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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. But there in is the problem. The other poster in this conversation said you can’t question Lamar cause he’s an MVP. I said that’s not how that works. That’s how we got to this point in time. 😛
  2. Maybe Tannehill, Henry, and Simmons and they’re out a few weeks? Hmmm...
  3. true enough. The Falcons had it happen last week and they still were able to play to their normal standard of trash.
  4. Yeah- I’m not arguing Lamar is Sean Alexander. I’m saying MVP doesn’t mean anything for long term projection and it doesn’t make a player unquestionably good as the poster I was engaged in implied.
  5. I don’t get why the NFL didn’t just do two universal by weeks. (Say week 6 and 12) thus allowing the option to easily move games if needed. Then, if you get to week 5 and you have no issues, flex a couple games into week six so you don’t miss revenue.
  6. My thoughts as well.. I’m curious how long they have to be out before they can come back, assuming no positives.
  7. I’m not using it to discredit Lamar’s future. I’m saying MVP in a vacuum is a worthless basis of argument for a players future.
  8. He was not after his MVP season. Some of that was injuries, but the overall point being that MVP on the resume doesn’t dictate future performance.
  9. except when the conversation is about Lamar as a Quarterback, and not a running back, you most certainly can and should focus on that one thing that defines quarterbacks... what is it again? Oh yeah. throwing the damn football.
  10. Thank you for defeating your own argument. If Rich Gannon can win an MVP, anyone can. One years performance is not indicative of a career path. Sean Alexander says hi. Additionally (and you’d know this if you actually were here to have an intellectual conversation) Lamar’s MVP season is built as much on his running as it is his passing. Take that away and he’s not an MVP. So that award has little relevance to the conversation of Lamar as a QB.
  11. You’re argument here is that an MVP award is a bona-fide guarantee that a player is elite and will continue to be?
  12. It really comes down to this with Lamar: He has some phenomenal strengths, and some serious weaknesses. Most young QB’s do. When you encounter a prospect with this you’re faced with two options: 1- Help him grow through his weaknesses and improve so that he becomes more rounded and hopefully becomes a complete player. (The Josh Allen model) 2- Ignore the weaknesses and focus entirely on the strengths, betting that you can magnify the strengths enough that the weaknesses don’t slow him down. (The Lamar Jackson model) (there’s also a third model where you heighten the weaknesses and do everything you can to ruin the strengths- we call that the Darnold) The Ravens decided early on that they wanted model two. Maybe the right decision, maybe not. Time will tell. Clearly they have had success, and I think it made a lot of sense because Jackson’s strengths were so strong, but the problem they’re coming up against is that when he goes against really good teams that can exploit his weaknesses, he has faltered. At times the strengths have made up for it, but when the chips are down he’s had some bad Goes of it. It comes down to this. Jackson is an elite runner of the ball, and he’s a really good passer when everything is working perfectly (I.e, when he’s protected, and his first or second read has good separation). What his weaknesses are is his inability to work the outside of the field, and his inability to stand in the pocket with pressure and deliver the football. When teams come into the game willing to ignore his strengths and focus on his weaknesses (by pressuring him, and by locking down the middle of the field) it results in bad games for him. I think this is exasperated by a personality thing as well: Lamar is so good at what he does well that he’s always won that way. He really doesn’t have a context for winning differently and we see when his way gets shutdown he gets very frustrated and emotional which has a snowballing effect. The Ravens seem happy to use, abuse, and lose Lamar without trying to strengthen his weaknesses. They’ve had some success and may have more, but it’s hard to imagine them winning it all that way. Man shut up. Stop acting like you know better without actually making an argument. You look a fool.
  13. He seems to have off nights whenever the bright lights are on against a better team. Everyone saying it’s only one game clearly missed the playoffs the past two years. What an idiotic response. “Um, this post is so bad and so wrong that I’m so offended that I won’t even tell you why It’s so bad and wrong, I’ll just use a quote that makes me look like I know what I’m talking about even though I won’t engage the topic.”
  14. And then score. Don’t try to beat them at their game- make them play yours. It just so happens that we finally look like we have an offense that could do that.
  15. Worth noting that only Wilson and Allen have over 9 YPA. Some of them are pretty low (Minshew, Carr, Fitz all sub 8 ) which is usually indicative of more of a dink and dunk offense which boosts % If you look at the entire stat picture there it’s pretty clear Allen and Wilson are playing at a completely different level than the rest. Wilson 14tds, 1 int Allen 10tds, 1 int (I think both of those ints are excusable even) next best is Carr at 6td, 0int. Then yards its Allen 1039 Wilson 925 Bridgewater 871 Bridgewater actually has better numbers than I would have expected.
  16. Rivers Wilson Bridgewater Carr Minshew Fitzpatrick I think of those 6 all but Wilson and Carr are in new systems.
  17. the fact that 6 other dudes are above 71% through three weeks really shows how far behind Defenses are at the start of this season.
  18. If you opened your mouth and that accent came out you’d make sure to stay drunk and slurring as much as possible...
  19. I actually kinda like the announcing team. Lamar can’t win when a defense doesn’t play scared.
  20. In boomer's defense, Josh plays QB exactly how you'd expect Jared Allen to...
  21. I have a 100 point lead on my fantasy opponent and they have the Chiefs defense and Mahomes... By by victory.
  22. Nah you right. I said it completely backwards even though I was thinking it correctly.
  23. If we're talking about seeding, probably root for Baltimore cause we can get the head to head on KC.
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