I'm just wondering if Brown is gonna keep 15, or switch to 13 if Bolden get's cut...
I'm also wondering why I always care so much about numbers...
I'm also slightly upset that WR's don't ever wear 80-89 anymore.
I get that balance, but I don't see anyone on our roster whose a shoe in for 10+ sacks. I don't know, if you put 12 sacks across from Hughes, with Oliver and the rest of the crew, it's hard not to see this as the Defense to beat in the AFC.
MLK's Dream speech < One Chuckie Boi's dream speech.
All kidding aside, it's actually a pretty good speech... Not sure he should be saying that to Richie Incognito though: "In other news, a NFL lineman was arrested for running naked through a Las Vagas casino with a baseball bat yelling 'kill Dreams!! Me Nightmare!!'"
I have been saying this for a while. Jags have a ton of capital in that Dline and Drafting the lesser Josh Allen makes it hard to imagine them dropping the coin on the guy whose name I can't spell.
2nd and 4th next year, then give him the cash.
Yeah, I don't know if they liked Teller at all, given how much they put in the OL. I think Spain is a shoe in to start, and either Feliciano or Long at the other guard spot. Long also has skills at Center which increases his value.
Cause it's an observation that I have always had about him. There was a photo of him from his Wyoming days that very much looked like it. He just has high cheek bones and a narrow face that is common among Native Americans and it's always been interesting to me. I'm not sure if he has that in his genealogy or not. Maybe I'm crazy.
Yeah, we traded a 7th for him and he had a cup of coffee with us before getting cut. He actually might have had a chance in NY, but that injury could be the end of his short career. Poor guy.
Beasley seems to really thrive while being appreciated... Some of his comments about the Cowgirls makes one wonder what Dak's take was on this side stuff... I love seeing Allen listen to the vet!