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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Both of these are valid reasons. I really don't care much about this game, other than it should be a good game. The Eagles have a special place for sticking it to the ***** in the SB. (same reason I hate the Rams even more than I used to)
  2. I've always been a fan of the Packers, even if Rodgers annoys me and the fact that LaFleur got hired for no reason is idiot. That being said, the Eagles are more less my NFC team. They were my SB pick, but that aint looking so good. Man don't bring that into this. You know he's gonna come around in a couple days and either apologize for the packers winning, or apologize for the packers losing....
  3. Not sure if there is a thread devoted to NFL.com's QB index, but this seemed like a good place: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001059078/article/qb-index-week-4-deshaun-watson-rises-into-top-five-in-rankings Allen got a good bump, but I really don't understand how he's below the midget in the dessert and Mayfield...
  4. Big game for the Eagles, should be a good one! This is probably the non-Bills game I'm most excited for since kickoff game. Not sure why, I like both these teams but I think I just need some football in this week. Thursday is my last work day so TNF is a great way to kickoff the weekend- when it's not a garbage matchup.
  5. Their tourist commercials can steal that old cough drop bit, but instead of saying "Riiiiicoooollllaaaaa" they can say "Eeeeecooooliiiii."
  6. Damn... That's a perfectly good take, but some serious shade being slung by the mouth of NFLN... (or is he the ears?)
  7. Look dude, we disagree on a lot, and we've had our back and forths, both civilly and uncivilly... I like you better than some of the people here cause you use complete sentences... But I gotta ask, why do you come here if the above is your thought? What's the point?
  8. Man, this one devastates me about as much as any other player getting hurt would have. He was just growing into what we wanted him to be. Get better and come back and anchor that line with Ed for the next 10 years.
  9. While facebook stalking the boy and crying herself to sleep.... (it occurs to me that facebook may be "out" of the norm now... Instachat? Snapgram? Idiotsunite.com?)
  10. His conclusions don't matter in the real sense of the investigation and finding the truth, but they do speak to his competence to make judgement and to think rationally, which more less is the reason that the WB report exists in the first place- he saw something he surmised to be bad, and he reported it- his judgement matters in that regard. It's like the soccer mom who calls the police on the guy at Starbucks cause his shirt rode up and she saw his rightfully, legally, concealed handgun. There's just dumb people who don't understand the law. Davis, in that tweet is pointing out that one such person (or at least someone who misunderstands large chunks of the law) is the one who started this whole hamster wheel spinning. Furthermore, you calling him an idiot for pointing out the erroneous conclusions that WB came to really doesn't make sense- he isn't trying to do anything other than show that his conclusions are incorrect, or, nonsensical.
  11. You've spent a hell of a lot of time engaging someone you're too good to engage...
  12. Hey- I admitted when I was wrong about that as the complaint wasn't released yet and my assertion that it conflicted was regarding what the media had said was in the complaint (which was proven wrong by the transcript and the complaint itself). I backed off my stance when I knew I was wrong. You stepped to me earlier, got shot down and then didn't bother responding (see below) because you don't care to have intellectual conversations. You prefer to randomly comment on certain things, take comments out of context, and then have one sided debates about legal terms because "er meh gash i'm a lawyer." But please, tell me more about how you're a great lawyer and teacher because if there is one thing we know for certain, it's that the louder a person shouts about being a genius and having a prestigious job, the more likely they are to indeed be the big-shot they claim. ** You got me on the above- I should not have said legally. It's still hearsay in the practical sense. But congats on your semantic win. (quotes from earlier post copied and pasted to avoid going back to find them- again.)
  13. I don't expect you to be sane, so we're both playing from behind the others expectations.
  14. This has actually devolved into someone bragging about their job... on the internet. Welp, as Judge Judy's chamber maid, I can personally assure you this man is no lawyer.
  15. Man, I am uncomfortable for you about how that cow is checking you out...
  16. I think they knew it was nothing and wanted a chance to dominate the news cycle for a day or two.. They think that every-time they're on TV's saying the words corrupt, impeach, bad, etc. that they're stealing votes. They underestimate the moderates getting tired of their 110% bull#### existence just like they did in 16.
  17. Did anyone else's stomach turn a little bit when reading this thread title?...
  18. Messing with breakfast food is the one thing I'll get my pitchfork out for...
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