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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Line up the perpetrators and shoot them in the junk. No place on planet earth for this thing. Paying for sex is one thing (though still reprehensible imo) but subjecting women to sexual slavery is a crime worthy of death.
  2. I don't understand people's argument that the severity of the law broken or the charges filed has anything to do with how the NFL will treat him. Kareem Hunt wasn't charged with anything and he got blackballed for at least half a year. We're talking about human trafficking. Whether or not he knew the full scope of the business, the optics of this will demand the NFL to take a hard stance. That's made more guaranteed by the fact that he's the most well known owner. They cannot let him off on this. The other owners do not want that kind of backlash and scrutiny.
  3. The NFL already get's enough black eyes when each year the SB is the greatest marketplace for human sex trafficking. They will respond hard to this. Too many PR nightmares this year.
  4. That may be true regarding the judicial side, but not the NFL/Business side. The Panthers owner got buried for sexual harassment. This will be a big deal.
  5. This situation is proof that when you've got messed up ideas about stuff, you're not logical about them.
  6. I don't know about that and I am fine reserving the extra judgement until then. That being said, as a poster said above, it's really hard to imagine that he didn't have a clue... He may have been in denial, but that's hard to prove. Besides, that's the real consequence of paying for such things- you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Also the human trafficking element will definitely impact the leagues reaction.
  7. Not just a prostitution issue. If he had knowledge of the origin of the women etc. then he needs to be gone for a long long time.
  8. Go back and read what I said. Forcing women into sexual slavery is worthy of death, in my opinion. Now, of course the question becomes what he actually knew of the operation, but that's another story.
  9. Regardless of the ethical implications of paying for such things, the fact that they're calling this a human trafficking ring means he needs to never be a free man again. There's no excuse for that.
  10. I am like most Bills fans and am ecstatic that the Patriots are suffering. My humanity causes me to not want it to be in this regard, but I'll take it. Also glad that the ring got broken up and hopefully those women (both those there by force and those there willingly) can receive help.
  11. I doubt it'd be public without a very very strong case. Either way, the damage will be done and he will be out of the league by seasons start.
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-dad-says-parents-are-turning-in-their-grave-over-her-comments-on-weed-and-being-jamaican?fbclid=IwAR3j1HYoiGclXatRVxENDYO4YTCfWbESIRbGbjGJBc_-E27j_Bu0xRBYEUw
  13. We usually agree on stuff, but man you’re a real ***** sometimes. you can’t force your opinions on me and on my children in the sake of a so called public crisis. If that’s the criteria we use as a society then those in power can determine that Toms everywhere are royal ***** that need to be exterminated. It’s not a black and white issue and you’re just as moronic with your insisting on your side and calling for government overreach. As for me and my own, I’m not anti-Vax, but there are some that aren’t necessary and ineffective and I’m not gonna expose my children to those. Some are definitely more critical and necessary. That’s why I will be making the decision, not the ***** government.
  14. Or, how about you never leave yours? That coin has two sides.
  15. And the concept that I'm trying to pound into your thick skull is that your original assertion: Is ridiculous because you cannot prevent epidemics without preventing the disease! You're being stupid and splitting hairs! If the disease spreads it becomes an epidemic, ergo, stopping the disease stops the outbreak/epidemic! You're arguing for the wholesale conscription into a system that is "good enough." If you believe in vaccines then vaccinate your kids and they'll be safe. So what you're saying is you don't like government overreach when it doesn't line up with your opinion and your views. The reason we're discussing this is because it isn't a cut and dry situation. There are two sides to this debate and you like to pretend that there isn't instead of having the actual conversation.
  16. And preventing transmission of the disease comes from preventing the disease!!! An epidemic is not an outbreak of the transmission of the disease, but rather it's an outbreak of the disease!
  17. I didn't say the only good vaccine is one that is 100%. I said that unless one is 100%, theres a conversation with two sides- which you seem happy to ignore. Tom countered with an example that is not 100%, even though he stated it is. Explain to me this, if vaccines work why is your vaccinated kid at risk by unvanccinated kids? Your entire argument is that because you're right, the government should act. My argument is that because there is not a consensus (and there isn't, even if you want to discredit the other side) then the government shouldn't force things. I'm not anti-vaccine, i'm anti government overreach and "almost" from bull#### opinions like yours isn't enough to change my mind on that. I don't know what distinction you're arguing, but in order to prevent the epidemics, you must prevent the disease, which is what you argued against in the first place.
  18. Oh please, you're the one that argued the usefulness of the vaccination based on the eradication of the disease. Epidemics are widespread occurrences of the disease. Of course it's one and the same.
  19. https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/vaccine-basics/index.html 95%. The argument that eradication obviously proves the effectiveness of a vaccine is a false equivalency. Many epidemics have flared up and died off throughout human history without vaccines being available. That being said, I'm not arguing against smallpox vaccination. I'm saying all vaccinations need to be addressed with thought and care and that the government shouldn't be able to legislate such things without a complete and total system of proof, which does not exist for modern vaccines.
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