, were not users of either, since both run the risk of suspension... You can twist that however you want. Yes, although his behavior warranted a stiffer penalty (from being a 'worse' offense)... LIKE I SAID BEFORE, PED suspensions are not indefinite such as DV suspensions or other LEGALLY related issues... issues that have NEVER come up with your boy Edelman and ALL issues that have been brought up with Foster, ALREADY... He was arrested and charged, Edelman failed a drug test... One was criminal one was civil... His behavior CRIMINALLY or his ASSOCIATION with such behavior SO FREQUENTLY are why I would be weary of him... Clearly you do not feel that way. Good for you.
  19. Lol, the In N' Out right next to my pad too!
  20. I literally work down the street from where he is at, I recognize the Havana cigar club but I could not see the bar name so for lunch I winged it at some rando bar downtown, wrong one I guess... I did not see Poyer, lol
  21. Lol, this is what I mean, "that's why its called dope"... Thank you for my instruction period on the word, 'dope' and the various ways it can be used First of all marijuana referred to as dope is hilarious... Mainly though, Foster is NOT high 24/7 and (should of) had judgement enough or someone close to that cared (have him) stop for the time being/hide it better/eat it/i dont care /just dont get caught/etc., Now, once more for everyone in the back, I do not care or do not judge him for using marijuana, he is a kid that does dumb stuff and weed is a silly thing to call a crime... However, I do judge him for doing so much CUMULATIVE dumb **** (in correlation with the league conduct policy, NOT personally) that I WOULD NOT TOUCH HIM FOR OUR TEAM (do you get it?). Nobody said he would have a failed life, however, I believe his action(s) (whichever the flavor of the month) will undue him and force him out of the league sooner than later and his CAREER WILL BE AFFECTED, as it ALREADY IS through this season's suspension And I don't care if Edelman takes PED... At all... Or Foster (if that were the case)... None of that matters, what matters is exactly like you said, EDELMAN has NEVER been caught. With that being said.... Edelman gets benefit of the doubt because he literally has EIGHT YEARS w/o a suspension.... Foster does NOT get the benefit of the doubt because he has less than ONE YEAR and has already been suspended... Furthermore, he has been suspended for zero tolerance policy offenses, which carry high risk of an indefinite suspension (unlike PED: see Brian Cushing)... Please make up your mind about his shoulder and the reason he slid... Please see your response about "he didn't have any injuries", or there was another on how he "was fully healed"... Honestly, are you trolling? Finally, Foster was drafted at 31... You are right, this is not bad coming off of a shoulder injury, however, THE TRUTH IS that although his shoulder was injured he was KICKED OUT of the combine and failed the drug test (diluted sample) which again, would not be bad... had he not been CONSENSUS TOP 10 talent... AGAIN no judgement for what hes doing only that he could not take the measures to protect himself from getting caught doing what, as you say, many NFL players do How can you think he would be a good decision? Or that he is reliable? I’m not aware that he has any health issues, but I haven’t followed his career post Alabama. There were never any issues there with his behavior as far as I know.
  22. This won’t be fosters first, quote me later... Of course the NFL wouldn’t foresee a bad relationship but that’s not why he was arrested... he still shows poor judgement during the entire situation w the gun... the nfl (did) foresee his behavior through, that’s why 30 teams passed on him? a 4 is (immediately) worse but I would rather have 4 for PED after 8 yr in the league (on a slot receiver) rather than 2 within the first year rather for “zero tolerance” offenses like DV on my first rd pick and captain I cannot afford to lose? What about you? and what the hell are you talking about the financial crisis for? I’m talking about the nfl? Youre nuts, I’m done
  23. No... because he has been in the league FOR 8 years and is set to miss his first four games, ever (due to suspension)... Are you serious? Foster has been in for a year... Please see #4 of my previous post... 4) Who cares about his academic prowess or that of any other athlete being suspended anyway. You keep pointing out all of these statistics about Alabama education like it matters to anyone or that anyone is clicking the link. What good is Reuben Foster's degree when he cannot figure out how NOT to be around contraband or poor situations well enough to avoid a suspension. Furthermore, after 3/4 incidents (granted all for different issues) it makes you wonder if A. He happens to be the most unlucky person alive, or B. He very well may be putting himself into poor situations regularly. Trust me... it is not him SMOKING pot that is there is any concern over... Him being too immature to do so like the majority of other NFLers do so (like you said) WITHOUT the fear of his choices causing him to get suspended... Furthermore he was arrested for being in a car with it, in a state where it is illegal to do so... THAT is the issue, his choices to do that, not smoke weed. You really do not understand that or are you trolling me? There was literally a plethora of points made as to his immaturity and again, you ignore all of them and make reference to something unrelated. There are A LOT of players in the NFL that are risky because of their choices, behavior, maturity, etc. I would not sign those players because of that. Unfortunately (I guess) for you, one of those players is Reuben Foster and he is (gasp) Alabama alumnus... I know it hurts, but let it go.
