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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Allen has 5 turnovers in 3 games... Of those, probably 3 are solidly his fault (the first fumble, the batted int, and the CIN int.) that being said, nobody in the NFL does a better job of making guys play poorly than the hood. Allen will have to play above himself to win this game- I think he can, and I think it could be a great moment as we see him arrive officially and show the world that he's the guy, but it could also be a growing pains game... Realistically the latter is probably more likely.
  2. Maybin over Orakpo was the stupidest thing. You don't even have positional need to rationalize that, it was just a matter of not understanding football.
  3. Well I don't know about you personally, but if that is indeed how you handled yourself then kudos- no issue here. There was, however, on this board a very very passionate divide between the Josh's that surpassed reasonable "we don't know but this is what I think" and went into "I know everything territory." that was super annoying and I think that's what many are commenting on up thread. I personally prefer to take it like you do- just have opinions and be comfortable with being right or wrong. I didn't know much about Mahomes, but I thought he was a bust waiting to happen.
  4. I think the thing that has me still not expecting Rosen to turn into anything is that, for one, he wasn't pro-ready like people said he was, which was his biggest attribute supposedly. The intelligence he was supposed to bring is just not there on the field. Secondly, two teams have spent significant draft capital on him, and then given up on him almost immediately... While the argument could rightfully be made that those teams are ***** shows, you do wonder about his functionality in a locker room/if there are other things driving those issues. Time will tell. Darnold is a mystery to me... It think the Jets did a good job of getting the perfect coaching staff to thoroughly ruin him, and I think the season would be over for them even if he's still playing. I also could see the Mono being one of those things that people point to as the great "what if" of a talented QB never becoming more than average. I wouldn't be sad one bit by that. Jackson confuses me. I was not a fan coming out, and I am warming up to him, but I don't think I buy the hype yet. I want to see sustained success. He looked pretty pedestrian last week before garbage time, from what I gather. Good post. I'm glad you were seemingly wrong, and I hope you continue to be wrong on this topic. I hope you're so wrong that you eventually have to go to canton and confess your wrongness to Allen's bust. Now it's really starting to look like Rivera had good Defenses because of McD....
  5. It's still early, but the initial returns have, if nothing else, debunked the "Allen won't be ready for years, if ever, but Rosen is a day one Hall of Famer." There was something about the "right Josh" crowd that surpassed traditional "i think" and went to "I know for a fact and if you doubt me it's cause you're mentally insufficient" and I have greatly enjoyed seeing some holes poked in that.
  6. Does he have that much? Must have some kind of blackmail against someone...
  7. Dallas. There are two kinds of illiterate “football fans.” Patriots fans, typically younger who came to age during the success of the early 00’s and Cowboys fans who got on the wagon in the 90’s. They’re both terrible and I hate them.
  8. Didn’t we stash Easley or Sills on our PS? Or am I imagining that...
  9. Just saw some stuff on Michael Pittman Jr. who looks intriguing... no idea where he’ll be as far as puck goes, and honestly, i don’t care what people say now... this time last year Anthony Johnson and Kelvin Harmon were the studs at WR in the draft. ? That being said, Pittman looks intriguingl.
  10. Physical. Both sides of the ball. Don't be cute. Hit them harder then they hit us. Play tough mentally and physically and let our talent outshine theirs. Also, blitz like hell through the A gaps. They're gonna beat us across the middle anyways, might as well put a helmet in Marcias chest every play.
  11. My guess is their big plan will be disguised blitzes from all over the field to try and keep Allen second guessing himself.
  12. Interesting. Thanks. That's such a beautiful part of the country.
  13. Do mormons like football? Real question... I've known some, but that's never come up... Are there are parts of SF that shouldn't be avoided?... I was watching Monk the other day and realizing how beautiful that city is and now all the reports are that it's pretty rough all around..
  14. I’m fine with getting the interception return, but I don’t want it called back for unnecessary roughness against a menstruating woman.
  15. Guys like Lee Smith and Pat Dimarco keep getting spots because they say stuff like this when nobody else thinks to- encouragement from teammates > encouragement from coaches. They’re culture builders.
  16. Would it be too much to ask for Knox to burry Gilmore under the stadium??
  17. I can get on board with that. My main thought is that we might not be drafting high enough to get him.
  18. And what do you suppose we do with Foster? I’m conflicted because I want a traditional X receiver who is big and physical and wins 50-50 balls, but Shenault looks like he’d be awesome in this offense.
  19. If the look at the bengals reaction, it’s no contest. last week Schrags pointed out Eli and Jones both looking like they physically felt it as Allen murdered Carter.
  20. It’s week 3 and nobody really knows anything. This time last year the Blake Bortles led Jags had just stomped the Patriots. The biggest take away for us through 3 is that we're 3 wins closer to the 10 needed to guarantee us a spot in the playoffs. Once we’re there, it’s anybodies guess. I think the NFL is about due for a SB run from an overlooked WC. Maybe it’ll be us.
  21. You’re not my type. (Bob Kraft might be calling you though)
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