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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Also, real talk here: why can’t the saints loan them Jameis? I know what you’re thinking: he could intentionally try to throw it to the wrong team.... but.... would we notice?... The Ravens and Titans broke way more protocols than the Broncos....
  2. Former Wake QB, current Broncos ps WR Kendall Hinton likely to start..... anyone else completely shocked if he’s the best “QB” on the field tomorrow?
  3. Yep. But now apply the same standard to teams that ***** up the schedule cause they weren’t following the rules. This should have been simple: “Break the rules and have players unavailable? Tough. Play with with what you go. Don’t got enough players? Forfeiture until you do. Follow the damn rules next time.”
  4. Actually, if you look at it, there is some logical consistency here: - The Titans and Ravens had their games postponed because they had rampant, unchecked spread within the whole team. This was a directly result of their not following any of the rules. The game couldn’t be played because nobody knew who was and wasn’t at risk of being positive because procedures hadn’t been followed. These teams followed 0% of the rules. - The Broncos seemed to have followed procedures that allow for proper tracing and identification of positives and potential close contacts. Where they’re in trouble is lack of mask wearing which forces an entire position group to sit out. They followed 50% of the rules. The problem becomes, because the NFL so thoroughly ***** up in their punishment of the Titans and subsequently the Ravens, you now have a team that followed the rules to a point being forced into a de facto forfeit while the teams that followed none of the rules get to rest up and play later. If the league had said from the get go: “if you break the rules and can’t play because you don’t have enough players available, you forfeit” we would have consistency. Broncos best bet would be to say ***** it and try to get the rest of the team testing positive tonight so they get into the “Broke all the rules, lets accommodate them” circle.
  5. The Steelers went from a 10 day week to a 4 day prep week. The ravens have more time to prepare for their next game than the Steelers do. The Ravens confessed negligence has caused a competitive disadvantage for the Steelers. They should have to forfeit.
  6. So the whole “if there’s an outbreak and it’s your fault you’re gonna have to forfeit” after the Titans caused an outbreak- that was a lie.
  7. Tell me more about how procedures were followed and they didn’t do anything to cause this....
  8. I think Diggs will get a lot of use here. Cam Heyward may be out and Harris in the slot will be a tough matchup against Beasley.
  9. I can’t link it via my phone, but Aditi had a post saying that forfeiture isn’t being considered.... really don’t understand that. If it’s proven that the Ravens negligence caused this, how are they going to slide on it?
  10. No, but you have to wonder if the “woe is us” and “no way we can play this week” mentality is at all from seeing the benefit of that 8th playoff seeding. If the league allows confessed malfeasance that caused an outbreak to trigger the 8th seed deal, and then that team gets the postseason because of it?... hm...
  11. I’m expecting a lot of creative blitz packages against the rook.
  12. That’s too bad. Hopefully Boetger continues to improve.
  13. I’ve tried a lot of people at RB2 behind Kamara, but he’s been the most consistent.
  14. People re-writing history arguing that Mahomes would be Mahomes on the 2017 Bills with Zay Jones, Rick Dennison and David Culley guiding him with Tuhrod holding his hand. The article ( though I agree seems contrived in much of the controversy) paints Whaley and the other guy as trying to undermine McD's authority.
  15. I get that, but bending over backwards to cover incompetence screws other teams.
  16. It doesn't look like it'll happen sunday either.... The teams were given very clear instructions: If negligence causes outbreaks, you forfeit. That's exactly what happened here. Blame HR, blame the owner, whoever you want. An employee of the team f-ed up big time and here we are.
  17. So a coach willfully violates protocol to a point that the team punishes him, and now the Steelers get hosed? Why are the ravens not having to forfeit? Unreported symptoms? Come on.
  18. There hasn’t been any transparency about what justifies a move and what doesn’t. The Steelers are getting banged while the Ravens get to rest and hopefully have some of their close contacts back, meanwhile, we played with like 1.5 NFL cornerbacks.
  19. I honestly thought he randomly had a second football... That was one of the craziest plays I've ever seen...
  20. what the ***** was that?... That just broke my brain. I had no idea what i was seeing...
  21. NFL taking a big step forward in equality tonight: "We don't care what color you are, if you wear the pinstripes, you suck."
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