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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. The duke hate has always been a reaction to the ridiculously blind duke love. It peaked for me when I had numerous board members explaining to me that the guy whose only talent is contested catches dropped a TD in the playoffs because it was too contested....
  2. No, because Kumerow has never dropped important passes in the playoffs for us.
  3. Oh FFS. Duke knowing the entire playbook is still 100% a worse option than Stills knowing 1 play.
  4. Hm. But no word on if there is procedural violations? Will be interesting to see what comes of that.
  5. Same exact feeling I had going into the Pats game... we should beat this team relatively easily; but I don’t know how to handle that feeling. I don’t know how to handle the idea of the Bills winning a playoff game (born in 96) so I am nervous as heck. Gonna be a long 24 hours.
  6. Josh Allen’s season needs to be split into two sections: with the black brace peaking out of his jersey, and without. Two different QB’s, and even then he’s still making some insane throws.
  7. Oh nice. I guess they had to be the rapid kind. That’s the only kind I have had, and I’ve had it three times... I’ve realized that depth is subjective based on the nurse you get....
  8. My thought exactly... we, for the last month at least, have had the offense that makes the Chiefs so dangerous. We just score. You’d better score too, but we’re willing to bet our defense will make a play where yours might not.
  9. Can’t post a link via my phone, but there’s a ton of buzz on twitter right now (started with a Rappaport tweet) that he’s pissed they didn’t consult him about GM hiring after they said they would.... This is the off-season narrative that 2021 deserves!! Put it in my veins!! We all sat on the edge of our seats for Kirk F-ing Cousins! Imagine what this would do!
  10. I don’t know, but with that beard I imagine he need only walk by women to impregnate them.
  11. We should all be pushing these rumors as hard as possible to help it come to fruition so they deal him outside the AFC.
  12. Is it medically safe for the depths of her soul and brain to be probed with a Q-Tip at this point?? Yikes! I thought shoveling the driveway as a 12 year old to make it was hardcore!
  13. Doing it all with one woman is the most impressive part. He and Antonio Cromartie were having a competition, but Cromartie cheated and brought in pinch hitters.
  14. Wow! What a roller coaster week it’s been on Chan Corner.
  15. I’m cautiously optimistic. I think that playing in front of the fans, even a small number of them, will help keep the playoff jitters at bay. I also think we match up well against the Colts, who struggle to stop the pass.
  16. that’s a valid point... but they have never been completely devoid of talent- they just can’t capitalize. I get the Chiefs angle, but I think for someone whose wired to be an NFL head coach that can actually be a good thing- You don’t have to go far to measure up to the top of the league. Set the bar at competing for the division, and if you can, you know you can compete for the SB. As for the dysfunction, they are still a well respected org. The Texans are doubling down on their complete lunacy of the past 10 years. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole. The Baker example is a good one, but the flip side of that is that Houston now has an unhappy franchise QB and literally nothing else. Yas. Drama! Trade him to the saints. Do it!
  17. Yeah, but that’s two blue chip players that you just don’t get... that’s like McD coming in here and not getting Tre and not getting Dawkins. Chargers are the best job, hands down. Top 10 players at QB, WR, DE. Good CB’s. Best safety in the league if he can get healthy. Good running back, good pieces up and down the roster to build around. Money to spend and the 13th pick in the draft for an OL.
  18. I too believe being in massive cap hell and having no draft capital is a desirable position to place oneself in.... I assume your statement is based entirely on Watson?
  19. It’s hard to go into the playoffs as the hottest team in the league and think anything short of playing for a chance at the Con. title a success...
  20. And it was Howard who got toasted and outplayed on the first Davis deep shot. List it under things ya hate to see.
  21. I hadn’t heard the rumors, but the other times we’ve seen Covid affect a team so widespread and throughout all levels of staff and position groups, it’s been a direct result of negligence. I am definitely suspicious.
  22. Seems silly to give up on him this early with one exception. There’s the Rosen argument to be made, but the sample is sample is smaller and the results less disastrous. Not to mention, Tua wasn’t a consolation prize. Here’s my biggest hesitation/ thought process for even considering moving on if I’m Miami.... 1- how often do you plan on picking top 5? If you have any doubt at all, why would you risk missing that opportunity? 2- I get that he’s a rookie and the game needs to slow down, but we’re talking about someone who played at Alabama... that’s literally the NFL’s minor league. Development should be a lot faster for someone coming from that program.
  23. Weather or not Allen will continue to improve (which, seems hard to do based on where he’s been for two months), the conversation around him pre-draft was always that he was the best physical specimen to play QB. No doubt about that. Take him to a lab and he had every attribute you want.
  24. “Alright guys, line up for your coach Stefanski Kiss. One kiss per player- no exceptions!!”
  25. Can’t link the tweet, but PFF is back to trolling for tweets- calls bills the 11th most complete team in the playoffs.
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