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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Couple things that he didn't touch on: The Bills were headed for a rebuild... The Jets are supposed to be coming out of one. There wasn't a power struggle, there was a neutered GM who was kept as a figure head and then let go immediately. I'm sure Whaley knew it was coming, either by direct mention from Terry, or by figuring it out. And, the biggest difference: We weren't handing the keys to the building to a retread coach who has never accomplished anything, just spent the past three years fighting for power and ruining the roster of a division rival, and has a horrible interpersonal reputation in the league.
  2. We'll see with Wentz. I really hope he does rebound. I've always liked the Eagles, and he seems like a great guy, not to mention a special talent at times. (I still remember his escape against the Bears in 2017.. A sight to see) Yeah, I don't know much about him because I, for the first time in a long time, didn't care about the QB class. But from what I did see, he seems like a guy who can play. Though whatever report you're citing does sound ominous. ?
  3. You don't know about the Hulk Thanos love scene yet??... Wow. you're in for a treat.
  4. Less of a disaster than if Wentz just never gets back to being a good QB... (especially if Foles kills it in Jax.) I don't know if they put many eggs in that decrepit basket... Really just a couple, and then they got Lock. I think Lock ends up being the best QB from this draft. Here's one: | A borderline midget playing QB in the NFL.
  5. If you’re tweeting about it, then it’s a problem.... this guy.
  6. I don’t know about his faith per se, but his dad is a very famous Pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah. (A little older and out of the mainstream, but probably still on tv regularly.)
  7. I mean, they get those jobs because they're knowledgeable football guys who usually have diverse backgrounds around the league. Being a GM really ranges all over the place from handling the cap to picking players, to hiring coaches. But it's like all other high level management, the GM is insulated by his group of experts. It's just his job to lead them. These guys' leadership qualities and decision making is something we don't see from the media side of things, but I imagine teams handle that in interviews. Not to mention, these guys are very well known in NFL circles. A GM needs to be good at management, have a good understanding of how the league works, and be good at making decisions... It seems like Jeremiah probably checks those boxes.
  8. Dang it. This would piss me off for many reasons. 1. Jeremiah is a smart guy who would be good for them. 2. Jeremiah is a personal favorite of mine and I wouldn’t want to root against him. 3. I just got used to Jeremiah replacing Mike Mayock as my main draft guy!
  9. The biggest difference between this and Whaley is that we didn’t give Adam F***** Gase power..
  10. Tibs is just jealous that chicken knows where it’s head is... his is so far up his own ass that he hasn’t seen it in years.
  11. That’s the high class version of “hold my beer and watch this.”
  12. I was being quite sarcastic. I do not believe gun control works for controlling the part of the population that is prone to shooting the hell out of some dudes house. *edit: unless we mean the proper control of a gun being pointed back in their direction.
  13. This just in: criminals break laws. How ever can we stop this travesty? Let’s pass new laws.
  14. McVey is still trying to wash the taste of Bellicheck’s you know what out of his mouth after that Super Bowl...
  15. Easily one of the funniest things on video.
  16. That moment when you realize that your initial reaction of "hell no, they're jumping off the mountain" is nothing compared to what's coming...
  17. Not to be a negative nancy, but we might want to do this with a team that we have a record of success against... Doesn't look great to get blown out in a memorial game.
  18. So based on the Carolina to Buffalo pipeline, we can set our DVR's for the 2020 edition featuring our Buffalo Bills? Also, the Panthers are one of the most Meh teams in the league right now.
  19. Not sure why you're directing this at me... but, cool?
  20. Don't disagree that some of the ideas are a bit over the top, but I think it's more about what he stood for than it is about him personally. I didn't know about him till last years draft, but I've been inspired by him much since then. I think some form of memorial, or a patch for a home game, or even a statue in the tailgating area are appropriate as he is representative of the men and women who love this team with a love that supersedes fandom. There's something otherworldly about loving a sports team (especially one that has given much anguish to you over the years) that's impossible to explain to those who don't know that feeling and I saw Pancho as an example of that. Rest easy Pancho.
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