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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. It's not cut and dry. That's why there are anti-vaccers. That's why people believe in using subjective choice and not falling at the whim of the incestuous government/pharma lobby. Show me a vaccine that is 100% effective, and 100% risk free and i'm the first in line. Until that mark is reached there is still a conversation to have about the risk and reward. I also give not a lick of care to the "consensus" of the medical world. Don't forget that in it's time, blood letting was a prominently accepted medical practice.
  2. The top of your post is my response to the rest of your post. And it isn't a cut and dry issue. Perfectly logical people debate the issues of vaccines, and plenty of people have been hurt (some even in this thread) by vaccines.
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/health/nebraska-daycare-warns-non-vaccinated-children-to-stay-home-after-staffer-contracts-rare-potentially-life-threatening-infection?fbclid=IwAR3jm5VF_ce1EZxFPjcCHH7v1ScX0Hrv1oJE2ok3n-3PHTLO9B5R7326fNU Saw this article today. - Daycare employee (who was vaccinated against this disease) contracts rare disease. - Daycare doesn't close facility for cleaning, instead asks parents to keep un-vaccinated children at home to prevent them from being exposed. - Vaccine will protect children in care of daycare but failed to protect adult daycare staff? I'm confused by the flow of things here. The biggest issue about vaccines (or at least the issue on center stage right now) is whether or not the government has the right to dictate what a parent puts into their child. There is a certain degree wherein child protective services exist for the well-being of Children (which, as someone who see's first hand in the non-profit world, is a joke), but in a clearly contested issue such as this, should the government be able to dictate such arbitrary standards? I say no.
  4. https://babylonbee.com/news/virginia-democrats-publicly-thank-jussie-smollett-for-taking-all-the-attention-away-from-them?fbclid=IwAR098NPhkyuTxSv2WVXdtTAUT3b0LZtulvYLGevmH79ACnayBcbfavT_yUk "Virginia Democrats Publicly Thank Jussie Smollett For Taking All The Attention Away From Them"
  5. Warmer... I actually noticed the same thing... The default "but trump" bs is still strong, but there's at least less overall idiocy... maybe.
  6. I think you're really low on the estimation of the frequency of that...
  7. I don't know that he did... He was assured that this kind of thing makes him look like a worthless piece of ***** but I think his rebuttal was that Trump was also a worthless piece of *****... Pretty expected.
  8. Sad testament to the world we live in where I really have to double take to be sure this is satirical.
  9. I'm not a huge fan of Metcalf either, but I love the rest of that draft. Emmanuel Hall would be a good player to put in our offense, those linemen would instantly upgrade our front 5 by a huge factor, and Singletary is one of my favorite backs in the draft.
  10. Cj Anderson is paving the way... You've heard of scat backs? Well get ready for fat backs!
  11. Huh.. Did they re-sign him, or was I just completely off the mark?
  12. The fact that those who are highly paid individuals (who are literally paid for their draft scouting) said so, makes it so (makes it true that he was considered one of the best players available). They were wrong, and hindsight is 20-20, but the fact that some random poster on a message board somewhere hated the pick doesn't change that fact. I am not doubting your judgement, and history has proven you right. I didn't like the pick then because we didn't need a running back. That was my argument when this whole digression began- they took someone who was seen as one of the best players available instead of taking a player who fit a position of need.
  13. The 1911 as a firearm system is outdated and easily surpassed by many automatic pistol designs. The 1911 as a piece of American history is one of the most badass guns ever built. I own a cheap 1911 as homage to the history, but prefer Glock for real gun needs. Thanos wants to talk about it.
  14. I’ve been pissed at Logan Thomas since the drop in the first Miami game (or was it the Jets game?). im fine if he’s a camp body, but if there’s a chance for him to catch a critical pass in a real game this year, the staff did a piss poor job rebuilding that room.
  15. I voted Cruz in the primary and really wasn’t a fan of Trump at all. That being said, I voted Trump in main because I didn’t want Hillary to get elected. I have been very happy with Trump so far and I plan on voting for him again. He’s not a conservative on a lot of issues, but he’s definitely aiming in the right directions.
  16. Thats revisionist history. Spiller was mocked all over the top 15 of that draft and was viewed as a great prospect. He was seen as one of the best skill position players available. He turned into a less than stellar pick, but his stock was right in the top 10/15 range which is where he went.
  17. You are one of the great thinkers of the 21st century. Never change.
  18. Well, we (the GOP) really wanted to nominate a wise, intelligent person who could lead us forward with their powerful dialogue and deeply grasped understanding of reality, but we heard you weren't available...
  19. I think in retrospect that Cruz might have had a chance. Trump lost a lot of voters who didn't want to play the "good, not great" game or didn't want to compromise on morality and character in the conservative ideas. I respect that, but I also wonder about Christians/Catholics voting for a Mormon without any trouble on that side. That being said, I really liked Ted Cruz. I think he could have potentially won because people on the right so hated Hillary, but we'll never know. I will say that Trumps biggest advantage over Hillary was that she is/was a joke of a candidate who assumed the end, and he is/was a massive troll who gave no *****. You also make a great point in that the liberal media helped Trump immensely by sensationalizing him during the primary. They must have believed he was the path of least resistance for their queen B.
  20. I was really too young those days to get a real feel for all of the things that happened then, but I would love a comprehensive look at how the Bush family and the subsequent move away from conservatism impacted the GOP in the late 90's and early 00's, eventually setting the table for Trump.
  21. That could definitely be the case. It just bothers me when conservatives go whole sale after sorta conservative candidates instead of being intellectually honest about their strengths and weaknesses. I like Trump and a lot of the choices that he makes, but he is not my definition of a proper conservative. But yes, very off topic.
  22. That would be a great move for the Packers. I doubt it happens because the young GM and the young coach would be scared of the personality, but if they're serious about getting the best out of Rodgers twilight, this is the way to do it.
  23. McCain (may he RIP) was an idiot. One thing I have become disillusioned to as I have grown up a conservative, is the way that people will ignore the horribleness of a candidate because he wears the right color tie and makes vague mentions of the right philosophy. Looking back, McCain was a worthless conservative and he got taken to the whipping post because of it (same goes for Romney). That's why I don't defend Trump outside of context. I try (as best I can) to be balanced with my analysis of what he does right and what he does wrong. I get caught up sometimes when ***** like this happens and there's obvious lies being propagated to make him (and by extension, conservatives) look bad.
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