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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Draft day revelations will show that Kyler Murray is actually 11 years old.... The bills will trade down to pick #31 and draft Nick Bosa who falls due to concerns that he might be too good...
  2. As GM, Owner, and Coach of the Raiders I would just like to say that I am willing to trade anything for anyone. I don't care about value charts, I don't care about trade blocks, I dont care about real estate. Make me an offer that literally anyone else would refuse, and I'll see what I can do. But do it quickly, I got a haircut appointment and I want to make sure to get there early before the good bowl gets taken.
  3. The Left: "Be tolerant of what we say or else we'll get you!" This is ridiculous and will end in a law suit. (the San Antonio airport is already being investigated for religious discrimination) The government cannot discriminate against a company based on the beliefs of it's owners in so far as the beliefs do not cause the company to discriminate in hiring practices. It's utter bull####. In reality though, this has nothing to do with religion or even with discrimination... The New York politicians just got word that a restaurant opening would lead to more jobs in the community, and they needed to shut that ***** down....
  4. People giving away tickets to the Bills draft event and here I am trying to figure out if any of the places in my stupid town will even be showing the draft....?
  5. Anytime Nathan Peterman touched the ball.... ? As someone who became a fan in ‘03, my memories have less to do with winning. But some that stand out: Ryan Lindell (or Morman) fake fd pass td to Ryan Denny. Chris Kelsey pick six vs Romo on MNF. Fred Jackson violating Chris Conte (who someone stayed around long enough to let it happen again. Dude. Retire) Sam Adams pick six. Drayton Florence Pick six of Brady in our first win of the pats since the first game I ever watched. TT to Percy Hardin in week 1 vs the colts (ah the excitement...) Josh Allen throwing the ball so hard that Tom Brady’s genitals fall off (this one happens this coming season)
  6. Makes sense, but seems hard to figure how we can do a forum pick with other gms being real people.
  7. @Virgil, As the one who has put all the work into these and provided so much fun for us, do you want to take the bills? It seems fair. The trade block is kinda gone these days.. everyone is one good offer away from being on the traded. What about something where teams had to submit one or two players names to the comish to create a "block"?
  8. Im in! I like the rules. Can I be the raiders? (Definitely not related to draft capital) I also would be willing to be the commish if nobody else is able.
  9. Don't you know? Barr was cherry picked by Trump, whose only in the White House because he colluded with Putin- which is true and will remain true until I see the Mueller report in it's full, at which point I will demand to see the Mueller report that wasn't doctored by Trump, Don Jr. and Barr. It's all fruit from the poison tree and Hillary won the Presidency and the Electoral College is racist and I hate white people.
  10. Why can't I haiku Why is this so very hard That is what she said
  11. Del Rio: "Don't be surprised" if Wilson changes teams in '19. http://www.nfl.com/videos/up-to-the-minute/0ap3000001025634/Del-Rio-Don-t-be-surprised-if-Wilson-changes-teams-in-19 Would be the biggest move of the Season... If you're the giants and you think they might move him, do you call em up and offer two 1's?
  12. Not sure if I’ll be around then, but I think Lawrence would be my pick.
  13. https://www.therams.com/news/2019-rams-mock-draft-roundup-sixth-edition looks like there are needs all over the defense, and offensive line. Pass rusher DT DB T C Bradburry and Dexter Lawrence both make some sense to me.
  14. All the guys at a factory where I worked for a summer job called me Johnny Cash cause I work black pants and a black shirt every day... It was about as cool a nickname as I ever did have.
  15. I expected this to be someone getting locked on by their own missile...This is much worse.
  16. That's why i will name all of my sons Sue. I am also in the minority that thinks of Caspian from the Prince Caspian Narnia book. I think Caspian sounds more manly than it does feminine, and shortening it to Cash or Cas can both work. Also, as evidenced by the great song I referenced above, getting bullied for a name can be a good thing.
  17. TWSS. He's really a bit of both. He looks like a space eater, but he does good things in the hole...........
  18. Do we know if they are getting Chris Long back? I saw where they resigned Vinny Curry and I assume they're hoping that Barnett Kid gets back to speed after a slightly disappointing sophomore season. Lawrence next to Cox could be nasty.
  19. He would make sense, and be hard for them to pass on... Dexter Lawrence wouldn't shock me either. Nasir Aderly is a good option as well. I expect that the need to remind people that Wentz is a franchise QB being what it is, making his life easier on offense makes the most sense. (Hollywood Brown?) That makes me think Jacobs.. Essentially @Virgil, in an attempt to make your job easier, I can now say that they will not take a QB... probably.
  20. You should make the pick, but I personally think Jacobs makes sense to the Eagles. That or a DB.
  21. Definitely, and Cornerback is the position I understand the least, so scheme fit and all of that are completely over my head.
  22. Oliver and Risner 1-2 would make this draft a sucess. Probably better options at 3, but I don't hate Allen.
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