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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I'm saying that it's possible they weren't said. I'm also saying if they were said, it could be because someone had a beef with him as the whole of the evidence proves that he is not a bad teammate, and not the things that were said. And by the whole, I mean the many many teammates that went out of their way to say that he wasn't those things. Well I guess it doesn't really matter whether or not they were said, and I personally don't know if they were... But the factual argument behind what was said has been thoroughly discounted and no anonymous report by anonymous people stands against the plethora of people who said it was categorically untrue. Your evidence of him being a d-bag isn't evidence.
  2. Good ones too! Our Defense was incredible when each of those guys were here.
  3. I figured. No. I'm not saying that. Not at all. I'm saying that he isn't going to assume that they weren't. He isn't going to defend himself. He isn't going to say "Nah bro, I'm a great teammate. I'm the best damn teammate anyone's ever seen." If he did that he would be a d-bag, as you called him. Instead he said "I know I have room to grow as a human, so I'm not going to defend myself if there are people that feel that way- instead, I'm going to seek to improve myself." Then, his teammates, and a billion other people with inside information, did defend him and said directly that there was absolutely no ground for the comments. So I'm confident saying they either didn't happen, or that they were vendetta based and don't specifically speak to him as a person. Anyways- you're fighting with everyone tonight, as is the norm for you. But if you're basing your "he's a d-bag" comment on this one situation, I think you're incredibly wrong.
  4. That's because they're subjective comments. He's giving the benefit of the doubt to the reports and saying, if someone on his team see's him that way or interprets him that way, he's not going to stomp on their perspective, but rather, he's going to be responsible for who he is. Of course he can be a better teammate. Everyone can be better at everything. As for the dinner, I still don't see how it's directly related, and even then it could be as I said before- him being sure that everything is good. Not proof that he's repenting from anything. I just don't see it. I also don't understand your last sentence above.
  5. I don't see a direct reference to the dinner in that? What does that prove? It doesn't prove the complaints, it proves that he's willing to take the anonymous complaint and work on being the very best teammate he can be- it isn't proof that the wasn't before that. It's humility. "You're a bad teammate who can't take criticism" "No I'm not! I'm a great teammate who can take criticism." See the issue?
  6. What technically counted as the Whaley era, and who comes to mind when you reference the talent that he found? That one day.
  7. QB's take teammates out for dinner and such stuff all the time. This feels like a giant stretch to me. If that report doesn't exist, we never hear about the dinner. And even if he did it because of the report, it doesn't mean the report is accurate- it could be that he wanted to make sure that nobody had issues with him. Again, I point to the fact that the report is 100% unverified and widely denied.
  8. I just threw up in my mouth a little. I loved Schwartz as an DC and thought we shoulda gotten an Offensive HC and kept him, but he's not a HC type of guy... The Eagles do look like garbage, but I am super curios about how good this Packers team will be.... Devante is my Fantasy WR, so keep feeding him please.
  9. Let's go one by one here: 1 - He says he can be a better teammate, so thus the unnamed reports are obviously correct... That's your argument here? 2 - Same source article that I referenced- unnamed sources from a philly based site that has been refuted widely. 3 - Buying dinner for his WR's / having them to his house during the offseason proves that he's making up for being a bad teammate? 4 - Same as 1.
  10. Yeah... Their inability to put a solid Defense together always struck me as odd.
  11. I mean, sure, if you want to take the word of "unnamed sources" within the team, as opposed to the dozens of teammates who came to his defense publicly... https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2816841-report-carson-wentz-described-as-selfish-qb-fails-to-take-accountability
  12. That and overall team building. Really hard to see how they couldn't have been as dominant as the Patriots all those year... Manning also had some big game issues throughout his career.
  13. I can definitely see that happening. I just can't shake the image of Reid scratching his ass with his extra timeouts as Brady marched all over his gassed D in the championship game. I think Dungy was the perfect coach for Manning. He got decent performances out of the D (though they were never great) and let Manning do his thing.
  14. Also ^ I'm not going to the mats to say it won't happen, just that I haven't seen anything from Reid that says he isn't gonna screw his team when the chips are down. I have a friend who is an Eagle friend and he said they used to count on Reid doing something dumb to block their success.
  15. I think the barrier is that Reid is running the show... If Mahomes grows into it and starts having more freedom I'll believe it, but Andy Reid is historic in his ability to do just enough to lose. Don't get me wrong. Mahomes is a SB winning QB... I just don't if Reid is a SB winning coach. Peyton's had more to do with his running the offense.
  16. Looks like Barnett wasn't meaning to harm him. Seems pretty broken up about it.
  17. I don't know man.. I get the idea, but Reid managed to ruin it last year.. That team isn't gonna get better as time goes on, especially not when they pay Mahomes $50m a year.
  18. That's actually pretty good... And it's a safe throw down cause Patty aint gettin a ring with Kool Aid man behind him.
  19. You really don't do well at paying attention to what's actually happening... Regardless of what you think is true or not, if you still think this situation is the smoking gun, it's just your inability to read the media- either side.
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