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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I lived in Jackson Hole Wyoming for a year, hiked in Grand Teton National park and Yellowstone a bunch (as well as driving tours) and never saw one. Randomly had one run in front of my car in the Appalachians like a month after I got back. I’ve seen two others since then. I also saw a dead one about 100 yards down the street from my house (roadkill)... had no idea we had them this close to my place.
  2. Did they Blitz Allen on the game winning drive last week? I remember a lot of pressure and being impressed with how he handled, but I didn’t see how many they were bringing.
  3. Did you even bother to read the rest of the post?
  4. There seems to be a huge slant in this for TD’s (not to mention INT, so Josh is get dinged on that idiocy) which doesn’t really make sense to me... doesn’t the ability to throw the ball deep (as defined at 20+ yards) exist in a vacuum on the field? As in, how is the trait considered more difficult if it’s 20 yards into the endzone vs 20 yards from out of your own endzone... I get that there’s a practical value in “he can seal the deal from deep” but does that distinction quantify whose truly better at being a deep passer? Feels like volume/completion is the true test of this in which case Josh would seemingly be higher- and above Mahomes who has a sub 50% comp percentage with this metric. (Not to imply Allen is actually better than Mahomes, just as an understanding of these stats) In fact, the more I review this the less sure I am that their rankings make sense or are based on the actual data they present.
  5. It’s always chicken egg... rookie QB comes in and is a stud he elevates the team and people aren’t talking about how trash they are. I don’t like how much the “it’s his surroundings” argument is used about Darnold (and Rosen). At some point you’re either good or you’re not.
  6. Haven’t read the whole thread, but I think the biggest thing people missed was how much being a late bloomer who never received top notch coaching and guidance hindered his technical, mental, and emotional understanding of the game. Most first round NFL QB’s have been groomed for 5 years with QB camps, high school, and colleges all aimed at developing him. Josh was behind on all of that (partially because he didn’t grow into the hulk of a human he is now until late) and it caused his development to slow down. He’s the quintessential high school girl (or guy) that nobody looks at who shows up at college and everyone loses their mind over cause she was a late bloomer.
  7. The reality is that masking isn’t a perfect fix to the solution anyways (especially given most people’s masking which involves adjustments, taking it off occasionally, etc) so they could have been exposed whether or not they followed the guidelines. Point being, any player could be at any point shedding virus during a game. Obviously we want to mitigate risk, but there’s only so much that can be done and at this point the main thing is testing and going from there. I expect (barring a positive test) that everything will be fine.
  8. So if they hadn't been in violation of what the local government was saying it wouldn't be an issue? I was wondering about that... It seemed hard to believe the league/PA would do a mask mandate or something along those lines.
  9. And here I was hoping for Tannehill, Henry, and Brown to all be out 2-3 weeks.
  10. I’m sure someone will swoop in and grab it. I’m guessing CBS has the call now? Makes sense to keep it as they are already doing the ground work.
  11. So the part where they were practicing earlier in the day that he tested positive, presumably involving physical contact with one another, and that doesn't make it seem like those guys could get it from him?
  12. I get that concept, but how does that work when we just saw a player last week test positive on Thursday, presumably within minutes or hours of interacting with teammates, and all those players were able to play Sunday? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just don’t understand how that works. The NFL must have some kind of way of believing they can know if positive test is going to = spread or not. I assume that’s via negative tests, but maybe I’m wrong?
  13. This is either not true, or the entire process of the league is missing something as two teams have had positive tests within a week of a game - one played, and one is seemingly on track to play. So either you’re wrong or the league is. No offense but I have a feeling it’s you. 😛
  14. Not to get into the minutia of how the testing/virus works, but last week we saw a player in a locker room test positive on like Thursday or something like that. When everyone else tested negative on Saturday they were deemed fit to play. Additionally, the Titans had a mini outbreak on Monday and the plan seems to be that If everyone passes tests throughout the week they will play. That being said- I get the frustration and I get the idea of making an example of them, but if they all test negative Saturday shouldn’t it be business as usual?
  15. Shhhhh. He’s an all pro. Duh. No questions asked. Sight unseen.
  16. Yeah I was fine. 3-0 baby. I have Russel Wilson and Alvin Kamara, so barring injury I’m in pretty good shape.
  17. I have noticed the same. It’s a good board in general thanks in large part to our Mods! (the jets board is like swimming in cesspool of leaches)
  18. @SDS For frame of reference, how do you guys determine severity of punishment now? Like, if new poster posts off color joke that’s over the line it’s probably a warning, but If he straight up drops a racial slur or something I’m assuming he’s gone for some length or permanently. Is there a specific guideline you use, or just case by case? I personally think points should expire and cumulative points should be used for what gets someone banned- I.e, I might get 1 point for crusading or what have you, and 3 for abusive behavior, and then another crusading might mean a Trip to the cooler cause I reached that 5 total (as an example). Also, I like the idea of an appeals process but I have no idea how that would work for the mods. I know I got a vacation the other day for a post that was political (I own that) but was, I thought, in line with the entire thread and not more political than anyone else’s- when I came back I asked the mod who punched my travel ticket for an explanation (privately) and got nothing back. So some sense of understanding in such situations would be nice.
  19. Right, I get that and I’m not going to say he will or won’t get injured. I’m saying eventually, either because of injury or because of age/natural slow down, he’s going to lose a step. When he does, his whole game is at risk because it’s all built on that inhuman speed and elusiveness.
  20. I have to be honest, the Titans news scares me too.... not to do with the virus, but cause I don’t want the season cancelled and I know the fear mongers would love to see that happen (maybe right before the election: “Trump’s response is so bad football is canceled!”) Full Nazi lockdown on all covid stuff on the main board. I actually don’t mind. It’s better than the selective editing removing any opinions, sources, and facts differing from the main steam that we’ve had till now.
  21. so debate the post, shut up, or be seen a fool for coming in just to say how stupid and beneath you this thread is. Pretty simple.
  22. I think there’s some truth to that, but I think it’s questionable what long time is. Is it 1 year until he gets an injury and loses half a step? Or is it 5 years when his running slows down and he can’t make it up with his arm. That’s the problem with Lamar. He has one pitch (his running) and unless that’s working to keep the defense scared and open everything else up, he can’t thrive. Now, that could change for sure, but that’s where we’re at right now.
  23. You’re not arguing anything. If you remember, that’s where yours and my interaction began was me calling you out for calling Shaw’s post stupid without nothing to engage it. You still haven’t. I don’t think anyone in this thread is saying Lamar isn’t good in his own way (Shaw certainly didn’t), critics are pointing to his flaws and shortcomings. You didn’t want to debate those, so you acted superior and considered the debate below you.
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