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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I assume the nice policemen were just giving him a ride down to the government provided clean shoot up location, right?
  2. I thought you were defending this for a minute. Had me worried... So much for a womans body and her choice. This will be in America before we know it.
  3. Probably not, but he has done a good job reminding other countries and other bodies (such as the UN and Nato) that we're the night watchman that protects their ass and they would be wise to remember that before bitching about us.
  4. Bout damn time something gets done about this.
  5. If she has credible evidence of rape (which is what she described - is it interesting to anyone else that they didn’t print rape on the front of the cover? Wouldn’t they want the most heinous and eye drawing word possible?) then she should go to the authorities, not a magazine publisher. If the statute of limitations is up, why didn’t she go to them sooner? Why did she wait until now? Trump has been a popular public figure from the time of this incident to now. If she had evidence, why is she waiting till now? If she has no corroborating evidence, then there is literally no reason to believe her. None. Zero.
  6. They used to indicate players who were superior in skill and performance. Now they indicate players who are superior in name recognition and branding.
  7. I'm pretty sure Tom Clancy tried to buy a large stake in the team as well...
  8. This is insane... anyone know what % this would be of cocain brought in yearly? Seems like a big hit to the market. Price hike?
  9. I think Donald was a better overall player, but positional value means Mahomes will get the award.
  10. This after he defended it and then said a bot posted it....
  11. Whatever the reason, I'm just impressed she managed to stay standing... it looked like she was pulling 3g's!
  12. The worst divisions are usually the ones with the least parity. That makes the East the obvious choice... That being said, they could easily be the fastest to flip and turn into one of the most competitive divisions.
  13. I pretty much agree with all of this... Bush getting cut makes sense as I think they like Neal in that big nickel role.
  14. I miss the good old days of the AFC south sucking so badly...
  15. I like it. Have we had any players suspended since McD took charge? I’m drawing a blank. Just looked it up- two random depth players in ‘17.
  16. Well, Kyle has averaged 4 in the past two years under McD. I think it’s stretch to say Oliver comes in a whole lot higher than that. I’d say 6 is a realistic number. I do think they will be working hard to generate pressure in creative ways, and that might free him up for sacks, but I doubt he gets a ton. I think over under on Jerry should be set at 9 and the over under on Murphy should be set at 5. for that I’d take the over on both.
  17. Well, the bakery turned out to be one of the worst jobs imaginable (and I had gotten it for her) so I kinda let that one slide...
  18. Same. I think if I lived local and went to games I might, but I just don’t like wearing them. I love a good hat though. I have one that I’ve had going on 10 years that my dad got me at the Hall or Fame. Then I got matching ones for me and the fiancé when she was working at a bakery and had to wear a hat. She wore it once I think. I make her put it on for a game here and there, but mine gets worn a good bit.
  19. Honestly, anyone who says anyone but the Bills has a warped understanding of NFL history. The only one who can hold a candle is the Vikings. The browns are right there as well.
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