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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Lol. Petulant child is way less petulant when told he might lose his bank...
  2. Oh look, you're cute. If that's what you understood from my post, i'm not gonna bother with you, but say hi to your colon when your head is up there....
  3. That or his mental breakdown leads to his physical output... He might just suck now... unlikely, but possible...
  4. I got it.... That makes sense. That actually does change my opinion then... other than the fact that they should just cut him on principle, it does make sense to keep him if he's gonna pretend to toe the line for the time being- as long as that out is there.
  5. But the chiefs aren't responsible for that... That's CPS' job.They're responsible, as an organization, to not pay scub bags.
  6. Not to mention shafting their GM in the meantime.... In the real world, if one co-worker threatens another, and the higher ups do nothing, the company is 100% liable if anything happens with said deranged employee...
  7. I was under the impression (and I think I made this up in my mind anyways) that their timeline to get out of the guarantees would have been before week one... But I guess it makes sense that if he acts up again they can show the pattern of behavior and then take the money back...
  8. Hey- if that's how it works, that might be the best case for them. Best case scenario, he balls out and all is well. Worst case, they ditch him and get the money back
  9. I think the historical context of the word is constantly there- no debate there. The issue at hand is that words specifically, cannot be racist. The are inanimate. Racism is an emotional, intellectual, philosophical issue. It's not inanimate. So we look at the context of the expression of those emotions (including the historical context of the words used) and judge whether or not the intent, or the emotion behind the word, is racist. That's why I am arguing that Cracker, with racist intent, is just as racist as N-word... The words themselves do not increase the racism of the person speaking them.
  10. You're being inconsistant... Either the word has multiple meanings and we have to look at the context, or it's racist at it's core because of the history and every invocation of the word demands condemnation. Also, that second comment is just ridiculous, wrong, and ignorant.
  11. Yeah, and I'm fine giving him the benefit of the doubt... But he still meant it pejoratively based on the color of the mans skin. Thus, racist.
  12. And i'm not arguing that the N word isn't an offensive word. I am arguing against the initial point that Cracker, in this context cannot be as offensive as N-word.
  13. Exactly my point. You're arguing that the word is 100% evil always and thus it is always more evil than cracker. I'm saying you're wrong. The context determines the offensiveness of the word.
  14. That's exactly what I'm saying... the context and intent of the word are what give it it's racist meaning. The word itself is not racist. The history of the word is bad, yes, and as such we teach our children to use it with a full knowledge of that history... But the word itself is not racist unless used in a racist context, manner, and intent. Cracker, in this context, is just as racist as n-word would be directed at a black gm or player. The history doesn't change the intent.
  15. Okay, so you’re saying this: 1- any time a black person calls another black person the N word, they’re saying they’re subhuman. 2- Browns intention of calling Mayock a slave owner, does not attack Mayocks humanity as a professional doing his job with no racist intent. it’s not simple- you’re wrong.
  16. So explain to me why the n word can be used by black people directed to other black people without offense? The word itself isn’t offensive. Here’s why I know you’re wrong: How someone is offended is not dependent on what is said. Someone can insult me in a way that offends me deeply, but wouldn’t offend you. The words themselves are just words. The intent, and the context are what makes them offensive, and that offense is dictated by the interpretation of the one being insulted. If my wife calls me an idiot, I get hurt. If DCTom calls me an idiot, I take pride in it.
  17. But the issue is still the racist intent. N- word can be used without racist intent (as evidence by the black communities that use it as a term of endearment- not that I understand that). Brown likely meant cracker as a slur, thus its offensive and just as bad as any other slur.
  18. Idiots. He’s going to toe the line long enough to keep his guarentees and then it’ll be worse.
  19. I didn’t see that- the part where he said “you should be scared of me too, B word” was fake?
  20. Well, they know he did at one point... and that audio clip is pretty damning. I mean, they’re gonna cut a guy for fighting back against a woman who started the fight, and yet a child beater gets money.
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