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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. But it isn't about extending the circle in general, it's about extending it to one class of candidate, and not the other. The idea of the ol boys club is broken. The market corrects and teams do what they can to innovate or they lose. The Panthers wanted to rebuild and they are already getting very impressive returns on their investment on the college coach, meanwhile the Cowboys are sucking wind cause they hired a "good ol boy." The Cardinals fired their minority coach after one horrible year and took a risk on a white guy from outside the norm and they're within striking distance of the playoffs. If David Shaw from Stanford wanted an NFL job he'd likely have several to choose from. Don't make it about incentivizing race, make it about incentivizing winning and let teams do the wise thing that leads to wins.
  2. That's kind of a flaw in the system though... If you believe that the disparity of minorities is caused by racist intent and is a huge and horrible issue, which the existence of such a rule would seem to imply, and if you believe that this solution would have any efficacy, which existence of would seem to indicate a perception that it shall - then morally speaking there is no reward too strong to fix this problem - a third then becomes too little. Make it a first. 2 Firsts. Give the teams that makes the first minority hire each offseason the first pick in the draft. Project the idea to its natural conclusion. If this is the huge deal the NFL and media folks make it to be, then these rules are weak half measures. I heard they were going to make it retro-active and give us 2 thirds for Lynn, but that he lost them in the last second....
  3. Equality in opportunity does not = equality in result. Show us the minority candidates that have been passed over exclusively because of their race, and because of the racist intent of the hiring executive.
  4. Resign him, but look to replace him. Ideally you want his and Roberts role to be one and the same. Unfortunately we don’t have that right now.
  5. eh, I don’t think you have to eat crow for saying a player has been playing like ***** if he turns it around... Klein was awful up until Sunday. If they’re gonna use him differently and it changes how he plays, then we can celebrate that! Doesn’t make previous takes wrong. 😛
  6. What a joke. Pretty sure I could put up that stat line against the Bears offense.
  7. I mean, considering last year the book on Allen was Cover-0, this is damn impressive.
  8. And here I was expecting them to lay down and show their belly. Pretty sure Dustin was taller in season one when the kids were like 9...
  9. Put the story about Josh’s grandma and the donations at the top of your “announcers bingo” for Sunday.
  10. He doesn’t get TD’s cause teams sell out to stop him in the RZ. Meanwhile, guys like Kroft and McKenzie and Davis are able to get free.
  11. I'm not saying this is a walk in the park, but people need to set aside the media's perception of the Cardinals and look at the facts: They're 5-3. Here's who they've beaten: 49ers WFT Jets Cowboys Seahawks Here's who they've lost to: Lions Panthers Dolphins I think you have to put asterisks next to the wins against the 49ers and the Seahawks (not to take away from them) because the NFC west has the ability to have weird interdivisional games that actually don't reflect the teams all that much. More so than any other division. Those games are rarely indicative of the team. So take that with a grain of salt. Murray is playing decently well, but he's turned the ball over in every game except the Cowboys game, where he completed less than 40% of his passes. Overall their defense is worse than ours (but it's close) I don't see them as any harder of a matchup than the Seahawks, and I think our defense is surging at just the right time.
  12. Also, don’t get me wrong- I’m not saying Tua played poorly. He could be a hall of famer for all I know- too early to say. i guess my overall point is this: The media has QB’s they love, regardless of how they play, and QB’s they are apathetic about, regardless of how they play. They loved Rosen pre-draft. They loved Darnold and still refuse to take the L on that.
  13. It’s not about not enjoying the game... but seeing the media’s reaction to the game is part of that. tell me Darnold wasn’t artificially propped up by the media the past few years while Allen has to work twice as hard to get respect?
  14. Unless you believe in re-incarnation, I wasn’t up to much...
  15. Maybe im a homer, but for two years I have been annoyed by media falling all over Darnold while hating on Allen. If Darnold sucked, it was his surrounding cast taking the blame. If Allen did something wrong it was “well we knew he was inconsistent coming out.” Well now Darnold is done and Allen is a bonafide star, so you would think the positive energy would go towards Allen... right? But so far, after yesterday, here’s what I’m seeing: ”Seattle’s defense is so bad and really allowed Allen to work.” ”My god!! Did you see Tua? That was ***** amazing!” am I imagining this?
  16. Media narrative going into Sunday: “Josh Allen and the bills really need to show they can hang with elite teams.” Media narrative Monday: “wow, the seahawks defense is so bad.”
  17. @Chandler#81 - what terrible timing! This was his chance to show his true colors! 😜
  18. Jameis throwing to not the buccaneers and it being a good thing is awesome. Arians looks like a caricature in the face shield with two pairs of glasses and that “too lazy to shave” beard.
  19. Taking 3 there is far more humiliating than the goose egg.
  20. I think that’s exactly why. Even better to do it in Brady’s face. I know that Kiko is a jerk, but the fact that Kiko Alonzo and Alex Anzalone didn’t become a star LB team for the ages is a huge missed opportunity....
  21. Broncos are better than they play, the Jets are probably a W for Miami, and the Bengals can mess some people up. Don’t assume anything.
  22. Tremaine has the biggest nose I have ever seen.... Although, Jerry's looks pretty big too... Does the camera add 10 nose pounds?
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