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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I think the top 5 are set: Brown Beasley Jones Foster Roberts. I think within those five, Brown and Beasley obviously get the most snaps. Aside from that that, I expect heavy rotation on the 3rd. I also think that Daboll, with pieces to play with, doesn't really have a "depth chart" mentality. I expect the best on the field at any given time, with specific consideration given to packages where strengths compliment strengths. These are all fast, shifty guys who will be hard to cover, and I expect a lot of movement pre-snap. The 6th spot as of now belongs to McCloud. That being said, I am interested to see how he does in preseason. He had a decent camp last year, but didn't ever play well in games. McKenzie, on the other hand, played well in games. I think it'll either be McKenzie or McCloud and that we'll see a decent amount of snaps from whoever is the 6th guy as well. My guess is they like McCloud better cause he's more of a gadget player and they probably envision moving him around and running him a lot.
  2. 1- It’s immoral to blame legal gun owning Americans for the crimes of mentally insane people. (Just like it’s immoral to blame legal immigrants for the immigration issues in this country and for the crimes of illegal imigrants.) 2- It’s ridiculous to believe that even wholesale removal of Guns from the general public will prevent evil men from the commission of evil acts. 3- it’s illogical to argue that the entity that is responsible for the public school’s and public safety which has a huge part in these shootings (from the complete failure in Broward County, to the failure with this guy in El Paso who was reported to police, not to mention the environment in our public schools that has contributed to many of these fanatics - on both sides of the ideological spectrum) needs more control and more freedom to ***** things up. 4- it’s unamerican and contrary to the principles that this country was founded on to argue that safety is a priority over freedom. Would you live under cheap tyranny, or expensive freedom? 5- it is historically and realisitically unbelievable to think that the government seeking to sieze weapons from the 300m+ gun owners in this country wouldn’t result in a shooting war. It is further illogical to believe, or think, that even an 8th of the LEO’s and Military personal in this country would take the side of the politicians. 6- Lastly, it’s wrong, and pure disinformation that the idea of more stringent rules, or control measures, will fix these problems. The only true answer, if there were one (which there isn’t) would be forced removal of guns from the citizenry- see #5 for more on that.
  3. This is actually pretty funny. Well done! ? Well *****.... can you check again? *crosses fingers*
  4. I’m interested to see If Boetger can hold on (all the injuries are giving him opportunities) im also curious if any of RB’s (Murphy, Wade, Perry) can push Yeldon for the 4th spot (If they keep 4) And then I’m interested to see if the supposed WR chart stays the same... i want to see the McCloud McKenzie battle up close. McCloud disappointed during games last year, while McKenzie did well. It’ll be interesting to see who does what- I don’t think that battle is completely over. Also curious what they do at DB. Wondering if Cam Lewis has a chance to make the team with Gaines hurt.
  5. Remember the first drive against Carolina last year... damn if Peterman didn't look good.
  6. Just be careful... cougar chasing is a dangerous road.
  7. It will be interesting to see how TE shakes out. Anything on Kroft returning? Also, I wonder if Oliver will be listed with the 1’s by the end of pre-season...
  8. "Still uncomfortably inaccurate." Thad out here repeating things his wife said last night...
  9. I think they know the roster 6 already, just seeing what they can do with packages. It’s crazy to think about how different a defense has to play depending on what combination of 3-4 WR’s trot out. I wouldn’t hate a Dawkins - Spain- Morse - Ford - Nke Starting line
  10. Trade market for Shady is really looking decent. Not sure if he has more value playing for us, or being a trade piece.
  11. Hm. Random foot issue that looks like blisters and needs a specialist? Is it possible his personality leprocy has spread?
  12. Has it ever occurred to anyone that Josh Allen’s best attribute (arm strength) is a direct cause of his worst (accuracy)? when you see touch passes like the one above, you can see how hard he has to work to take power of the ball. Its kinda crazy to watch.
  13. You think this makes you look like a paragon of truth and intellectualism, but it really makes you look like every other schmuck that has gone out of their way to silence dissenting opinions throughout history. Coming to a public message board to discuss a topic, and then deleting the thread because you don't like the opinions that people hold (opinions that you invited by created the thread) has to be the most snowflake, pre-school, small-minded, bull#### thing ever.
  14. Hm. I guess I stand corrected- I thought Sweeney was a better blocker. Do we think Kroft is a lock? I don't see an odd man out and 5 TE's seem's heavy, especially if we keep DiMarco.
  15. Not like we have depth at the position anyways... I think it'll be Knox, Sweeney, Smith, and Kroft on pup. Then, when Croft is healthy, they will either send Sweeney to PS or get rid of Smith- those two seem redundant- I prefer Sweeney as he's got more potential and is a nice wildcard.
  16. That's a good point... If it is fourth down, it's probably a better outcome than a punt with how our punters have been...
  17. Mike Evens still does this sometimes though. He's a guy whose skillset would be a match made in heaven with Allen. Maybe they'll bomb hardcore and tear it all down and we'll get him in for a 5th rounder. Yeah... That sounds like something you hear about the creepy co-worker getting diagnosed with and having to go to a mental facility....
  18. Tommy Sweeney is making this team. His name just fits in the blue collar feel of the team... Plus, we know he's kneecapped someone for the Irish Mob before...
  19. This is the exact throw that made Johnny Manziel a college success.. The difference is he was throwing to the man giant Mike Evans, not the pre-pubescent Cole Beasley. They did a good job flipping the WR room, but there's still a size void there. Hopefully it's something we can add in the future.
  20. I liked him coming out, but he was always gonna have to bulk up to make it in the NFL... Not much sign of that so far. Maybe being on a practice squad and getting into a gym will help. We'll see. He's still relatively new to WR, so he'd be a good project.
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