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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I know it was a big story when he spoke about it during his Heisman speech, so maybe this is a follow up, of sorts. But it’s hard to imagine writing this paragraph and not having Josh and Oshai pop into your head. We are and we don’t ever get any damn credit for it cause we’re from Buffalo.
  2. I mean, most teams ended up doing more off books minicamps anyway.
  3. Football gods: “Damn it Flores, we have tried time and again to help you out of this mess or your own making, but you can’t stop screwing it up. Fine! You want the inferior QB?! Take him!”
  4. Every time we’ve seen significant outbreaks within the locker rooms it’s been traced back to malfeasance and protocol breaking. If the Browns season gets flushed cause of the same, I will shed no tears.
  5. definite issue i’d want that to happen before accepting the job- gone, not just moved to a different area. Cal McNair has been involved in the process for years and was the chairman of the organization since 2018.
  6. - No draft capital - Jack Easterby situation - still the same overall authority structure that made BOB possible.
  7. Just like Brian Gaine did. People are sniffing around this Bills FO hard - guys don’t have to settle for the first opportunity.
  8. “I don’t give a ***** about your tan Tom!”
  9. Not sure why anyone in Buffalo would want to work for the Texans after Gaines’ experience - I get that BOB is gone, but the issues that created BOB still seem well rooted.
  10. Has anyone listed the Familial connection between JC Jackson and Diggs yet?
  11. It’s not actually, it’s Hodgins, whose on IR. Far as I know they keep the # when on IR.
  12. Could also be they want to have some good fits lined up ready for quick signings in case they need to rush someone in between playoff games. Someone goes down on Sunday, you don’t want to have to try someone out and then get them in protocol. This makes sense given Josh’s familiarity and chemistry with him.
  13. Welp, my “worried about Beasley” light is blinking. it wasn’t with Stills cause that made sense a month ago. Now it is.
  14. Not unless it was after Evans and some dude named Mike Caussin who wore it in 2011. maybe after that it was?
  15. That’s right. 84 would be awesome, but I think there’s a PS tight end with that right now. looking like 80, 83, an 87 are the only options.
  16. I don’t think they’ll be able to keep Cole off the field. Just add Stills for the sheer sake of it cause why TF not?
  17. All truth. Based on what’s available, the best option is by far 83 with 80 as an alternate. 87 would not be good. 86 is a dark horse, but he can only have a few good games in 86 and it would mean he couldn’t come back here next year.
  18. Just a hunch, but put to bed any idea that we aren’t gonna do whatever we can to win Sunday. They’ll want that second game as a reward for the Fans.
  19. It is. It always has been. I think it’s @Logic that’s there with me on it. Kumerow looked so sweet in 87. I’d love 81 for Stills, but I guess that’s Kroft. Maybe 83?
  20. The most critical aspect of this, is that there isn’t a single number between 10-19 available... which means he’ll be in the 80’s by default which will automatically make him our best reciever!
  21. Love this move. Gonna cost a song, gives us a ton of insurance, and there’s nothing that says he even has to play.
  22. Should be mentioned on point #8, special teams: One of the best ST plays was Bass hanging the ball in the air for 25.3 minutes on a kickoff and having it drop at the 3, forcing the return. Led to a big tackle and a block in the back penalty that backed them up. If he can do stuff like that at will, it creates opportunities for our coverage team.
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