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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. From the team that took a mid-second round OT who was a major developmental piece with the 15th overall.... Nothing bad has ever come from overpaying Patriots one hit wonders.
  2. Yeah, bullet dodged. My favorite part of bills season is the postgame press conferences and I can’t stand his voice. ?
  3. When are you guys cutting Mahomes? That’s someone we might be interested in...
  4. Huh... I wouldn’t imagine he would be a great fit there with Juju in the slot. I guess roles dont don’t matter all that much in today’s nfl.
  5. What you said- Trade down to 15 with the Skins for 1-15, 2-15 1-15- Hock 2-9 (for Clark) 2-15- Harry/Samuel/Harmon 3-9- Damian Harris/Devin Singletary
  6. They didn't have a specific player in mind. They got a QB so it worked, but this wasn't a great finesse move this was a "if I don't draft a top QB I'm fired" move.
  7. Good lord some of you negative Nancy's are ridiculous.
  8. Sorry. I will go and get my fire Beane sign ready. I was thinking instead of writing it out I might put "Fire" and then a picture of a real bean... Just to be edgy. Thoughts? Edit: but now I just want fire bean chili...
  9. I get your point, but the issue with it that I see is that building culture does not preclude guys with dark pasts- it mandates having an established culture in place before bringing in the question marks. My understanding is that they're trying to build a nucleus of leadership that buys in and will hold other guys accountable to the culture. Meh, could be, could not be. I don't much care for Vic and the reality is that no reporter should be saying "they have no interest. Period" that's a dumb take. His sources have been wrong before, and he's seen plenty of times where teams interest levels change quickly. I also question anyone who answers people on twitter like that.
  10. We went looking for a blocking TE and this guy is good. Not a horrible Idea.
  11. If you're getting your information from what is "generally regarded" that tells me all I need to know about this conversation.
  12. Outside of Star (who did what he was paid for) the bills really didn’t pay much money for the guys they got. They were all hit or miss vets. The jets threw a ton of money at Tremaine Johnson and he coach as a hardcore flub. The trade to three worked for the Jets, but in reality it was pretty stupid of them to trade up when they did- at that point it was obvious that they didn’t have “their guy.” They just wanted a guy. It it really is up for debate if Darnold is better than Allen. I think that looking at their entire seasons they’re pretty equal, and when judging the fact that Allen was supposed to be so raw and have no chance of starting, while Darnold was supposed to be close to ready, I think the argument could be made that Allen is going into the second season on better footing. I will disent to your knowledge on hockey though. ?
  13. Meh, I don’t know if they have been one upping us. They’ve been spending money and not getting anything for it.
  14. Oh boy. I thought this was a bad idea when I thought the defense got the point. Now I’m really thinking no... the reward for a 4th down conversion is getting the ball longer. The punishment is failure. Let’s not incentivize failure. This sounds like something they would do in Canadian football.
  15. Ugh. The only thing worse than the bills not doing good things, is the jests doing good things.
  16. His injury history concerns me, but I would trade for him. I wouldn’t give a first though. I’d probably offer a swap of firsts and a second this year or sormthing along those lines.
  17. Beane actually said something along the lines of it just didn’t make sense. I don’t think he ever gave a reason. Ideas about AB saying no, Contract being too rich, and compensation being too high has mostly been from media, unless I’m mistaken.
  18. I mean, that’s essentially what Beane said... I don’t know why he pulled out, but i trust him to make that decision. (So many jokes to be made)
  19. It just doesn’t make sense. The raiders were in full rebuild mode and now they’ve decided to buy old parts and slap some paint on it and see how it runs.
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