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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. According to some, this is a racist dog whistle and you can’t say a black QB has maturity issues or a bad work ethic. It’s racist. Obviously.
  2. Wow. I thought your jets trolling on the main board was rock bottom. You have risen to new lows! Congrats, idiot.
  3. Penalty on Tennessee: unnecessary jackassery. 20yrd penalty, Bills get 10 points.
  4. Someone explain this bull#### to me... The Falcons have a player test positive on a Friday test (results Saturday) and the team played because there were no other issues. All well and good. Stephon Gilmore tests positive on Tuesday (results on Wednesday) and they postpone the game and allow the Pats************** to get their star QB back?... What exactly is going on here?
  5. I mean, through three weeks, aren’t we the better team even at full strength? Like, if this game was tomorrow coming off a normal couple weeks and no injuries on either side- aren’t we better?
  6. File this one under the "piece of ***** of the year award" nominations. I hope we beat the ever living hell out of them.
  7. Not really sure if I’ve said this before, but ***** the titans.... How can the NFL look at the players responses to this ***** and not just want to suspend them all... literally no respect for the rules and nothing resembling remorse.
  8. it was actually the Rams who drafted him... but yes- winning is king.
  9. It’s really unprecedented times right now... Any team with a top 3 QB is in the running and we definitely have that. As Bills fans we’re just programmed to wait for the catch. Could this be the year we don’t hit it?
  10. Is there essentially two game threads now? I’m having trouble keeping track. 😛
  11. I mean, from a purely marketing stand point it makes sense that an organization with such a great track record or having openly gay players would seek to be on the cutting edge.... For instance? Remember that time that player got drafted entirely for his sexual orientation and then was made a huge focus of the offseason and training camp even though he sucked at football? Man, that equality really warmed my heart.
  12. What would you be thinking if it was full strength on Sunday with full practice for all involved?
  13. Ah man, why'd we have to delete the Jets troll thread? I had like 8 + rep points on an amazing gif comment!
  14. I get the sentiment since we went from 3 weeks of no issues to a bunch in 4 and 5, but what has really happened that the protocols didn't protect against? With the exception of the titans screw up, everything is actually progressing as expected.
  15. Using what you could assume is the highest standards of sample taking and maintenance and testing with retests and multiple tests. Imagine how many false + there are in the country at large!
  16. Everything is going smoothly with two exceptions: 1- the Titans- ***** them. 2- there seems to be some inconsistencies on what the reaction is to isolated tests. We saw Atlanta play quickly after a +, but NE has had two games postponed due to isolated +‘s and I’m not entirely sure what the distinction is? Maybe I’m missing it.
  17. Bills FO needs to give all the receivers Jugs machines, and give josh whatever the equivalent is...
  18. I meant I’m not local to WNY Class. I haven’t had actual TV in like 5 years...
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