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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I think they'll play around with the lineup and definitely add some more pieces, but from what I have read I would not be shocked to see him at LT sometime in the near future. At very least this is flexibility in case Dion can't get back to form after a meh year. We're essentially paying a starting LT (or at least one that could be) a swing tackle salary. I love it. Also, the argument "he's never been a starter" or "he's always been passed over" is one of the silliest arguments in the NFL.
  2. Talking about a guy who said Nah to 15 million dollars last year because he didn't want to bow to a teams demands. I don't think "you have three hours to decide mister, and then we're taking our ball and going home." is the right play here. But hey... It worked with Barr..
  3. I know there have been mixed reports about the Colts, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them pop up for bell in the 11th hour. It makes a ton of sense. (also the texans could do the same)
  4. Lol... of all the free agents to give a deadline to.... If you want to light a fire under him, you let it leak that you're in negotiations with Mark Ingram or Tevin Coleman.
  5. I still want us to trade back with the Redskins or another team looking to beat the broncos to Drew Lock.
  6. ? I could be 100% wrong, but I was pretty sure FA's couldn't visit until Wednesday when the League year actually began? So is that more or less? I hate this stuff.
  7. Maybe a trade? We do have a ton of space on the books next year. 15m this year, plus a big chunk next year could get a Frank Clark or Julio Jones (seems less likely)
  8. The Bills didn't have anyone last year that could generate separation within 5-10 yards of the line of scrimmage. Allen was bailing and running and getting hit a lot because he was waiting for 15 yard routes to develop. Now, part of that could be gameplan, but it could also be what talent we had. Cole Beasley is a guy who can get half a step on a DB and make a play 2 seconds after the ball is snapped. This is huge for how we run our offense.
  9. I think I'm in love....... For real though.... those are some grown men he is going against there.
  10. Dang... This guy is well loved. I like it so far. I wonder if this puts us back in the guard market?
  11. I don't know enough about the cap to know if that's right or not, but I do wonder if it is... We're at about 30 right now after the draft picks. Williams would be in the 10 range (my guess on that because his low market is probably related to that ACL) Wisnewski is probably under 5, and Ansah would be maybe 12-15? I'm probably over simplifying it, but I have found that as soon as anyone thinks they know where a team is limited cap wise, they are wrong.
  12. Fingers crossed for Daryl Williams, Stefen Wisinewski (or TJ Lang), and Ziggy Ansah.
  13. Steelers vs. Rams. Steelers for years had this talent that you're crying about and couldn't make it to the big dance. Rams built a team of good players without any superstars (Kupp, Woods, Cooks) and made it to the superbowl (coincidentally, the argument could be made that they lost because their "talent" (Gurley) let them down.)
  14. Bold: Robinson and Burton were better, but they were more question marks- Robinson was a bit of a one hit wonder coming off injury, and Burton was a backup who looked ready for a big role. There was a lot of hype, but the argument could be made that Brown and Beasley are more known for what you're getting (Kroft and Robinson are similar in that way) Underlined: I agree completely with this. It just so happens that size is plentiful in this draft.
  15. Give Me Daryl Williams, TJ Hockenson in the first, and JAWs or Sills later in the draft and it's not bad at all.
  16. Some guys aren't about stats. They're about being open when they shouldn't be, and when they need to be. I think Beasley is that guy.
  17. Not bad. I hope we take Hockenson in #1 and then get a big receiver in round 2.
  18. Now draft N’Keal Harry, Kelvin Harmon, or JJ Arcega-Whiteside. The best part of this is that it’s all about flexibility. You can’t double cover speed while spying on Allen. If our run game can be re-born, play action go’s with Foster and Brown would be huge.
  19. As a rule, I don’t love trading with division rivals. Either they charge a premium, which I don’t want to pay, or they don’t and that’s a worrisome issue. Plus, I don’t want to do anything that could make them look good and us bad. if they cut him I’d love to bring him in.
  20. Keeping Paradis and adding James would be a night and day difference there.
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