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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. The bills beat the dolphins and will not be tied. The Dolphins play the Chiefs, Patriots, Raiders, and Bills. Stop. You're making yourself look like a fool.
  2. For all those (mainly that one guy) licking their lips for the dolphins, just remember when Allen made this "great defense" his B word.
  3. If the Jets win today, and they and the Jags both lose out, who gets the #1?
  4. Opponents: *commit suicide weekly Media: "OH MY GAWWWDDD DID YOU SEE TUA???"
  5. What's the difference between dumb luck and just being good enough to make things happen? Miami is forcing that question lately.
  6. Forgot that the texans win does double duty for us - keeps the Phins pick trending downwards.
  7. Dang. I was hoping to have them as a chance to beat the Phins.
  8. How does Wentz not get benched every week?... How bad is Jalen Hurts in practice?
  9. Would really love to see the Eagles beat the Browns, and the Texans to not ***** the bed.
  10. Texans Defense strategy on 3rd and long: - Rush 3 - Drop 8 - Cover nobody.
  11. We can't beat the Steelers cause we crumble against well-coached teams, but we're gonna sweep the Pats?
  12. NFL.com has him ranked (rightfully so) as the fourth best QB in the league... https://www.nfl.com/news/qb-index-week-11-patrick-mahomes-aaron-rodgers-reign The argument could be made that anyone below that list is a no, and those above him come with huge contracts and age. Mahomes is the only possibility, but I think switching the exact players into the situation of the others would end in much the same result as we are seeing now.
  13. The question can’t exist in a vacuum. This is the first competent offense Josh has worked in, Mahomes has had every toy imaginable his entire career, including a hall of fame play caller.
  14. This will be a very top heavy draft due to so much uncertainty in the pre-draft process and college game this year. If you can use two picks to guy who you are more comfortable with, do it.
  15. I’m no analyst, but to me, this one play shows so much of Josh’s growth this year... you can see the exact moment when he realizes he’s gonna be open- his eyes lock on and you can almost read his body language going “aw hell yeah.” Other iterations of Josh loses focus, get’s goofy footed here and misses his set and fires the ball 5 yards out of bounds. MVP josh stays calm, finishes his drop, sets his feet and fires a strike.
  16. I didn't fully realize that the title was necessary to understand the thread and my brain was in a blender for a solid 60 seconds.
  17. As for the interception debate up thread: Josh is only to be blamed for 4 of the 7 if you exclude the not INT against the Rams, the Roberts drop against the Titans, and the miscommunication with Diggs against the Pats. (Obviously these still count on the boxscore, but they aren’t necessarily indictments against JA.) That leaves the bad ball against the Titans, the late game hero ball (where there wasn’t much else to do) against the Chiefs, and the two against the cardinals that seemed squarely on him. From a decision making and mistake making point of view, he’s still doing very well with the interceptions.
  18. I mean, Peyton has been rambling about him being the future franchise for a couple years now, bout time he actually get real time to play QB... that being said, I expect him to go 7/15 with about 104 yards and 13 rushing attempts.
  19. Actually, KJ Wright showed what Addison should have done earlier in the game where he stayed lateral and made Murray come to him. Murray bailed on the pocket immediately. The trick was to keep pressure and push him further and further to the sideline keeping him from setting up. Addison took his shot early and missed.
  20. Oh look, Jamal Adams chasing a play from behind like an idiot... Seriously, what does he do well other than overload blitz packages?
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