  24. No, no crystal ball... Only information to let you know you may be getting into a bad investment... Like maybe getting arrested for weed in an area where you know it is contraband (with potential millions on the line due to your draft status) OR being (what you likely to believe as politely) asked to leave the NFL Combine for being a jerk to staff... Your'e right no crystal ball... But if only there were some other way you could learn about players before you selected them? Like an NFL Combine event (should one be able to endure the challenge to stay in attendance for all three (3) days) OR like public records for things like arrests? If only there were SOME way to screen future picks... one day... That is the scouting world that I one day want to live in.
  25. It's like @Sky Diver cannot see the forest through the trees. Dude EVERYONE but you is stating that Foster makes questionable decisions and cannot be counted on for a season because of them... and now this has manifested into a defense of the university like it is being attacked?? Foster has a lot of baggage already, his fault or not but paint the narrative like, "he smoked a little pot and had bad girlfriend, so what" does not not paint the whole picture. You also said he needs to lay off the weed and that was the problem, right? In that case are we as fans justified in knowing he can and will be suspended because it is against the rules or is it blasphemous to say that about Alabama alumnus? (1) Disclaimer: I smoke weed every day, I most definitely do not judge. However, if I knew I would lose millions by being in the car with some weed because it is illegal there, I do not care WHAT AGE YOU ARE, I would not do that. It seems silly to jeopardize millions that way. This is ONE example of his questionable decision making that Reuben uses. Being sent home for the combine, for real? How can you NOT JUDGE the ONLY person to ever be sent home for arguing with staff? You ignore every point the posters make about him and then hone in on facts that are silly like Alabama's educational ranking or criticism of people's sources? (2) Do you see your own hypocrisy in saying things like, "he needs to get off the weed" or "the problem is the weed" and then saying things nonchalantly or passively like "a young guy smokes pot..." as if him smoking was the issue... The issue is him being immature enough to smoke pot or be in a car that has something illegal right before the draft, that is the red flag... do you really not see this? (3) Let's add in the fact(s) that he had an unsecured weapon (within around a month of being viewed illegal) in the state of CA (the Bay too!) and could not think ahead enough that it may look bad or be viewed as in issue in such an area (super liberal and against guns CA... News you can get ANYWHERE), maybe, "I should secure it or put it away or make sure it is ready for the new gun laws before I left it out"... for law enforcement to see during a DV call, involving him. A DV call that REQUIRES someone to be arrested. Again the issue is not the "bad decision on a girlfriend", it is the fact that he is kicking it with someone of her caliber to begin with. Did he have long term ties or some kind of loyalty to a person who presumably had not known for very long with such an extensive record or lying under oath to extort people? I don't know but it seems like another red flag to me that he would be caught in that situation, much yet when the gun is out in the open and loaded with a magazine that is sure to draw controversy to begin with. (4) Who cares about his academic prowess or that of any other athlete being suspended anyway. You keep pointing out all of these statistics about Alabama education like it matters to anyone or that anyone is clicking the link. What good is Reuben Foster's degree when he cannot figure out how NOT to be around contraband or poor situations well enough to avoid a suspension. Furthermore, after 3/4 incidents (granted all for different issues) it makes you wonder if A. He happens to be the most unlucky person alive, or B. He very well may be putting himself into poor situations regularly. (5) Finally, I ask you, who would you rather draft. If you could choose between a talented and young player w/All-pro capability but you were only guaranteed 12 games or less or someone who will start for 16? It is easy, I will decide for you, like the other 30 teams in the league did last year. Nobody wanted to gamble on him because of "him". That is all. There is no debate, no argument to be had, no mention of "elitists" who "seem to have it out for the south"? What the **** are you talking about? This post was about Reuben Foster, the LB for the 49ers and his suspensions being a result of his poor decision making and immaturity which all reflect poorly on his character. I am sorry that Alabama LB alumni with questionable character decisions (McClain) are compared but it is what it is.Yes although it is everywhere and from those who come from any university (arrests) and every team has suspensions, using Foster and his increasing number of incidents is a poor example of as to why a person should take him? Are you real? Or are you some kind of bot programmed to defend Alabama players and false narratives of people on the TBD message "attacking the south"?
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