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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Slightly off topic, but the idea that Gerrymandering is racist is the dumbest thing... you don't win a seat for having the most black people or white people in your district. You win a seat by having the most people vote for you. This argument reduces votes to race. That's what's racist.
  2. Beautiful, well thought out answer. You're a ***** american hero.
  3. Your argument here is that the Special Prosecutor who is supposed to save the free world by indicting the evil Trump, is indeed so incompetent that he doesn't know what's going on in his own office? Hm.. Solid look for your hero.
  4. Go read the articles link you amorphous blob or ######ation. The evidence is right there in the Inspector General's report. The OSC wiped text messages they deemed unsubstantial from the phone of the agent who was fired for text messages.
  5. So much goodness. My favorite part is the pannicked voice of what I think is Elizabeth Warren "what's happening?!" Worried she's going to be attacked by the pale faces undoubtedly.
  6. "White man use strange tongue." *Writes in Rachel Maddow*
  7. If that is what would happen to us, by extension, you should put yourself on suicide watch right now.
  8. You only have evidence because you're a Trump cultist. Duh.
  9. ######ed. The obvious reason is obvious... You can't count your citizens unless you know if they're citizens! Dumb.
  10. Good points. It seems to me that YPG and overall yards in the litmus most often used, but without knowing what DJ is specifically using in the OP, I suppose we're in an apples and oranges thing. Also, to counter some of your points- YPG is more valuable for overall assessment in my opinion because it's a larger sample size that can absorb outliers better. We had several games where we shat the bed horribly which greatly affected all of the metrics you are pointing to. Overall throughout the year, I think we were better than those examples. Plus, our nearly 20ypg passing advantage ahead of the second place team is, I think, a reason enough to put us in the top 5.
  11. Got it. I don't know why I always call her Susan instead of Elizabeth... Elizabeth is the wife's middle name, maybe I'm protecting the name in a Freudian slip.
  12. Exactly. As I sit here and read what you said, I realize that you're indicating that her name is not in fact Susan Warren, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it is... I'm drawing a complete blank.
  13. Not sure how we aren't in the top 5 on D... We were second overall last year and improved almost across the board. The others, aside form Jax, make sense though. I think the Cowboys will come down to earth though. Broncos will probably have the best defense in the league under fangio.
  14. Joe Biden, you're so old when you creepily approach a woman they're more worried about you dying and falling on them then they are with your weird smelling fetish. Boom Roasted. Bernie Sanders, are you for distribution of wealth, or distribution of your hair? it's hard to tell. Boom Roasted. Susan Warren, you're so white your dna test just said "no color." Boom Roasted. Kristen Gillibrand, where's Kristen, there she is, I didn't see her behind every other candidate. Boom Roasted. Kamala Harris, you'ves slept with so many men you're starting to look like one. Boom Roasted. Cory Booker, don't know if I should make a spartacus joke or a dumb joke. Boom Roasted. Beto O'Rourke, you're 6'11 and weight 90 pounds, gumby has a better body than you. Boom Roasted Pete Buttigieg, you're gay. Boom roasted. Bill De Blasio, New York Called and they think you suck, and you're gayer than Pete. Boom Roasted. I don't even know the rest of you. Boom roasted. Really Eerie how many of these work perfectly...
  15. Of course it's possible. Jared Goff's ypg went up by 100 yards from year one to year two. Tremendous leaps from year one to year two is the new norm for QB's and Allen has a whole new offense to work with. I'm not saying it will happen, but saying it won't is ridiculous. We will need to wait and see.
  16. Definitely not a good screed job. Doesn't even look like he finished it with a trowel.
  17. Obviously questions about his beliefs are just stupid pro-trumpers being stupid pro-trumpers and they aren't worth his time. He has important things to do.
  18. That's actually way sharper than I was looking for. Google images let me down.
  19. Charming. . A founding father appears out of nowhere and shoots him.
  20. While calling her/him a twatwaffle. Maybe in a nice British accent. Not cockney, more Lordship proper. Alfred Pennyworth if you please.
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