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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I'm sure this goes without saying, but we're all voting for the Browns now, right?
  2. For McGyvers next trick, fitting a walrus through a normal size door with only a stick of juicy fruit and a tub of lard.
  3. The bolts would look better on a flat cap.
  4. Bunchy Stallings, G, Kentucky... Great name for a guard.
  5. Was that really an automated response?... If so, major props to the mod bots... ?
  6. Hopefully it'll be us vs the Titans in the championship and we'll beat them in this and in the play of the year and they can suck it and rest easy in the knowledge that their QB is a joke with nerve damage.
  7. Not to take away from Henry’s run, but stuff arming an entire defense is way less impressive when they’re not trying worth *****...
  8. The one overlooked part of this is that Schefter was the first to whisper this... between Schefty and Glazer getting huge scoops, and Rap getting dunce hatted, the title of best insider is even further from NFL.com
  9. Salty from the wonderboy getting a shot at the big dance (and failing miserably) on a bs play.
  10. Man, he really pulled a fast one on old Krafty... I hope this doesn’t rub the owner the wrong way... Surely he isn’t just yanking his chain...
  11. More or less than you’ll regret this post...?
  12. The chiefs should trade for Rosen... after only one Mahomes had a 0-1 touchdown to interception ration. Based on first year stats out of context, Mahomes is really questionable...
  13. Under what law? Cause right now it’s unvacinated people barred from public places with no constitutional reasoning or legality, next week its Jews. Or gays. Or blacks. Whatever. Theres never not a good time to fight government overreach. Saying what we have to put in our children is the damndest of things to say aren’t important. I don’t want to run around this again with you; but it isn’t a quarantine because they’re not sick... you quarantine the sick population.
  14. It’s not the school system, it’s the entire county outlawing a certain population from public places with no laws backing them. It violates about 90% of the constitution, which, I know is a triggering word to libs like you, but there it is.
  15. Rumor on the streets is Murray said he'd go to the MLB if he couldn't text during meetings...
  16. I wouldn't love a RB till round 3 unless Jacobs slides into 2. I don't think the need + value of a first round RB line up this year for us, regardless of trade back.
  17. Meh, I have less issues with Hyphens when used to properly link two separate names.
  18. I think we should test this.. you go away and we'll see if progress stops.
  19. Now I know what to call it when my wife asks why the entire house (specifically the bathroom) smells like *****... "I was being comprehensive."
  20. What about names with punctuation marks in the middle?
  21. I have family in education and not a single one of them gives a rats ass about the unions. In this area at least, the unions do nothing but protect bad teachers. True education reform would look like making the schools competitive in some way (major reason why school choice is, in my opinion, a good idea) to encourage teachers to actually try. I know three kinds of teachers- the sucky teachers who do as little as possible but toe the party line so they stay in place. The good teachers who go above and beyond (two of my sisters match this category) but end up bogged down by the administration and all the stupid restrictions (not to mention the influence of sucky teachers) and the good, former teachers who got burned out because they had to put up with all the ***** and couldn't handle it.
  22. I too work out in shirts that plainly represent peoples general disinterest in me... Good god she's thirsty for someone, anyone to care...
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