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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Since you’re an expert at the English language, why don’t you use it to defend your position on this thread?
  2. Step 1: do something ######ed and get fired from good job. Step 2: vote Democrat. Step 3: let government pay for your life and never get another job. Step 4: get worshiped by message board schmucks who think you’re so cool cause #resist. Step 5: walk up from basement to see what mom is making for dinner.
  3. If you have to win to cheat, what’s the point of cheating?
  4. I think as members of society it makes sense to wonder from an external perspective. We all do this with people we actually know. The question “I wonder what happened” when you find out a friends daughter is in jail or a co-workers son over dosed. There’s a level of personal reflection that is almost demanded when we see tragic situations- it’s natural to ask what went wrong and to check ourselves to see if those issues might be present in our lives or in our families lives. The part where it becomes wrong, I think, is when we make assertions about what happened without knowing anything about the specific situation. It’s one thing to analyze the going ons of the world outside our glass house in order to understand humanity and ourselves, it’s another thing entirely to stoop down and grab the rocks. Thats where I think this guy crossed the line. If the conversation happens in a bar with some buddies and he says “do you guys see a connection between Rieds family issues and the lack of discipline at arrowhead” I think that’s a natural conversation. When it’s on a public radio station and sure to get back to the Reid family and it’s not phrased as a question, but as a statement- that bothers me. It’s just classless.
  5. The two most government subsidized markets in America are the two most ***** up markets in America. Higher education, and Healthcare.
  6. Yes. Within the bounds of due process. Not a military state. Not stopping everyone who looks like they came from the land of salsa without just cause to do so. You can't violate the rights and protections of people in an attempt to deport illegal aliens because illegal aliens don't come wearing name tags. I'm not sure how you took my initial post to indicate I think they should be snatched in secret, or whatever you were on about.
  7. It's news because the 48 is a terrible Glock... Who the heck wants that two-tone bull****. At least raffle a better gun- although the 48 is a nice size.
  8. The only thing worse than an ####### making a mistake is the same ####### doubling down on it.
  9. So you're saying that while @Augie focused on civility, light handedness, and clean language, you want the rest of us to do the exact oposite... Right?
  10. I actually don't have a problem with what the governor said, even if he looks like a total schmuck and seems potentially high in the video. I want illegal aliens deported, but I don't want the pursuit of that to come at the expense of anyone's rights. It needs to be done properly.
  11. Why don't you answer questions? Do you realize how asinine you look?
  12. Why don't you actually try to speak like an adult? Are you saying that you believe this woman? She's credible to you? Her account without any verification and "friends" who didn't report a violent rape and refuse to go on record to defend her comes across as 100% believable devoid of any additional evidence? Answer these questions. I dare you.
  13. Well, I have begun to feel convicted about how name-cally and judgmental i get on this side so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and I guess tibs too. But they should at least try for rationale conversation... In theory.
  14. Thats a thoroughly comprehensive argument that needs no defense and gets his point across without being a shock jock. Nobody who knows football can argue that. i realize the above sounds sarcastic, but I don’t mean it that way. ?
  15. I think everyone is off the handle on this when it’s really not black and white... I think you can believe that environment and parenting can play a factor in how kids turn out, but that sometimes no matter what parents do, kids can go down some rough paths all on their own. There’s no magic recipe for parenting- sometimes there is blame for the parents, sometimes there isn’t. Unless we’re intimately involved in the Reid family, I doubt any of us know either way. And really, at the end of the day, adult children are responsible for their actions. That being said- we definitely all should agree that there’s literally no need to mention it like the ####### did in context of sports.
  16. Oof. Major ####### award right here. Made worse by the fact that you can tell he’s trying to sound like Colin Cowherd in the way he speaks... this worthless pile of bones makes Philly shock jocks seem welcoming.
  17. Has anyone else wondered about the possibility of sending a pick to Jacksonville for their Yannick Nsgsjgksdbgkjsfgbkjgfnjk? I feel like with Campbell and now Allen, he's a bit of an odd man out who will be wanting some cash money while they have none.
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