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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. You can't assume he's gonna go belly up till he does. We've been calling it for 5 years now. Last year showed real signs of decline, but they still won the superbowl. Hopefully he's off the cliff by end of september this year. Not a horrible list, but it does speak to how bad the division is as a whole... look at those skill positions! Yuck!
  2. "If we had concluded that Tibs had a brain, we would have said so." - Everyone and their Mother.
  3. at·tack /əˈtak/ verb 1. take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel ...
  5. It doesn't matter if there is distinct proof he's in the photo, he said that he was. At best he's in a racist photo, at worst he's a liar. This is obviously photoshopped because it doesn't show poor innocent black boys getting shot by racist, mean, tyrannical cops.
  6. This is one bout of lunacy I can get behind... I will stop tipping from here on out.
  7. It's a sad testament that digging deep into the 00's draft classes produces a lot of players that don't even have pictures in bills uniforms online...
  8. *vomits uncontrollably* Why you gotta remind me of that *****???!
  9. I know it's not Author Moats, and I feel like I should know as Linebacker has always been my favorite position and I always assume they will be studs, but I got nothing...
  10. I can agree with you on that- my main point, which you disagree with, is that it’s bad for the “shield” that there’s no reasoning given for high profile decisions like this. But we can disagree with that and I see your point as well.
  11. I don't think anyone is arguing for or against this guys suspension, but the fact of the matter is that the Hill situation does not look good for the NFL. They suspended Jimmy Smith for four games for threatening behavior (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000950015/article/ravens-cb-jimmy-smith-suspended-for-four-games) while they took a no-punishment stance with Hill who is on tape saying "you should be afraid of me B word" to a woman he has been convicted of assaulting. Now we have this guy getting suspended for four games for a non-descript domestic issue. It's not crazy to imagine that the NFL plays a double standards game with their big stars (*cough* Big Ben *cough*)- the problem is that without more information, this situation smells funny.
  12. Much better. All kidding aside, I really have no idea what this year will look like. The McD blowouts that you mentioned is that rattle coming from under the hood of your car that you ignore for 6 months cause if you don’t pay attention to it it can’t hurt you- so thanks for reminding me. I said in another thread that I feel like we’re either gonna be terrible and have a miserable season, or else we’re gonna blow the top off- mainly cause I see Allen either lighting it up or flaming hard. Either way, i have way more excitement than I usually do, which is nice and also maybe a disaster waiting to happen. in fact, in the past two years, my most excitement levels have always been followed by devastation: 2017 going into the jets game that turned into a blowout. 2018 season opener. 2018 going into the Packers game after the Vikings game.
  13. I’ve always liked you @Virgil, I feel we bonded over the Mock drafts, and I have always appreciated your recaps. That being said, get your factual opinions out of here and come back when you realize we’re obviously a 12 win team.
  14. I'm at an age where I'm aware that x# of football players will suffer serious, non-life threatening injuries each year, and I have have decided that it's not wrong for me to wish that certain players be a part of x. That being said, I hope nothing terrible ever happens to this douche canoe.
  15. Oh boy... Darnold = Allen: Both unproved QB's who showed plenty of Good and plenty of bad. Those pounding the table that Darnold is the messiah are buying the big apple hype. Both of these guys could go either way and given the fact that Darnold was worse than he was supposed to be his rookie year, and Allen was much better, the argument could be made that Allen is a better bet this year. Bell >? McCoy: I'll give you a maybe on this one. The reality is that both of these guys have a lot to prove. For several years they were top 5 talents- last year has left much of that to question. I think Bell will disappoint, but I'm not convinced that Shady isn't washed up. Ty Montgomery << Frank Gore: Duh Bilal Powel = Devin Singletary: I'll take the push, but I think Singletary is clearly a better option - time will tell. Elijah McGuire < TJ Yeldon Anderson < Brown: Anderson has him on potential, but right now Brown is a better player. Enunwa < Foster: This is too small a sample to say difinitively, and it's apples to oranges, but I think most teams would take Bobby over Quincy. Crowder < Beasley: Come on. Herndon > Bills Field: This one I'll give them outright Jets Oline < Bills Oline: This one is based on the "on paper" but it's a pretty big gap between the two on paper. Jets D <<< Bills D : Obvious And for what it's worth, we took their best Special Teamer. Oh, and Most importantly: Gase <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (Clown *****-show) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< McD.
  16. Two things: 1-- It aint a great look. 2 dudes due the same crime, they should face the same punishment. 2-- An employer docking pay and detrimentally harming the career of a professional is 100% different than duly elected/sworn officials upholding the laws of the land. This isn't a criminal system, it's a business system.
  17. Thats exactly what I’m saying... I’m not privy to what they had in this case versus that case so I don’t know if there is a double standard and you don’t know that there isn’t. Right now we only have the word of the league that they are administering justice fairly and balanced and that honestly isnt a super soothing assurance, thus, it’s not a good look.
  18. Yeah, not a good look for an industry where appearance is a huge deal. I get private investigations and private conclusions, but when you hand down the suspension, why not make it clear why uncharged guy #1 gets slapped, while uncharged guy #2 gets nada.
  19. Not that I’m defending this guy at all, but it seems to me the NFL ought to be releasing detailed reports of these investigations that lead to suspensions or not cause it definitely looks from this end like there’s some hinky standards in place.
  20. I agree with this. That being said, ***** Tom Brady.
  21. He’s coming for Reggie Bush’s rushing record. Take this to the bank- he’s gonna have less than 1000 total yards, less than 750 rushing.
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