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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Twist it, turn it, pull it. Title of Mike Pereia’s sex tape.
  2. Am I the only one that thought that was obvious live? I was shocked that Buck and Aikman didn’t even mention the possibility of it being picked till like a minute later. This is a good game; but there have been some real nothing burgers on TNF as well.
  3. I always thought the spleen was essentially just a larger appendix... why not just yank that sucker and pop er in a jar of brine?
  4. Maybe I’m an optimist, but I always assumed we’d be 4-1 at the bye... we cant lose to the jets. the giants have been a joke for a while the bengals are a meh team obviously we more less expect to lose to the Pats the titans are an A talent team that plays at a b- to c level any given day...
  5. Reallt makes you wonder about the Zay pick though, huh? Like, how much of that was Whaley’s influence for some of the guys that got passed over, maybe he’s just not great at WR evaluations?
  6. Is this a wide sample size, or at specific locations? Our CFA is typically the fastest drive through in town, even though they do 2x more business than anyone else. Wasnt there a video of him saying it though?...
  7. You’re right- that philosophy doesn’t apply to QB’s. You go get your guy. Watkins didn’t work out, and that’s fine. Draft picks often don’t work out. And sometimes trading up to get a guy is a good play (falcons and Julio come to mind) but with Mike Evans, Odell, and Sammy all in that 1-15 range, how big was the drop off really? Maybe that’s hindsight again, but going into the draft there was a lot of love for all three of those guys and it’s hard to justify that much of a premium paid to get 1 instead of either of the other two.
  8. And then we used a first round pick to draft him. You still only get the one player for that pick. 2014 1st rounder + 2015 first rounder = Sammy Watkins in a Bills uniform. He cost us a total asset investment of 2 first round picks. Meanwhile, we could have had Mike Evans for the same price OBJ for 1 pick Brandin Cooks for 1 pick Devante Adams for 1 pick Jarvis Landry for 1 pick Allen Robinson for 1 pick. Now, obviously hindsight is 20-20 and there’s only so much we can fault them for. That being said, trading up to select what is one of the deepest positions of the draft is never smart.
  9. I'm saying that me and another poster were discussing a certain idea and that you decided to jump in- there's absolutely nothing wrong with this and I haven't told you to shutup or to not be a part of this conversation. I have mentioned, that, in order to not look like an idiot, you might want to check the context before shooting your shot. You have ignored this suggestion multiple times. It isn't a false equivalence because the root of the argument is that something can only be argued by those with first hand experience. Thus, only murderers (or I guess by extension those who have been murdered) can argue against Murder. It's a stupid and bad argument. Something need not be experienced to be evaluated. You (or rather, the person who you're defending whom you probably don't even know because you haven't bothered with the context of the thread) are arguing that opinion is based on experience. If it's that way for smoking grass, it's that way for murder. You can't create an arbitrary double standard cause "mah weed is good brah. you don't even know." As for quantifying the differences, again- go read the context. I said multiple times that that's very hard to do and I don't have an answer for that. My assertion is that if you could determine the relative equality of the two acts, smoke (of any kind- not just marijuana, something else you'd have learned by reading the thread) is worse than sugar. As for your last point, you're missing the minutia of the argument- I am not, have not, and will not argue against the medicinal properties of marijuana. Furthermore, I have admitted that these properties are quite beneficial and should be utilized (as with everything else you're misunderstanding, it's up-thread). The entirity of my argument is that inhaling smoke into the lungs is bad for the human body. Period. As for medicinal qualities of sugar, here is an article about how critical sugar is to our bodies... (https://www.endocrineweb.com/conditions/type-1-diabetes/what-insulin) Glucose and sugar intake is hugely medicinal in a myriad of contexts.
  10. Meh... he's probably worth that, but i think looking at our offensive scheme matters quite a bit. I love Evans because he's everything we're missing and a top 3-5 WR who doesn't get nearly enough credit. I wouldn't mind giving it up for Hopkins though. Man... Looking back at that 14 draft and the depth of the WR position and realizing we gave up 2 first for Sammy Watkins still stings... Then I want nothing to do with him. I would for Evans and be perfectly happy with it, but he's the only one I'd be 100% excited about doing so.
  11. Yuck! There's only one WR in the league I'd give that up for- Mike Evans.
  12. I said excessively eating sugar. As in, eating large quantities. I am saying, as I have been saying this entire time, that a relative equal amount of smoke vs. sugar, smoke is worse for the body. I am not arguing that sugar is not bad for the body, I am saying that in equal amounts smoke is worse. Again, if you go and read the entire thread, if you use your eyes, you will see my argument clearly. Alternatively, you're welcome to keep interjecting nonsense into a conversation that you aren't even a part of. How? Do enlighten me.
  13. Until the other team gets a turkey. (sorry, ran out of good sports references and had to dig deep for bowling... I'm not proud of it.) You're only walking away cause you're a close minded conservative...
  14. We're way past halftime. Once political strawman arguments came out, we found ourselves deep in the bottom of the 11th inning, the other team just got a 3 pointer, and we just got a yellow card for a helmet to helmet hit... It's a cluster *****...
  15. This thread has more of a concussion than Josh Allen, and is higher than Percy Harvin.
  16. Your emotional response to the use of irony is really telling about your personal need to defend marijuana. The problem is that i wasn’t attacking marijuana. In fact, if you go throughout this entire thread, you will not find me attacking pot or even positing an opinion of that plant. Rather, what I was doing with my post that went over your head was showing that the argument “don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it” is stupid and has no validity in a genuine discussion about anything, including marijuana. That being said, you prefer a real, demonstrable example of things that we, as a society, can knock without having tried... here’s a couple: 1- Cocain 2- Heroin 3- Suicide 4- Murder 5- Rape 6- Eating contaminated meat 7- telling your wife that those pants do make her butt look fat 8- licking an electrical outlet 9- investigating the clogged mower deck while the blades are on 10- sex with animals 11- etc. As you’ll see from this list, and from the context of my original post, and the use of irony that again, went over your head, there are many many things we as a society and as individuals can condemn without ever having tried them.
  17. Dude. Don’t waste that ladies time. Call canton and ask if they’ve changed his enshrinement case to his Bills Jersey yet. That’s what a real insider does.
  18. Youre in the purple stage of concussion protocol. Only 4 colors and 3 shapes left and you’ll be right as rain.
  19. People intentionally pushing false rumors should be sent to live in a grave.
  20. Well there goes that idea. Real talk though, what does Diggs bring to this offense that Smokey doesn’t? Has WR been that big an issue other than if you want to give Zay some blame for stuff this past week? I think the WR’s are there if the QB can do what he needs to.
  21. No body. You stepped into a conversation without reading the context and you have been confused the whole time.
  22. Again, go look at the context of the thread. I said as much up there. Pound for pound, smoke is worse. You’re switching the argument (that you weren’t even an original part of) now. I’m saying that inhaling smoke intentionally is bad for the body. Done for no reason other than electively, it’s not wise. Same as how eating excessive sugar for no reason other than joy is unwise.
  23. Let’s go! (For wild rumors, don’t really care either way about Diggs)
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