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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. *Frantically tries to remember what I traded*
  2. You have Eagles listed at 25, even though they moved up.
  3. I like the pick, but can't help but wonder if Hollywood would have been a good pick?
  4. Right. Both sides (accident v. intentional) begin at 0 and when evidence is displayed, you adjust accordingly. The accounts from the scene saying it was an accident would be a point towards that camp, but the validity of that can be questioned for sure. So we wait and see what happens. We tend to default to believing something to be an accident (at least the media at large does) and that can lead to other potentials not being fleshed out. I haven't been watching fox, but I wonder if they are actually evaluating it from both sides. Not that it matters too much today.
  5. How do you even go about making sure the bells are secured in that case? Jeez. What a task. Correct, but on the other hand, assuming that it was an accident is speculation as well. The reports from the scene saying accident seem premature, but they do lend more credence to the accident angle. I think it's wrong to say "because of what has happened lately, this is intentional" but it does demand consideration for sure. Essentially, it's too early to say for sure either way.
  6. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-anchor-hangs-up-on-bill-donohue-for-speculating-about-cause-of-notre-dame-fire/
  7. Was I too vague? Let me be clearer.... France would not exist if not for the office of the President of the United States of America. So when the man who holds that office says something to French authorities, regardless how inconsequential it is, it has weight. I'm sorry that you pucker every time he says something because you're so butt-hurt because the bad man won the presidency. Doesn't change reality.
  8. But when people offer thoughts and prayers for mass shootings?...
  9. Someone has faith in the French authorities to not need the help of the American President... man, we are really re-writing history around here.
  10. Damn... you finally said something that proved me wrong. There is no hope for you. I stand corrected.
  11. Someday, you will die. The ratio of words you speak to intelligence you display indicates it may be sooner than later. Do you really want things like this to be your legacy? Do you want your family to find your computer (after sifting through questionable folders of Hillary images) and realize that their dearly departed loved one was a basic B word who didn't have a thought of their own? Be better. At least try. There's still hope for you.
  12. You would think that the first goal of renovation would be to not destroy the building... some things are too hard to assume i guess.
  13. It could certainly go either way. One thing that I find suspicious (as a suspicious mind) is that the police are already reporting it as an accident.. seems that something with this much scrutiny ought to be thoroughly understood before declarations are made.
  14. I am sure there will be plenty of conspiracies linked to this... here's one floating in my mind... If the fire was intentional, and the government of France felt that they could cover that up easily enough, would they?
  15. Are we watching a real time illustration of the past 10 years? Hmm. Any news on casualties? Was it open to the public?
  16. He has a limited mouth to twitter filter.
  17. Beginning of Holy Week makes you at least wonder if there is a chance that this could have been on purpose... wouldn't be surprising. Obviously just conjecture this early... Counter point: I guess I hesitate to believe either side this early in the process...
  18. Oh man... No way it survives this... I have sisters going to Paris on a school trip in June. Crazy stuff.
  19. Oops: @section122 and the Vikings are on the clock
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