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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Definitely, and that's the one I gave a nod to. The others on the list seem more like people being stupid/racist. Not specific, coordinated attempts at proving an entire political group is militarized. I do wonder about the disparity of media coverage of the Todd example. I have never heard about this, but that may be my issue/blindspot. The fact that liberal media is falling all over themselves with recent revelations about Trump supporters is a telling mark of their agenda and their willingness to give up on reality to fit their narrative. Also, in defense of the Todd example, she did work for McCain... So I guess she's a conservative....? Maybe? ***edit: The most revealing thing to me about the Chicago thing, and the Kids thing, and even the buzzfeed thing, is that we have known the media was strongly biased against Trump. That's obvious. But these have confirmed the fact that they're willing to abandon what little shreds of journalistic integrity that they may have pretended to have in their pursuit of their anti Trump table pounding. Move to Virginia and invest heavily in black shoe polish.
  2. These are definitely horrible examples and should all be prosecuted to the full extent of the law... That being said, this proves more racism than it does political influenced bias (with the exception of the woman who didn't know that Obama starts with an O.) White people have been making up stories about black people for years (there's a pretty famous book/movie about such things). The complaints in this thread is about liberals making up targeted attacks against conservatives (specifically against supporters of the president)
  3. I would love Morse/Paradis, Daryl Williams, Tyler Locket/John Brown, and Demetrius Harris/Jessie James. Those 4 signings would go a long way to rebuilding our Offense on the relative cheap.
  4. I heard Bucky Brooks say something about a March 2nd roster bonus and then wanting to move him before then (confused me as a trade can't even be final until like middle of march, so how does that affect the bonus?) anybody know anything about that?
  5. I would agree with this, except for the existence of the New York Jets. He will get a filthy contract from them because that GM needs to keep his job.
  6. It seems like both sides would agree that some form of retirement age ought to be imposed on SCOTUS members... It's downright impossible to believe that the most important decisions in American history can be made by someone who might not be fit to get out of bed... (and I don't just mean this in regards to RBG)
  7. So... For my own edification, a role call of the 2020 Dems. A white, native american woman who already gets owned by the opponent on a regular basis and has no response. An ancient, senile old man who wants to take all of everyone's money and do... something?... with it. This being the man who so royally enjoyed being ***** by his own party that he's come around asking for another. A black man whose entire platform is that he's black and fancies himself a roman era rebel and that he agrees with all of his other democrats. (essentially Obama with less charisma and experience) A black woman (maybe? I don't even know for sure.) who slept her way to the top and apparently doesn't read her own tweets. A white woman with an anger issue who cant even answer questions about her anger issue without demonstrating her anger issue. Am I forgetting anyone? Honestly, the dems might have a better shot at changing the constitution and letting the green FDR run then they do of winning with this field.
  8. This whole proposal is AOC’s declaration that’s shes got ***** for brains, and the fact that the Democratic Party as a whole has endorsed it and stood behind it just shows that they too, are ***** for brains. Unless they’re actually using this as their thinly veiled white flag, knowing they won’t beat Trump and so they’re pushing the party to the left so in 2020 a “moderate” Democrat can rise from the ashes of the DNC... hmm. That would be a smart strategy.
  9. You’re just bigoted against cows that fart.
  10. I see what you're saying about the history of that phrase, but I don't think a phrase is proof of totalitarianism. I struggle to see phrases themselves as evil based on their history. They may elicit certain thoughts and ideas, but I think we always need to take it back to the context of the conversation to know what's right and what's wrong. That being said, I don't mind his comments cause I'm not sure he's wrong when he labels the press in that way. Now, if it's some secret nod to Stalin or whatever, that I don't support- obviously.
  11. What if I send a democrat a letter telling them I am going to wear a MAGA hat in their presence and the mail crosses state lines... Straight to the chair, right?
  12. I'm not "Greg" but I wanted to share a random thought: Started watching the West Wing on Netflix the other day- It's pretty good, I think, even with the liberalism on display. I like the political side and the overall characters-- That being said, not sure if anyone here is familiar with it, but in watching this show about a Democratic president in the late 90's and his liberal staff, I have been shocked to see just how far left the left has actually gone in the past two decades. I don't know if the show runners displayed a softer left on purpose, or if there really is such a huge disparity between then and now. It's mind boggling. Anyone seen the show? Watching that without sound was pretty great....
  13. What history is that? Information is the greatest power there is. Wars have been fought, won, and lost based on information and disinformation. The entire world almost ended in a "war"where the most utilized weapon was information. If you admit that the media at large in this country intentionally lies and provides false information and bias while waving the flag of impartiality and transparency (which you seem to admit, but feel free to correct me if necessary) then I don't see how it can be anything but a hostile faction. Again, I don't care which side this gets applied to. I think both sides have teeth in the lying game. There have been 5 or 6 really solid events in the past few months or so that prove the media's agenda and disinformation. That's hostility. There are good reporters, no doubt. But if they associate with/work for organizations that are actively suppressing truth to fit their ends, then they aren't worth a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.
  14. The argument that Trump pulling Acosta's pass proves he's anti free speech is ridiculous. A press pass to the white house briefings is not protected by the 1st, and Acosta is a mega douche who acted without any integrity or common sense and put his hands on someone doing their job. If he had wide-scale blocked CNN it would be a different story. He gave a child a time out when he should have had the secret service give him a spanking.
  15. My point is that, if we can agree that the media is BS then we can agree that trump calling them out isn't wrong. I don't care about bias, everyone has it. But when any entity (especially a media entity) denies their bias and claims their reporting is 100% factual and without any influence to fit their narrative, then they are the enemy of truth and subsequently, the enemy of the people. Apply that to any network you want, but the truth is obvious. That being said, Trump hasn't done anything to muzzle the media, and he never will because without them as his whipping boy he loses a ton of cred points.
  16. I think this rumor that was "denied" has way more juice than a lot of people think. It would be equal parts smart, and stupid. Smart because it's a matter of getting your guy and not compromising, and stupid because it reveals how directionless and poorly managed the team was last year.
  17. Do you believe the media to be the unbiased pantheon of wisdom and honesty that they claim to be and that they (on either side) do all that they can to inform the public of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God?
  18. Not sure about taking off the trash heap of one of maybe 3 teams that had a WR room as bad, or worse than ours was...
  19. Makes me wonder if she looks even more dead than she has... it’s not likely they could lie about that unless everyone involved with SCOTUS is willing to lie. So they either don’t have a picture from her return (seems unlikely?) or the picture they have is straight outta walking dead level stuff.
  20. I heard it was released on a re-entry program... So.
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