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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Just to check... You'd rather give them said intel (which is probably pretty worthless in the grand scheme) for free, as opposed to exacting a price?
  2. Meh, traded to a team where he has a good chance to start is better than cut... It's a business. (though I imagine it's a hard couple years when you learn not to get to close to anyone.)
  3. For those saying "he'll be great for them" I get the fear too, but they could have gotten him for free and done the same...
  4. As much as I am opposed to trading to the Patriots... This just seems like a win...
  5. Even if Clowney signs I’m not sure they win that... Left Tackles aren’t easy to find, and they have a good one.
  6. Flip him to Chicago for a conditional 1st rounder next year.
  7. Each new thread about Clowney brings this board one step closer to anarchy. 9 more days.
  8. He's a receiver... the texans need a receiver.... IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!
  9. Cole just ran past Frank Gore on the way into the tunnel and how the hell can two grown men look so different...
  10. Jackson out here killing himself for nothing.
  11. Loved the way Foster got greeted on the sideline.. He's not getting cut. He's just had a rough summer, but he'll find his way back. Also, Jackson looks like a guy who recognizes the upcoming career change.
  12. Eddie might be one of the harder decisions...
  13. Does anyone have a list of whose playing and who isn't?
  14. I am generally okay with the trade, but I do have in the back of my mind an inkling that we may live to regret it... That being said, I trust Beane so far with trades.
  15. So that's how you become the best secondary in the NFL... Also, Levi Wallace is one lanky lookin dude...
  16. Starter Material seems like a relative term in the NFL in general, and specifically in regards to the OL these days... That being said, I thought he showed some good stuff, but he was meh at other times- that's mostly from other takes/what little i did watch. I think this trade could indicate that they like Boetgoer better, which I find interesting and really not surprising as he has seemed solid at times (not to mention the flexibility he showed playing center)
  17. For sure. But that's definitely why we didn't trade Nate Peterman in Con...
  18. I think that something that shouldn't be overlooked here is that good NFL rosters are never stagnant... Could Teller have been a decent guard to develop? Probably. But you don't get far in the League by holding onto developmental guys and continuing to try to get them to work. We did this for so many years during the drought. You see what they can offer you this year, and if it's not much, and the risk of losing value by getting rid of them is minimal, you do it. You especially do it when you get value for it. There will likely be a Wyatt Teller type player in the 5th next year, and there might even be a Matt Milano.
  19. This quote from the Buffalo Rumblings facebook post has to be someone on this board...
  20. I loved Teller, but getting a 5th and 6th for a roster bubble guy is straight up baller level.
  21. The full quote is even better, cause it’s like Spaniard Pirate meets Mario...
  22. You would think... I think what’s really shining through in this situation is that improper decision makers (no GM plus defunct agent not operating with his players desires in mind) does not a good business situation make... Yeah but how much mileage does that rolled up bill have on it... if you know what I mean...
  23. This actually bodes well for a team like us, I think... if he’s dead set against going to Miami, you have to wonder if they’ll just flip him for pennies on the dollar to be done with the situation. I think both sides are better off kissing and making up, but I doubt BOB wants to look like he lost his first standoff with a player.... this is all very interesting.
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